术语 | gdiflush |
释义 | GdiFlush 语法: BOOL GdiFlush(void); GdiFlush功能 该GdiFlush功能冲调用线程的当前批处理。 参数 这个函数没有参数。 返回值 如果在当前批处理所有函数成功,返回非零值。 如果不是所有的最新一轮函数成功,返回值是零,这表明至少有一个函数返回一个错误。 备注 配料提高绘图尽量减少所需的GDI的绘图函数调用返回布尔值的时间性能。该系统积累了在当前批处理调用这些函数的参数,然后调用时,一批由以下指刷新的功能: 调用GdiFlush功能。 达到或超过批次限制的GdiSetBatchLimit的功能集。 填补配料缓冲区。 GDI函数调用任何不返回一个布尔值。 对于GdiFlush返回值适用于当时GdiFlush只是批处理中的职能被调用。发生错误时,一批以任何其他方式刷新从未向。 该GdiGetBatchLimit函数返回一批限制。 注意保持批次限制为每个线程分别。为了在每个线程初始化完全禁用配料,请GdiSetBatchLimit(1)。 应用程序应调用GdiFlush之前,线程消失,如果有可能,有一批在排队等候的图形函数调用。该系统不执行批处理功能,例如当一个线程消失。 阿多线程应用程序的序列化访问的互斥必须确保冲厕通过调用GDI的批处理队列GDI对象GdiFlush因为每个线程释放的GDI对象的所有权。这可以防止碰撞的GDI对象(设备上下文,图元文件,等等)。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWingdi.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll 参见 绘画和绘图概述 绘画和绘图功能 GdiGetBatchLimit GdiSetBatchLimit 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月11日 ==英文原文==GdiFlush Function The GdiFlush function flushes the calling thread's current batch. Syntax BOOL GdiFlush(void); Parameters This function has no parameters. Return Value If all functions in the current batch succeed, the return value is nonzero. If not all functions in the current batch succeed, the return value is zero, indicating that at least one function returned an error. Remarks Batching enhances drawing performance by minimizing the amount of time needed to call GDI drawing functions that return Boolean values. The system accumulates the parameters for calls to these functions in the current batch and then calls the functions when the batch is flushed by any of the following means: Calling the GdiFlush function. Reaching or exceeding the batch limit set by the GdiSetBatchLimit function. Filling the batching buffers. Calling any GDI function that does not return a Boolean value. The return value for GdiFlush applies only to the functions in the batch at the time GdiFlush is called. Errors that occur when the batch is flushed by any other means are never reported. The GdiGetBatchLimit function returns the batch limit. Note The batch limit is maintained for each thread separately. In order to completely disable batching, call GdiSetBatchLimit (1) during the initialization of each thread. An application should call GdiFlush before a thread goes away if there is a possibility that there are pending function calls in the graphics batch queue. The system does not execute such batched functions when a thread goes away. A multithreaded application that serializes access to GDI objects with a mutex must ensure flushing the GDI batch queue by calling GdiFlush as each thread releases ownership of the GDI object. This prevents collisions of the GDI objects (device contexts, metafiles, and so on). Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWingdi.h (include Windows.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll See Also Painting and Drawing Overview Painting and Drawing Functions GdiGetBatchLimit GdiSetBatchLimit Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/11/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd144844(VS.85).aspx\n |
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