术语 | werreportadddump |
释义 | WerReportAddDump 语法: C++ HRESULT WINAPI WerReportAddDump( __in HREPORT hReportHandle, __in HANDLE hProcess, __in_opt HANDLE hThread, __in WER_DUMP_TYPE dumpType, __in_opt PWER_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION pExceptionParam, __in_opt PWER_DUMP_CUSTOM_OPTIONS pDumpCustomOptions, __in DWORD dwFlags ); WerReportAddDump功能 添加一个指定类型的转储到指定的报告。 参数 hReportHandle [in] 句柄报告。这种处理是由WerReportCreate函数返回。 hProcess [in] 句柄,供该报告正在生成的过程。这种处理必须有STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ和PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION访问权限。 hThread [中,可选] 句柄的hProcess该报告为正在生成线程。如果dumpType是WerDumpTypeMicro,这个参数是必需的。对于其他转储类型,此参数可能为NULL。 dumpType [in] 转储的类型。此参数可从WER_DUMP_TYPE枚举类型为下列值之一。 ValueMeaning WerDumpTypeHeapDumpAn扩展转储,它包含诸如进程的内存更多的数据。 这种类型相当于创建一个转储下列选项: MiniDumpWithDataSegs MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData MiniDumpWithHandleData MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo MiniDumpWithThreadInfo(Windows 7和更高版本) MiniDumpWithTokenInformation(Windows 7和更高版本) MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory(Windows 7和更高版本) WerDumpTypeMicroDumpA有限转储只包含一个堆栈跟踪。 这种类型相当于创建一个转储下列选项: MiniDumpWithDataSegs MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData WerDumpTypeMiniDumpA转储。 这种类型相当于创建一个转储下列选项: MiniDumpWithDataSegs MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData MiniDumpWithTokenInformation(Windows 7和更高版本) pExceptionParam [中,可选] 一个 WER_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION结构,指定异常信息的指针。 pDumpCustomOptions [中,可选] 一个 WER_DUMP_CUSTOM_OPTIONS结构,指定自定义转储选项指针。如果该参数为NULL,标准转储信息收集。 dwFlags [in] 此参数可以是0或下面的值。 ValueMeaning WER_DUMP_NOHEAP_ONQUEUEIf正在排队的报告,不包括堆转储。使用该标志可以节省磁盘空间。 返回值 这个函数返回S_OK的成功或失败的错误代码。 备注 只用于一般报告此功能,它并没有对操作系统崩溃的影响/挂起报告。 如果服务器要求一个小型转储和您指定dumpType参数WerDumpTypeHeapDump,疫情周报将不会发送堆转储到沃森服务器。但是,如果服务器要求的,堆转储和dumpType是WerDumpTypeMiniDump,疫情周报会将小型转储到服务器。因此,建议您将dumpType为WerDumpTypeMiniDump。 要求: client最低支持Vista server最低支持 Windows Server 2008 HeaderWerapi.h LibraryWer.lib DLLWer.dll 参见 小型转储文件 WER_DUMP_CUSTOM_OPTIONS WER_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION WER Functions WerReportCreate Windows错误报告 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==WerReportAddDump Function Adds a dump of the specified type to the specified report. Syntax C++ HRESULT WINAPI WerReportAddDump( __in HREPORT hReportHandle, __in HANDLE hProcess, __in_opt HANDLE hThread, __in WER_DUMP_TYPE dumpType, __in_opt PWER_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION pExceptionParam, __in_opt PWER_DUMP_CUSTOM_OPTIONS pDumpCustomOptions, __in DWORD dwFlags ); Parameters hReportHandle [in] A handle to the report. This handle is returned by the WerReportCreate function. hProcess [in] A handle to the process for which the report is being generated. This handle must have the STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ and PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access rights. hThread [in, optional] A handle to the thread of hProcess for which the report is being generated. If dumpType is WerDumpTypeMicro, this parameter is required. For other dump types, this parameter may be NULL. dumpType [in] The type of minidump . This parameter can be one of the following values from the WER_DUMP_TYPE enumeration type. ValueMeaning WerDumpTypeHeapDumpAn extended minidump that contains additional data such as the process memory. This type is equivalent to creating a minidump with the following options: MiniDumpWithDataSegs MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData MiniDumpWithHandleData MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo MiniDumpWithThreadInfo (Windows 7 and later) MiniDumpWithTokenInformation (Windows 7 and later) MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory (Windows 7 and later) WerDumpTypeMicroDumpA limited minidump that contains only a stack trace. This type is equivalent to creating a minidump with the following options: MiniDumpWithDataSegs MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData WerDumpTypeMiniDumpA minidump. This type is equivalent to creating a minidump with the following options: MiniDumpWithDataSegs MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData MiniDumpWithTokenInformation (Windows 7 and later) pExceptionParam [in, optional] A pointer to a WER_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION structure that specifies exception information. pDumpCustomOptions [in, optional] A pointer to a WER_DUMP_CUSTOM_OPTIONS structure that specifies custom minidump options. If this parameter is NULL, the standard minidump information is collected. dwFlags [in] This parameter can be 0 or the following value. ValueMeaning WER_DUMP_NOHEAP_ONQUEUEIf the report is being queued, do not include a heap dump. Using this flag saves disk space. Return Value This function returns S_OK on success or an error code on failure. Remarks Use this function only for generic reporting—it has no effect on operating system crash/hang reporting. If the server asks for a mini dump and you specify WerDumpTypeHeapDump for the dumpType parameter, WER will not send the heap dump to the Watson server. However, if the server asks for a heap dump and the dumpType is WerDumpTypeMiniDump, WER will send the mini dump to the server. Thus, it is recommended that you set dumpType to WerDumpTypeMiniDump. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows Vista Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2008 HeaderWerapi.h LibraryWer.lib DLLWer.dll See Also Minidump Files WER_DUMP_CUSTOM_OPTIONS WER_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION WER Functions WerReportCreate Windows Error Reporting Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb513622(VS.85).aspx\n |
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