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术语 getcharacterplacement
释义 GetCharacterPlacement
DWORD GetCharacterPlacement(
__in HDC hdc,
__in LPCTSTR lpString,
__in int nCount,
__in int nMaxExtent,
__inout LPGCP_RESULTS lpResults,
__in DWORD dwFlags
hdc [in]
lpString [in]
nCount [in]
nMaxExtent [in]
lpResults [ in , out ]
一个 GCP_RESULTS结构接收函数的结果指针。
dwFlags [in]
GCP_JUSTIFYAdjusts在lpDx阵列的程度,使该字符串的长度是一样nMaxExtent相同。 GCP_JUSTIFY只能用于与GCP_MAXEXTENT一起。
GCP_KASHIDAUse Kashidas以及,或代替,调整程度修改字符串的长度,以便它等于由nMaxExtent指定的值。在lpDx阵列,一卡须达指出的是消极的理由索引。 GCP_KASHIDA只能用于与GCP_JUSTIFY和配合,只有字体(和语言)的支持Kashidas。使用GetFontLanguageInfo,以确定是否支持Kashidas当前字体。
使用Kashidas来证明字符串可以导致字形所需数目比字符输入字符串的数目更大。正因为如此,当Kashidas使用,应用程序不能假设设置阵列是输入字符串的大小就足够了。 (最大可能将达到约dxPageWidth / dxAveCharWidth,其中dxPageWidth是该文件的宽度和dxAveCharWidth是从1 GetTextMetrics调用返回的平均字符宽度)。
如果GCP_REORDER值通常所必需的字符集,但没有指定,输出将毫无意义,除非被串在已经订购的视觉是通过(即,认为可以打进lpGcpResults投入的结果,“在一个调用lpOutString GetCharacterPlacement是第二个电话输入字符串)。
GCP_NUMERICSLATINArabic /泰国只。使用标准的拉丁字型的数量和覆盖系统默认的。要确定此选项可在字体的语言,使用GetStringTypeEx看看语言支持一个以上的数字格式。
GCP_NUMERICSLOCALArabic /泰国只。利用当地字形的数字字符和覆盖系统默认的。要确定此选项可在字体的语言,使用GetStringTypeEx看看语言支持一个以上的数字格式。
如果此标志是闪米特语言和lpClass是使用数组,前两个数组的元素是用来指定字符串以外的边界的阅读顺序。 GCP_CLASS_PREBOUNDRTL和GCP_CLASS_PREBOUNDLTR可以用来设置命令。如果没有预设的命令需要,设置值为0。这些值可与若GCPCLASSIN标志设置其他值。
ExtTextOut预计为每一个字节lpDX DBCS字符串项,而GetCharacterPlacement指定为每个字型lpDX项。要纠正这种不匹配时,使用此功能的组合,要么使用GetGlyphIndices或扩大零lpDX数组相应对DBCS字节对第二个字节宽度项。
最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版
最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器
Unicode和ANSI namesGetCharacterPlacementW(Unicode)和GetCharacterPlacementA(ANSI)的
==英文原文==GetCharacterPlacement Function
The GetCharacterPlacement function retrieves information about a character string, such as character widths, caret positioning, ordering within the string, and glyph rendering. The type of information returned depends on the dwFlags parameter and is based on the currently selected font in the specified display context. The function copies the information to the specified GCP_RESULTS structure or to one or more arrays specified by the structure.
Although this function was once adequate for working with character strings, a need to work with an increasing number of languages and scripts has rendered it obsolete. It has been superseded by the functionality of the Uniscribe module. For more information, see Uniscribe .
It is recommended that an application use the GetFontLanguageInfo function to determine whether the GCP_DIACRITIC, GCP_DBCS, GCP_USEKERNING, GCP_LIGATE, GCP_REORDER, GCP_GLYPHSHAPE, and GCP_KASHIDA values are valid for the currently selected font. If not valid, GetCharacterPlacement ignores the value.
The GCP_NODIACRITICS value is no longer defined and should not be used.
DWORD GetCharacterPlacement(
__in HDC hdc,
__in LPCTSTR lpString,
__in int nCount,
__in int nMaxExtent,
__inout LPGCP_RESULTS lpResults,
__in DWORD dwFlags
hdc [in]
A handle to the device context.
lpString [in]
A pointer to the character string to process. The string does not need to be zero-terminated, since nCount specifies the length of the string.
nCount [in]
The length of the string pointed to by lpString.
nMaxExtent [in]
The maximum extent (in logical units) to which the string is processed. Characters that, if processed, would exceed this extent are ignored. Computations for any required ordering or glyph arrays apply only to the included characters. This parameter is used only if the GCP_MAXEXTENT value is specified in the dwFlags parameter. As the function processes the input string, each character and its extent is added to the output, extent, and other arrays only if the total extent has not yet exceeded the maximum. Once the limit is reached, processing will stop.
lpResults [in, out]
A pointer to a GCP_RESULTS structure that receives the results of the function.
dwFlags [in]
Specifies how to process the string into the required arrays. This parameter can be one or more of the following values.
GCP_CLASSINSpecifies that the lpClass array contains preset classifications for characters. The classifications may be the same as on output. If the particular classification for a character is not known, the corresponding location in the array must be set to zero. for more information about the classifications, see GCP_RESULTS. This is useful only if GetFontLanguageInfo returned the GCP_REORDER flag.
GCP_DIACRITICDetermines how diacritics in the string are handled. If this value is not set, diacritics are treated as zero-width characters. For example, a Hebrew string may contain diacritics, but you may not want to display them.
Use GetFontLanguageInfo to determine whether a font supports diacritics. If it does, you can use or not use the GCP_DIACRITIC flag in the call to GetCharacterPlacement, depending on the needs of your application.
GCP_DISPLAYZWGFor languages that need reordering or different glyph shapes depending on the positions of the characters within a word, nondisplayable characters often appear in the code page. For example, in the Hebrew code page, there are Left-To-Right and Right-To-Left markers, to help determine the final positioning of characters within the output strings. Normally these are not displayed and are removed from the lpGlyphs and lpDx arrays. You can use the GCP_DISPLAYZWG flag to display these characters.
GCP_GLYPHSHAPESpecifies that some or all characters in the string are to be displayed using shapes other than the standard shapes defined in the currently selected font for the current code page. Some languages, such as Arabic, cannot support glyph creation unless this value is specified. As a general rule, if GetFontLanguageInfo returns this value for a string, this value must be used with GetCharacterPlacement.
GCP_JUSTIFYAdjusts the extents in the lpDx array so that the string length is the same as nMaxExtent. GCP_JUSTIFY may only be used in conjunction with GCP_MAXEXTENT.
GCP_KASHIDAUse Kashidas as well as, or instead of, adjusted extents to modify the length of the string so that it is equal to the value specified by nMaxExtent. In the lpDx array, a Kashida is indicated by a negative justification index. GCP_KASHIDA may be used only in conjunction with GCP_JUSTIFY and only if the font (and language) support Kashidas. Use GetFontLanguageInfo to determine whether the current font supports Kashidas.
Using Kashidas to justify the string can result in the number of glyphs required being greater than the number of characters in the input string. Because of this, when Kashidas are used, the application cannot assume that setting the arrays to be the size of the input string will be sufficient. (The maximum possible will be approximately dxPageWidth/dxAveCharWidth, where dxPageWidth is the width of the document and dxAveCharWidth is the average character width as returned from a GetTextMetrics call).
Note that just because GetFontLanguageInfo returns the GCP_KASHIDA flag does not mean that it has to be used in the call to GetCharacterPlacement, just that the option is available.
GCP_LIGATEUse ligations wherever characters ligate. A ligation occurs where one glyph is used for two or more characters. For example, the letters a and e can ligate to ?. For this to be used, however, both the language support and the font must support the required glyphs (the example will not be processed by default in English).
Use GetFontLanguageInfo to determine whether the current font supports ligation. If it does and a specific maximum is required for the number of characters that will ligate, set the number in the first element of the lpGlyphs array. If normal ligation is required, set this value to zero. If GCP_LIGATE is not specified, no ligation will take place. See GCP_RESULTS for more information.
If the GCP_REORDER value is usually required for the character set but is not specified, the output will be meaningless unless the string being passed in is already in visual ordering (that is, the result that gets put into lpGcpResults->lpOutString in one call to GetCharacterPlacement is the input string of a second call).
Note that just because GetFontLanguageInfo returns the GCP_LIGATE flag does not mean that it has to be used in the call to GetCharacterPlacement, just that the option is available.
GCP_MAXEXTENTCompute extents of the string only as long as the resulting extent, in logical units, does not exceed the values specified by the nMaxExtent parameter.
GCP_NEUTRALOVERRIDECertain languages only. Override the normal handling of neutrals and treat them as strong characters that match the strings reading order. Useful only with the GCP_REORDER flag.
GCP_NUMERICOVERRIDECertain languages only. Override the normal handling of numerics and treat them as strong characters that match the strings reading order. Useful only with the GCP_REORDER flag.
GCP_NUMERICSLATINArabic/Thai only. Use standard Latin glyphs for numbers and override the system default. To determine if this option is available in the language of the font, use GetStringTypeEx to see if the language supports more than one number format.
GCP_NUMERICSLOCALArabic/Thai only. Use local glyphs for numeric characters and override the system default. To determine if this option is available in the language of the font, use GetStringTypeEx to see if the language supports more than one number format.
GCP_REORDERReorder the string. Use for languages that are not SBCS and left-to-right reading order. If this value is not specified, the string is assumed to be in display order already.
If this flag is set for Semitic languages and the lpClass array is used, the first two elements of the array are used to specify the reading order beyond the bounds of the string. GCP_CLASS_PREBOUNDRTL and GCP_CLASS_PREBOUNDLTR can be used to set the order. If no preset order is required, set the values to zero. These values can be combined with other values if the GCPCLASSIN flag is set.
If the GCP_REORDER value is not specified, the lpString parameter is taken to be visual ordered for languages where this is used, and the lpOutString and lpOrder fields are ignored.
Use GetFontLanguageInfo to determine whether the current font supports reordering.
GCP_SYMSWAPOFFSemitic languages only. Specifies that swappable characters are not reset. For example, in a right-to-left string, the '(' and ')' are not reversed.
GCP_USEKERNINGUse kerning pairs in the font (if any) when creating the widths arrays. Use GetFontLanguageInfo to determine whether the current font supports kerning pairs.
Note that just because GetFontLanguageInfo returns the GCP_USEKERNING flag does not mean that it has to be used in the call to GetCharacterPlacement, just that the option is available. Most TrueType fonts have a kerning table, but you do not have to use it.

It is recommended that an application use the GetFontLanguageInfo function to determine whether the GCP_DIACRITIC, GCP_DBCS, GCP_USEKERNING, GCP_LIGATE, GCP_REORDER, GCP_GLYPHSHAPE, and GCP_KASHIDA values are valid for the currently selected font. If not valid, GetCharacterPlacement ignores the value.
The GCP_NODIACRITICS value is no longer defined and should not be used.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is the width and height of the string in logical units. The width is the low-order word and the height is the high-order word.
If the function fails, the return value is zero.
GetCharacterPlacement ensures that an application can correctly process text regardless of the international setting and type of fonts available. Applications use this function before using the ExtTextOut function and in place of the GetTextExtentPoint32 function (and occasionally in place of the GetCharWidth32 and GetCharABCWidths functions).
Using GetCharacterPlacement to retrieve intercharacter spacing and index arrays is not always necessary unless justification or kerning is required. For non-Latin fonts, applications can improve the speed at which the ExtTextOut function renders text by using GetCharacterPlacement to retrieve the intercharacter spacing and index arrays before calling ExtTextOut. This is especially useful when rendering the same text repeatedly or when using intercharacter spacing to position the caret. If the lpGlyphs output array is used in the call to ExtTextOut, the ETO_GLYPH_INDEX flag must be set.
GetCharacterPlacement checks the lpOrder, lpDX, lpCaretPos, lpOutString, and lpGlyphs members of the GCP_RESULTS structure and fills the corresponding arrays if these members are not set to NULL. If GetCharacterPlacement cannot fill an array, it sets the corresponding member to NULL. To ensure retrieval of valid information, the application is responsible for setting the member to a valid address before calling the function and for checking the value of the member after the call. If the GCP_JUSTIFY or GCP_USEKERNING values are specified, the lpDX and/or lpCaretPos members must have valid addresses.
Note that the glyph indexes returned in GCP_RESULTS.lpGlyphs are specific to the current font in the device context and should only be used to draw text in the device context while that font remains selected.
When computing justification, if the trailing characters in the string are spaces, the function reduces the length of the string and removes the spaces prior to computing the justification. If the array consists of only spaces, the function returns an error.
ExtTextOut expects an lpDX entry for each byte of a DBCS string, whereas GetCharacterPlacement assigns an lpDX entry for each glyph. To correct this mismatch when using this combination of functions, either use GetGlyphIndices or expand the lpDX array with zero-width entries for the corresponding second byte of a DBCS byte pair.
If the logical width is less than the width of the leading character in the input string, GCP_RESULTS.nMaxFit returns a bad value. For this case, call GetCharacterPlacement for glyph indexes and the lpDX array. Then use the lpDX array to do the extent calculation using the advance width of each character, where nMaxFit is the number of characters whose glyph indexes advance width is less than the width of the leading character.
Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional
Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server
HeaderWingdi.h (include Windows.h)
Unicode and ANSI namesGetCharacterPlacementW (Unicode) and GetCharacterPlacementA (ANSI)
See Also
Fonts and Text Overview
Font and Text Functions
Send comments about this topic to Microsoft
Build date: 7/11/2009


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