术语 | siscsfilestobackupforlink |
释义 | SisCSFilesToBackUpForLink 语法: C++ BOOL SisCSFilesToBackupForLink( __in PVOID sisBackupStructure, __in PVOID reparseData, __in ULONG reparseDataSize, __out PVOID thisFileContext, __out PVOID *matchingFileContext, __out PULONG countOfCommonStoreFilesToBackUp, __out PWCHAR **commonStoreFilesToBackUp ); SisCSFilesToBackupForLink功能 该SisCSFilesToBackupForLink函数返回的信息描述共存储文件指定SIS的链接指向。 参数 sisBackupStructure [in] 指针到SIS的备份结构从SisCreateBackupStructure返回。 reparseData [in] 指针申根信息系统的分析点的内容。这个分析点中包含的数据描述一个SIS的链接。 reparseDataSize [in] 对SIS的分析点的内容大小指向reparseData,以字节为单位。 thisFileContext [out] 指针上下文字符串的备份调用这个函数应用程序提供。此内容的字符串的内容完全取决于这个备份应用程序,而不是由SIS的备份API的解释。此参数是可选的,如果不使用,设置这个参数的值为NULL。这个参数的值将不会在这种情况下处理。 matchingFileContext [out] 双-间接指针,由前4这个函数的参数传递的信息中确定的SIS的联系上下文字符串。此参数是可选的,如果一个上下文字符串不作为thisFileContext提供的参数值,设置这个参数的值为NULL。这个参数的值将不会在这种情况下处理。 countOfCommonStoreFilesToBackUp [out] 数在commonStoreFilesToBackUp参数列出的文件。 commonStoreFilesToBackUp [out] 指向一个文件名的数组。这些文件应备份在同一时间,在作为共同商店同样的方式由SisCreateBackupStructure文件的要求。 返回值 这个函数返回TRUE,如果它成功完成,否则返回FALSE。调用GetLastError获得更多关于调用失败原因的信息。 备注 备份应用程序应调用此函数只有一次每个SIS的链接文件被备份。 备份应用程序可以识别它的标签,IO_REPARSE_TAG_SIS一个SIS重分析点。此标记定义在WINNT.H。 如果这个分析点由reparseData参数值确定的描述文件的第一个实例备份,此函数将返回作为matchingFileContext参数的NULL值,和初始化的字符串与数组的值名称commonStoreFilesToBackUp常见的,存储文件或文件进行备份。否则,此函数将设置matchingFileContext参数值上下文字符串对应于指定的文件的第一个实例,设置countOfCommonStoreFilesToBackUp参数值为0。如果有多个共存储文件到指定的相应链接,该thisFileContext参数的值将是上下文字符串对应的第一个共同的,存储文件返回的数组,也就是commonStoreFilesToBackUp [0]。 此函数将返回当前版本最多一个共同的,存储文件,但它可能在一个单一的连接可以通过几种常见的,存储文件的未来版本的支持,例如,每一个文件流,让您的备份应用程序应支持多个文件每次调用这个函数。在任何情况下,每个共存储文件将被退回最多一次每个备份通过。 您的备份应用程序应备份或还原的共存储文件或文件名确定文件或文件在commonStoreFilesToBackUp参数中返回名称。不管是否有相应的普通商店文件,您的备份应用程序应该备份SIS的链接文件,因为它在磁盘上存在的,例如,作为一个重新分析点,稀疏文件,并填写最有可能没有范围您的备份应用程序可能会备份或还原的共存储文件或文件立即推迟支持他们,或混合在一起必要的。 备份操作后完成,释放由数组使用字符串commonStoreFilesToBackUp调用SisFreeAllocatedMemory内存。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderSisbkup.h LibrarySisbkup.lib DLLSisbkup.dll 参见 SisFreeAllocatedMemory SisCreateBackupStructure 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==SisCSFilesToBackupForLink Function The SisCSFilesToBackupForLink function returns information describing the common-store files the specified SIS link points to. Syntax C++ BOOL SisCSFilesToBackupForLink( __in PVOID sisBackupStructure, __in PVOID reparseData, __in ULONG reparseDataSize, __out PVOID thisFileContext, __out PVOID *matchingFileContext, __out PULONG countOfCommonStoreFilesToBackUp, __out PWCHAR **commonStoreFilesToBackUp ); Parameters sisBackupStructure [in] Pointer to the SIS backup structure returned from SisCreateBackupStructure . reparseData [in] Pointer to the contents of the SIS reparse point. This reparse point contains data describing a SIS link. reparseDataSize [in] Size of the contents of the SIS reparse point pointed to by reparseData, in bytes. thisFileContext [out] Pointer to a context string supplied by the backup application calling this function. The contents of this content string are entirely determined by this backup application and is not interpreted by the SIS Backup API. This parameter is optional; if not used, set the value of this parameter to NULL. The value of this parameter will not be processed in this case. matchingFileContext [out] Doubly-indirect pointer to the context string of the SIS link identified by the information passed in the first four parameters of this function. This parameter is optional; if a context string is not provided as the value of the thisFileContext parameter, set the value of this parameter to NULL. The value of this parameter will not be processed in this case. countOfCommonStoreFilesToBackUp [out] Number of files listed in the commonStoreFilesToBackUp parameter. commonStoreFilesToBackUp [out] Pointer to an array of file names. These files should be backed up at the same time and in the same manner as the common-store files requested by SisCreateBackupStructure . Return Value This function returns TRUE if it completes successfully and FALSE otherwise. Call GetLastError to get more information about the reason the call failed. Remarks The backup application should call this function only once for each SIS link file being backed up. The backup application can identify a SIS reparse point by its tag, IO_REPARSE_TAG_SIS. This tag is defined in Winnt.h. If this reparse point identified by the value of the reparseData parameter describes the first instance of a file to be backed up, this function will return NULL as the value of the matchingFileContext parameter, and initialize the value of the commonStoreFilesToBackUp array of strings with the names of the common-store file or files to be backed up. Otherwise, this function will set the value of the matchingFileContext parameter to the context string corresponding to the first instance of the specified file and set the value of the countOfCommonStoreFilesToBackUp parameter to 0. If there are multiple common-store files corresponding to the specified link, the value of the thisFileContext parameter will be the context string corresponding to the first common-store file returned in the array—that is, commonStoreFilesToBackUp[0]. The current version of this function will return at most one common-store file, but it is possible that in future versions a single link may be backed by several common-store files—for example, one for each stream in the file—so your backup application should support multiple files in each call to this function. In any case, each common-store file will be returned at most once for each backup pass. Your backup application should back up or restore the common-store file or files identified by the file name or file names returned in the commonStoreFilesToBackUp parameter. Regardless of whether there is a corresponding common-store file, your backup application should back up the SIS link file as it exists on the disk—for example, as a reparse point and a sparse file, and most likely with no ranges filled in. Your backup application may back up or restore the common-store file or files immediately, postpone backing them up, or mix them together as necessary. After the backup operation is complete, deallocate the memory used by the commonStoreFilesToBackUp array of strings by calling SisFreeAllocatedMemory . Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderSisbkup.h LibrarySisbkup.lib DLLSisbkup.dll See Also SisFreeAllocatedMemory SisCreateBackupStructure Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa362543(VS.85).aspx\n |
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