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术语 createfilemapping
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HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileMapping(
__in HANDLE hFile,
__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpAttributes,
__in DWORD flProtect,
__in DWORD dwMaximumSizeHigh,
__in DWORD dwMaximumSizeLow,
__in_opt LPCTSTR lpName
hFile [in]
该文件必须开放访问的权利与保护标志的flProtect参数指定兼容。 It is not required, but it is recommended that files you intend to map be opened for exclusive access.有关更多信息,请参阅文件安全性和访问权限。
lpAttributes [中,可选]
一个 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES结构,决定是否返回的句柄可以被继承的子进程的指针。
flProtect [in]
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP中:此值才带有SP2的Windows和Windows Server 2003 XP的SP1的可用。
Windows 2000中:此值不支持。
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP中:此值才带有SP2的Windows和Windows Server 2003 XP的SP1的可用。
Windows 2000中:此值不支持。
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP/2000操作系统:此值不支持。
Windows Vista的:此值不带有SP1,直到Windows Vista中可用。
SEC_COMMITIf文件映射对象是由操作系统支持分页文件(即hfile参数INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE),规定在该文件的视图映射到进程地址空间,页面的整个范围,而不是致力于保留。该系统必须有足够的承付页容纳整个映射。 Otherwise, CreateFileMapping fails.
Windows Server 2003中:此值不直到Windows Server 2003 SP1的支持。
Windows XP/2000操作系统:此值不支持。
应用程序不应使用,除非明确的设备所需的此属性。 Using the interlocked functions with memory that is mapped with SEC_NOCACHE can result in an EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION exception.
保留页可以承诺的后续调用VirtualAlloc函数。后页承诺,它们不能被释放或与decommitted VirtualFree函数。
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP/2000操作系统:这个标志是不支持,直到Windows Vista的。
dwMaximumSizeHigh [in]
dwMaximumSizeLow [in]
lpName [中,可选]
终端服务:名称可以有一个“全球\\”或“Local \\”前缀明确创建对象的全局或会话命名空间。名称的其余部分可以包含以外的任何字符反斜杠字符(\\)。创建一个会话比从零的会议,在全局命名文件映射对象需要SeCreateGlobalPrivilege特权。如需信息见命名内核对象。
Windows XP中:快速用户切换是通过使用终端服务会话。第一个用户对使用记录会话0(零),下次用户登录使用会话1(一),等等。内核对象名称必须按照概述为终端服务,使应用程序能够支持多个用户指南。
Windows 2000的:如果终端服务没有运行,“全球\\”和“地方\\”前缀将被忽略。名称的其余部分可以包含反斜杠以外的任何字符的字符。
多个进程可以共享通过使用一个单一的共享文件映射对象或创建单独的文件映射同一文件支持的对象是相同的文件视图。单个文件映射对象可以被多个进程共享的通过继承的过程中创造处理,重复处理,或打开档案的名称映射对象。 For more information, see the CreateProcess , DuplicateHandle and OpenFileMapping functions.
阿映射文件和通过使用输入和输出(I / O)的功能(ReadFile和WriteFile)访问的文件不一定是一致的。
Windows XP/2000操作系统:上段中所述的规定,是带有SP2和Windows 2000 Server含Service Pack 4(SP4的与Windows Server 2003,Windows XP中)
最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版
最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器
Unicode和ANSI namesCreateFileMappingW(Unicode)和CreateFileMappingA(ANSI)的
==英文原文==CreateFileMapping Function
Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file.
To specify the NUMA node for the physical memory, see CreateFileMappingNuma .
HANDLE WINAPI CreateFileMapping(
__in HANDLE hFile,
__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpAttributes,
__in DWORD flProtect,
__in DWORD dwMaximumSizeHigh,
__in DWORD dwMaximumSizeLow,
__in_opt LPCTSTR lpName
hFile [in]
A handle to the file from which to create a file mapping object.
The file must be opened with access rights that are compatible with the protection flags that the flProtect parameter specifies. It is not required, but it is recommended that files you intend to map be opened for exclusive access. For more information, see File Security and Access Rights .
If hFile is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, the calling process must also specify a size for the file mapping object in the dwMaximumSizeHigh and dwMaximumSizeLow parameters. In this scenario, CreateFileMapping creates a file mapping object of a specified size that is backed by the system paging file instead of by a file in the file system.
lpAttributes [in, optional]
A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether a returned handle can be inherited by child processes.
If lpAttributes is NULL, the handle cannot be inherited.
The lpSecurityDescriptor member of this structure specifies a security descriptor for a new file mapping object. If lpAttributes is NULL, the file mapping object gets a default security descriptor. The access control lists (ACL) in the default security descriptor for a file mapping object come from the primary or impersonation token of the creator. For more information, see File Mapping Security and Access Rights .
flProtect [in]
Specifies the page protection of the file mapping object. All mapped views of the object must be compatible with this protection.
This parameter can be one of the following values.
PAGE_EXECUTE_READAllows views to be mapped for read-only, copy-on-write, or execute access.
The file handle specified by the hFile parameter must be created with the GENERIC_READ and GENERIC_EXECUTE access rights.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This value is not available until Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
Windows 2000: This value is not supported.
PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITEAllows views to be mapped for read-only, copy-on-write, read/write, or execute access.
The file handle that the hFile parameter specifies must be created with the GENERIC_READ, GENERIC_WRITE, and GENERIC_EXECUTE access rights.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: This value is not available until Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
Windows 2000: This value is not supported.
PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPYAllows views to be mapped for read-only, copy-on-write, or execute access. This value is equivalent to PAGE_EXECUTE_READ.
The file handle that the hFile parameter specifies must be created with the GENERIC_READ and GENERIC_EXECUTE access rights.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported.
Windows Vista: This value is not available until Windows Vista with SP1.
PAGE_READONLYAllows views to be mapped for read-only or copy-on-write access. An attempt to write to a specific region results in an access violation.
The file handle that the hFile parameter specifies must be created with the GENERIC_READ access right.
PAGE_READWRITEAllows views to be mapped for read-only, copy-on-write, or read/write access.
The file handle that the hFile parameter specifies must be created with the GENERIC_READ and GENERIC_WRITE access rights.
PAGE_WRITECOPYAllows views to be mapped for read-only or copy-on-write access. This value is equivalent to PAGE_READONLY.
The file handle that the hFile parameter specifies must be created with the GENERIC_READ access right.

An application can specify one or more of the following attributes for the file mapping object by combining them with one of the preceding page protection values.
SEC_COMMITIf the file mapping object is backed by the operating system paging file (the hfile parameter is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), specifies that when a view of the file is mapped into a process address space, the entire range of pages is committed rather than reserved. The system must have enough committable pages to hold the entire mapping. Otherwise, CreateFileMapping fails.
This attribute has no effect for file mapping objects that are backed by executable image files or data files (the hfile parameter is a handle to a file).
SEC_COMMIT cannot be combined with SEC_RESERVE.
If no attribute is specified, SEC_COMMIT is assumed.
SEC_IMAGESpecifies that the file that the hFile parameter specifies is an executable image file.
Because the mapping information and file protection are taken from the image file, no other attributes are valid with SEC_IMAGE.
SEC_LARGE_PAGESEnables large pages to be used for file mapping objects that are backed by the operating system paging file (the hfile parameter is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE). This attribute is not supported for file mapping objects that are backed by executable image files or data files (the hFile parameter is a handle to an executable image or data file).
The maximum size of the file mapping object must be a multiple of the minimum size of a large page returned by the GetLargePageMinimum function. If it is not, CreateFileMapping fails. When mapping a view of a file mapping object created with SEC_LARGE_PAGES, the base address and view size must also be multiples of the minimum large page size.
SEC_LARGE_PAGES requires the SeLockMemoryPrivilege privilege to be enabled in the caller's token.
If SEC_LARGE_PAGES is specified, SEC_COMMIT must also be specified.
Windows Server 2003: This value is not supported until Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
Windows XP/2000: This value is not supported.
SEC_NOCACHESets all pages to be non-cachable.
Applications should not use this attribute except when explicitly required for a device. Using the interlocked functions with memory that is mapped with SEC_NOCACHE can result in an EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION exception.
SEC_NOCACHE requires either the SEC_RESERVE or SEC_COMMIT attribute to be set.
SEC_RESERVEIf the file mapping object is backed by the operating system paging file (the hfile parameter is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), specifies that when a view of the file is mapped into a process address space, the entire range of pages is reserved for later use by the process rather than committed.
Reserved pages can be committed in subsequent calls to the VirtualAlloc function. After the pages are committed, they cannot be freed or decommitted with the VirtualFree function.
This attribute has no effect for file mapping objects that are backed by executable image files or data files (the hfile parameter is a handle to a file).
SEC_RESERVE cannot be combined with SEC_COMMIT.
SEC_WRITECOMBINESets all pages to be write-combined.
Applications should not use this attribute except when explicitly required for a device. Using the interlocked functions with memory that is mapped with SEC_WRITECOMBINE can result in an EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION exception.
SEC_WRITECOMBINE requires either the SEC_RESERVE or SEC_COMMIT attribute to be set.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000: This flag is not supported until Windows Vista.

dwMaximumSizeHigh [in]
The high-order DWORD of the maximum size of the file mapping object.
dwMaximumSizeLow [in]
The low-order DWORD of the maximum size of the file mapping object.
If this parameter and dwMaximumSizeHigh are 0 (zero), the maximum size of the file mapping object is equal to the current size of the file that hFile identifies.
An attempt to map a file with a length of 0 (zero) fails with an error code of ERROR_FILE_INVALID. Applications should test for files with a length of 0 (zero) and reject those files.
lpName [in, optional]
The name of the file mapping object.
If this parameter matches the name of an existing mapping object, the function requests access to the object with the protection that flProtect specifies.
If this parameter is NULL, the file mapping object is created without a name.
If lpName matches the name of an existing event, semaphore, mutex, waitable timer, or job object, the function fails, and the GetLastError function returns ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. This occurs because these objects share the same namespace.
Terminal Services: The name can have a "Global\\" or "Local\\" prefix to explicitly create the object in the global or session namespace. The remainder of the name can contain any character except the backslash character (\\). Creating a file mapping object in the global namespace from a session other than session zero requires the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege privilege. For more information, see Kernel Object Namespaces .
Windows XP: Fast user switching is implemented by using Terminal Services sessions. The first user to log on uses session 0 (zero), the next user to log on uses session 1 (one), and so on. Kernel object names must follow the guidelines that are outlined for Terminal Services so that applications can support multiple users.
Windows 2000: If Terminal Services is not running, the "Global\\" and "Local\\" prefixes are ignored. The remainder of the name can contain any character except the backslash character.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the newly created file mapping object.
If the object exists before the function call, the function returns a handle to the existing object (with its current size, not the specified size), and GetLastError returns ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS.
If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
After a file mapping object is created, the size of the file must not exceed the size of the file mapping object; if it does, not all of the file contents are available for sharing.
If an application specifies a size for the file mapping object that is larger than the size of the actual named file on disk and if the page protection allows write access (that is, the flProtect parameter specifies PAGE_READWRITE or PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE), then the file on disk is increased to match the specified size of the file mapping object. If the file is extended, the contents of the file between the old end of the file and the new end of the file are not guaranteed to be zero; the behavior is defined by the file system. If the file on disk cannot be increased, CreateFileMapping fails and GetLastError returns ERROR_DISK_FULL.
The initial contents of the pages in a file mapping object backed by the operating system paging file are 0 (zero).
The handle that CreateFileMapping returns has full access to a new file mapping object, and can be used with any function that requires a handle to a file mapping object.
Multiple processes can share a view of the same file by either using a single shared file mapping object or creating separate file mapping objects backed by the same file. A single file mapping object can be shared by multiple processes through inheriting the handle at process creation, duplicating the handle, or opening the file mapping object by name. For more information, see the CreateProcess , DuplicateHandle and OpenFileMapping functions.
Creating a file mapping object does not actually map the view into a process address space. The MapViewOfFile and MapViewOfFileEx functions map a view of a file into a process address space.
With one important exception, file views derived from any file mapping object that is backed by the same file are coherent or identical at a specific time. Coherency is guaranteed for views within a process and for views that are mapped by different processes.
The exception is related to remote files. Although CreateFileMapping works with remote files, it does not keep them coherent. For example, if two computers both map a file as writable, and both change the same page, each computer only sees its own writes to the page. When the data gets updated on the disk, it is not merged.
A mapped file and a file that is accessed by using the input and output (I/O) functions ( ReadFile and WriteFile ) are not necessarily coherent.
Mapped views of a file mapping object maintain internal references to the object, and a file mapping object does not close until all references to it are released. Therefore, to fully close a file mapping object, an application must unmap all mapped views of the file mapping object by calling UnmapViewOfFile and close the file mapping object handle by calling CloseHandle . These functions can be called in any order.
Creating a file mapping object in the global namespace from a session other than session zero requires the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege privilege. Note that this privilege check is limited to the creation of file mapping objects and does not apply to opening existing ones. For example, if a service or the system creates a file mapping object in the global namespace, any process running in any session can access that file mapping object provided that the caller has the required access rights.
Windows XP/2000: The requirement described in the previous paragraph was introduced with Windows Server 2003, Windows XP with SP2 and Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 4 (SP4)
Use structured exception handling to protect any code that writes to or reads from a file view. For more information, see Reading and Writing From a File View .
To have a mapping with executable permissions, an application must call CreateFileMapping with either PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE or PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, and then call MapViewOfFile with FILE_MAP_EXECUTE | FILE_MAP_WRITE or FILE_MAP_EXECUTE | FILE_MAP_READ.
For an example, see Creating Named Shared Memory or Creating a File Mapping Using Large Pages .
Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional
Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server
HeaderWinbase.h (include Windows.h)
Unicode and ANSI namesCreateFileMappingW (Unicode) and CreateFileMappingA (ANSI)
See Also
Creating a File Mapping Object
File Mapping Functions
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Build date: 8/27/2009


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