术语 | stringcbcatn |
释义 | StringCbCatN 语法: HRESULT StringCbCatN( LPTSTR pszDest, size_t cbDest, LPCTSTR pszSrc, size_t cbMaxAppend ); StringCbCatN功能 StringCbCatN是一个strncat更换。大小,以字节为目标缓冲区提供的功能,以确保不会写入StringCbCatN过去这个缓冲区的末尾。 参数 pszDest [中,out]指向一个缓冲区包含哪些pszSrc字符串连接在一起,并包含整个结果字符串。在pszSrc串,到cbMaxAppend字节,是增加了在pszDest字符串的结尾。 cbDest [in]的目标缓冲区的大小,以字节为单位。此值必须考虑的长度pszSrc加上无论从pszDest或cbMaxAppend(取较小的长度),加上终止空字符。所允许的最大字节数为STRSAFE_MAX_CCH * sizeof(TCHAR)。 pszSrc [in]指向一个缓冲区包含源字符串连接在一起的pszDest结束。此源字符串必须空终止。 cbMaxAppend [in]的最大字节数要追加到pszDest。 返回值 请注意,此函数返回,而不是strncat,它返回一个指针的hresult。我们强烈建议您使用的成功和失败宏来测试这个函数的返回值。 S_OKSource数据目前,弦串联没有截断,并由此产生的目标缓冲区是空终止。 STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETERThe在cbDest值大于最大允许值,或目标缓冲区已满。 STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERThe串联操作失败,由于没有足够的缓冲空间。目标缓冲区包含了预期的结果被截断,空终止的版本。截断的情况下是可以接受的,这未必是一个失败的情况出现。 备注 StringCbCatN提供了代码中的适当缓冲处理额外的处理。可怜的缓冲处理是牵连,许多安全问题涉及缓冲区溢出。 StringCbCatN总是空终止一个非零长度目标缓冲区。 StringCbCatN可以用在它的通用形式,或作为StringCbCatNA特别(为ANSI字符串)或StringCbCatNW(为Unicode字符串)。该表格使用取决于您的数据。 字符串数据String类型LiteralFunction 字符“字符串”StringCbCatNA TCHARTEXT(“字符串”)StringCbCatN WCHARL“字符串”StringCbCatNW StringCbCatN及其ANSI和Unicode的变种替换这些功能: strncat StrNCat 行为是未定义如果字符串指向pszSrc和pszDest重叠。 无论pszSrc也不pszDest应为NULL。见StringCbCatNEx如果您需要的空字符串指针值的处理。 功能信息 Headerstrsafe.h import librarystrsafe.lib 参见 StringCchCatN,StringCbCatNEx,StringCbCat ==英文原文==StringCbCatN Function StringCbCatN is a replacement for strncat . The size, in bytes, of the destination buffer is provided to the function to ensure that StringCbCatN does not write past the end of this buffer. Syntax HRESULT StringCbCatN( LPTSTR pszDest, size_t cbDest, LPCTSTR pszSrc, size_t cbMaxAppend ); Parameters pszDest [in, out] Pointer to a buffer containing the string to which pszSrc is concatenated, and which contains the entire resultant string. The string at pszSrc, up to cbMaxAppend bytes, is added to the end of the string at pszDest. cbDest [in] Size of the destination buffer, in bytes. This value must consider the length of pszSrc plus either the length of pszDest or cbMaxAppend (whichever is smaller) plus the terminating null character. The maximum number of bytes allowed is STRSAFE_MAX_CCH * sizeof(TCHAR). pszSrc [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the source string that is concatenated to the end of pszDest. This source string must be null-terminated. cbMaxAppend [in] The maximum number of bytes to append to pszDest. Return Value Note that this function returns an HRESULT as opposed to strncat, which returns a pointer. It is strongly recommended that you use the SUCCEEDED and FAILED macros to test the return value of this function. S_OKSource data was present, the strings were concatenated without truncation, and the resultant destination buffer is null-terminated. STRSAFE_E_INVALID_PARAMETERThe value in cbDest is larger than the maximum allowed value, or the destination buffer is already full. STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFERThe concatenation operation failed due to insufficient buffer space. The destination buffer contains a truncated, null-terminated version of the intended result. In situations where truncation is acceptable, this may not necessarily be seen as a failure condition. Remarks StringCbCatN provides additional processing for proper buffer handling in your code. Poor buffer handling is implicated in many security issues that involve buffer overruns. StringCbCatN always null-terminates a non-zero-length destination buffer. StringCbCatN can be used in its generic form, or specifically as StringCbCatNA (for ANSI strings) or StringCbCatNW (for Unicode strings). The form to use is determined by your data. String Data TypeString LiteralFunction char"string"StringCbCatNA TCHARTEXT("string")StringCbCatN WCHARL"string"StringCbCatNW StringCbCatN and its ANSI and Unicode variants are replacements for these functions: strncat StrNCat Behavior is undefined if the strings pointed to by pszSrc and pszDest overlap. Neither pszSrc nor pszDest should be NULL. See StringCbCatNEx if you require the handling of null string pointer values. Function Information Headerstrsafe.h Import librarystrsafe.lib See Also StringCchCatN , StringCbCatNEx , StringCbCat ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms647497(VS.85).aspx\n |
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