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术语 updateresource
释义 UpdateResource
BOOL UpdateResource( HANDLE hUpdate,
WORD wLanguage,
LPVOID lpData,
DWORD cbData
[in]指向资源数据被插入到档案hUpdate表示。如果资源是预定义的类型之一,数据必须是有效和适当对齐。请注意,这是原始二进制数据被存储在文件中指出的hUpdate,而不是LoadIcon,LoadString,或其他资源提供的数据,特定的负载功能。包含字符串的所有数据或文本必须是Unicode格式。 lpData不能指向ANSI数据。
在此之前的Windows 7:如果lpData为NULL和cbData不为零,则指定的资源不被删除,并抛出异常。
在Windows 95/98/Me:UpdateResourceW是支持的Unicode(MSLU)微软层。要使用此,您必须将某些文件到您的应用,概述了对Unicode的Microsoft层在Windows 95/98/Me系统。
Windows Vista或更高版本:如上所述,有关于档案资源更新的限制,包含钢筋配置数据:法律公告文件和。MUI文件。的限制如下:
ActionLN file.mui文件
4。添加一个类型/新language.Not allowed.Not项目不允许的。
5。删除现有类型/ item.Works同样的情况3。使用遥控配置数据,以检查是否键入。妹存在文件与法律公告文件关联。如果没有,那么该类型的删除/从法律公告文件项目是允许的。否则,如果键入/项目的。妹存在的文件,与此相关的法律公告文件,然后删除不allowed.The只允许被删除类型有:文件格式,钢筋配置数据,侧并排大会XML清单,也只有这些类型的项目可能会被删除。
6。添加/删除/更新类型不包括在钢筋混凝土配置数据(如版本,侧并排大会XML清单,或RC配置数据本身)。 Allowed.Allowed。
最低DLL版本 kernel32.dll
在Winbase.h HeaderDeclared,头文件:winuser.h
import libraryKernel32.lib
==英文原文==UpdateResource Function
Adds, deletes, or replaces a resource in a portable executable (PE) file. There are some restrictions on resource updates in files that contain Resource Configuration (RC Config) data: language-neutral (LN) files and language-specific resource (.mui) files.
BOOL UpdateResource( HANDLE hUpdate,
WORD wLanguage,
LPVOID lpData,
DWORD cbData
[in] A module handle returned by the BeginUpdateResource function, referencing the file to be updated.
[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the resource type to be updated. Alternatively, rather than a pointer, this parameter can be MAKEINTRESOURCE (ID), where ID is an integer value representing a predefined resource type. For a list of predefined resource types, see Resource Types .
[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the resource to be updated. Alternatively, rather than a pointer, this parameter can be MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID), where ID is a resource ID. When creating a new resource do not use a string that begins with a '#' character for this parameter.
[in] Specifies the language identifier of the resource to be updated. For a list of the primary language identifiers and sublanguage identifiers that make up a language identifier, see the MAKELANGID macro.
[in] Pointer to the resource data to be inserted into the file indicated by hUpdate. If the resource is one of the predefined types, the data must be valid and properly aligned. Note that this is the raw binary data to be stored in the file indicated by hUpdate, not the data provided by LoadIcon , LoadString , or other resource-specific load functions. All data containing strings or text must be in Unicode format. lpData must not point to ANSI data.
If lpData is NULL and cbData is 0, the specified resource is deleted from the file indicated by hUpdate.
[in] Specifies the size, in bytes, of the resource data at lpData.
Return Value
Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise. To get extended error information, call GetLastError .
It is recommended that the resource file is not loaded before this function is called. However, if that file is already loaded, it will not cause an error to be returned.
An application can use UpdateResource repeatedly to make changes to the resource data. Each call to UpdateResource contributes to an internal list of additions, deletions, and replacements but does not actually write the data to the file indicated by hUpdate. The application must use the EndUpdateResource function to write the accumulated changes to the file.
This function can update resources within modules that contain both code and resources.
Prior to Windows 7: If lpData is NULL and cbData is non-zero, the specified resource is NOT deleted and an exception is thrown.
Windows 95/98/Me: UpdateResourceW is supported by the Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU). To use this, you must add certain files to your application, as outlined in Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems .
Windows Vista or later: As noted above, there are restrictions on resource updates in files that contain RC Config data: LN files and .mui files. The restrictions are as follows:
ActionLN file.mui file
1. Add a new type that doesn't exist in the LN or .mui files.Add type in the LN file and treat as language-neutral (non-localizable) and add new type or item in the RC Config dataThe only additions allowed are the following types: file Version, RC Config data, Side-by-side Assembly XML Manifest.
2. Add a new resource item to an existing type.Uses the RC Config data to check whether the type exists in the .mui files associated with this LN file. If the type doesn't exist in the .mui files, add the item and treat new item as un-localizable. If the type exists in the .mui files, then adding is not allowed.Only items of the following types may be added: File Version, RC Config data, Side-by-side Assembly XML Manifest.
3. Update a resource item.Uses the RC Config data to check whether the type exists in the .mui files associated with the LN file. If the type doesn't exist in the .mui files, then this resource item update is allowed in the LN file. Otherwise, if the type exists in the .mui files associated with this LN file, then this update is not allowed.The only updates allowed are items of the following types: file Version, RC Config data, Side-by-side Assembly XML Manifest.
4. Add a type/item for a new language.Not allowed.Not allowed.
5. Remove an existing type/item.Works similarly to case 3. Uses the RC Config data to check whether the type exists in the .mui files associated with the LN file. If not, then the removal of the type/item from the LN file is allowed. Otherwise, if the type/item exists in the .mui files associated with this LN file, then the removal is not allowed.The only types allowed to be removed are: file Version, RC Config data, Side-by-side Assembly XML Manifest; also, only items of these types may be removed.
6. Add/delete/update a type not included in the RC Config data (such as Version, Side-by-side Assembly XML Manifest, or RC Config data itself). Allowed.Allowed.
7. Other update of non-localizable data, such as TYPELIB, reginst, and so on.Update type or item in the LN file, treat as non-localizable, and add new type or item in the RC Config data.Not applicable.
8. Add RC Config data.Can be done but the integrity of the RC Config data is not checked.Can be done but the integrity of the RC Config data is not checked.
For an example, see Updating Resources .
Function Information
Minimum DLL Versionkernel32.dll
HeaderDeclared in Winbase.h, include Windows.h
Import libraryKernel32.lib
Minimum operating systemsWindows NT 3.1
UnicodeImplemented as ANSI and Unicode versions.
See Also
Resources Overview , BeginUpdateResource , EndUpdateResource , LoadIcon , LoadString , LockResource , MAKEINTRESOURCE , MAKELANGID , SizeofResource


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