术语 | drawframecontrol |
释义 | DrawFrameControl 语法: BOOL DrawFrameControl( __in HDC hdc, __in LPRECT lprc, __in UINT uType, __in UINT uState ); DrawFrameControl函数 该DrawFrameControl函数绘制一个指定类型和风格框架控制。 参数 hdc [in] 一个句柄,的窗口,其中提请控制设备上下文。 利比里亚炼油公司 [in] 一个矩形结构,它包含的逻辑指针为框架的控制边界矩形坐标。 uType [in] 控制的帧类型平局。此参数可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning DFC_BUTTONStandard按钮 DFC_CAPTIONTitle酒吧 DFC_MENUMenu酒吧 DFC_POPUPMENUPopup菜单项。 DFC_SCROLLScroll酒吧 uState [in] 帧控制初始状态。如果uType是DFC_BUTTON,uState可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning DFCS_BUTTON3STATEThree状态按钮 DFCS_BUTTONCHECKCheck盒 DFCS_BUTTONPUSHPush按钮 DFCS_BUTTONRADIORadio按钮 DFCS_BUTTONRADIOIMAGEImage的单选按钮(非方需要图片) DFCS_BUTTONRADIOMASKMask的单选按钮(非方需要面罩) 如果uType是DFC_CAPTION,uState可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning DFCS_CAPTIONCLOSEClose按钮 DFCS_CAPTIONHELPHelp按钮 DFCS_CAPTIONMAXMaximize按钮 DFCS_CAPTIONMINMinimize按钮 DFCS_CAPTIONRESTORERestore按钮 如果uType是DFC_MENU,uState可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning DFCS_MENUARROWSubmenu箭头 DFCS_MENUARROWRIGHTSubmenu左箭头。这是用于到右,左与右用于级联菜单到左,如阿拉伯语或希伯来语语言。 DFCS_MENUBULLETBullet DFCS_MENUCHECKCheck标志 如果uType是DFC_SCROLL,uState可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOXCombo框滚动条 DFCS_SCROLLDOWNDown箭头的滚动条 DFCS_SCROLLLEFTLeft箭头的滚动条 DFCS_SCROLLRIGHTRight箭头的滚动条 DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIPSize握在底部的窗口右上角 DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIPRIGHTSize下握在左窗口的角落。这与正确的使用到左,如阿拉伯语或希伯来语语言。 DFCS_SCROLLUPUp箭头的滚动条 下面的样式可以用来调节按钮的边界矩形。 ValueMeaning DFCS_ADJUSTRECTBounding矩形调整,以排除按钮周围的边缘。 一个或多个下列值可用于设置控件的状态要绘制。 ValueMeaning DFCS_CHECKEDButton检查。 DFCS_FLATButton有一个单位的边界。 DFCS_HOTButton是热跟踪。 DFCS_INACTIVEButton处于非活动状态(灰色)。 DFCS_MONOButton有单色的边界。 DFCS_PUSHEDButton推。 DFCS_TRANSPARENTThe背景维持不变。这个标志只能结合DFCS_MENUARROWUP或DFCS_MENUARROWDOWN。 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值为非零。 如果函数失败,返回值是零。 备注 如果uType要么是DFC_MENU或DFC_BUTTON和uState不是DFCS_BUTTONPUSH,帧控制是一个黑色的白口罩(即,一个黑框白色背景上的控制)。在这种情况下,应用程序必须通过位图句柄存储设备的控制。应用程序可以用作hbmMask参数的MaskBlt功能,相关的位图,也可以作为对BitBlt函数使用诸如SRCAND和SRCINVERT专业人员应有参数的设备上下文。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWinuser.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll 参见 绘画和绘图概述 绘画和绘图功能 RECT 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月11日 ==英文原文==DrawFrameControl Function The DrawFrameControl function draws a frame control of the specified type and style. Syntax BOOL DrawFrameControl( __in HDC hdc, __in LPRECT lprc, __in UINT uType, __in UINT uState ); Parameters hdc [in] A handle to the device context of the window in which to draw the control. lprc [in] A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the logical coordinates of the bounding rectangle for frame control. uType [in] The type of frame control to draw. This parameter can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning DFC_BUTTONStandard button DFC_CAPTIONTitle bar DFC_MENUMenu bar DFC_POPUPMENUPopup menu item. DFC_SCROLLScroll bar uState [in] The initial state of the frame control. If uType is DFC_BUTTON, uState can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning DFCS_BUTTON3STATEThree-state button DFCS_BUTTONCHECKCheck box DFCS_BUTTONPUSHPush button DFCS_BUTTONRADIORadio button DFCS_BUTTONRADIOIMAGEImage for radio button (nonsquare needs image) DFCS_BUTTONRADIOMASKMask for radio button (nonsquare needs mask) If uType is DFC_CAPTION, uState can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning DFCS_CAPTIONCLOSEClose button DFCS_CAPTIONHELPHelp button DFCS_CAPTIONMAXMaximize button DFCS_CAPTIONMINMinimize button DFCS_CAPTIONRESTORERestore button If uType is DFC_MENU, uState can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning DFCS_MENUARROWSubmenu arrow DFCS_MENUARROWRIGHTSubmenu arrow pointing left. This is used for the right-to-left cascading menus used with right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew. DFCS_MENUBULLETBullet DFCS_MENUCHECKCheck mark If uType is DFC_SCROLL, uState can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOXCombo box scroll bar DFCS_SCROLLDOWNDown arrow of scroll bar DFCS_SCROLLLEFTLeft arrow of scroll bar DFCS_SCROLLRIGHTRight arrow of scroll bar DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIPSize grip in bottom-right corner of window DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIPRIGHTSize grip in bottom-left corner of window. This is used with right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew. DFCS_SCROLLUPUp arrow of scroll bar The following style can be used to adjust the bounding rectangle of the push button. ValueMeaning DFCS_ADJUSTRECTBounding rectangle is adjusted to exclude the surrounding edge of the push button. One or more of the following values can be used to set the state of the control to be drawn. ValueMeaning DFCS_CHECKEDButton is checked. DFCS_FLATButton has a flat border. DFCS_HOTButton is hot-tracked. DFCS_INACTIVEButton is inactive (grayed). DFCS_MONOButton has a monochrome border. DFCS_PUSHEDButton is pushed. DFCS_TRANSPARENTThe background remains untouched. This flag can only be combined with DFCS_MENUARROWUP or DFCS_MENUARROWDOWN. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Remarks If uType is either DFC_MENU or DFC_BUTTON and uState is not DFCS_BUTTONPUSH, the frame control is a black-on-white mask (that is, a black frame control on a white background). In such cases, the application must pass a handle to a bitmap memory device control. The application can then use the associated bitmap as the hbmMask parameter to the MaskBlt function, or it can use the device context as a parameter to the BitBlt function using ROPs such as SRCAND and SRCINVERT. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWinuser.h (include Windows.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll See Also Painting and Drawing Overview Painting and Drawing Functions RECT Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/11/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd162480(VS.85).aspx\n |
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