术语 | getkeyboardtype |
释义 | GetKeyboardType 语法: C++ int WINAPI GetKeyboardType( __in int nTypeFlag ); GetKeyboardType功能 检索有关当前的键盘。 参数 nTypeFlag [in] 在键盘的资料种类,检索。此参数可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning 0Keyboard类型 1Keyboard亚型 2The人数功能键在键盘上 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值指定所要求的资料。 如果函数失败并nTypeFlag不是一个,返回值是零,零是一个有效的返回值是1时nTypeFlag(键盘亚型)。为了获得更多错误信息,调用GetLastError。 备注 类型可能是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning 1IBM的PC / XT或兼容(83键)键盘 2Olivetti“保险公司条例”(102键)键盘 3IBM的PC / AT(84键)或类似的键盘 4IBM增强(101 -或102键)键盘 5Nokia 1050和类似键盘 6Nokia 9140和类似键盘 7Japanese键盘 子类型是原始设备制造商(OEM),依赖的价值。 该应用程序也可以决定一个从键盘输入键盘上的功能键的数量。以下是各功能键的键盘每个类型的数字。 TypeNumber的功能键 110 212(有时18) 310 412 510 624 7Hardware依赖,指定的OEM 当一个USB键盘连接到电脑,此函数返回的代码81。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWinuser.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll 参见 系统信息功能 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年8月27日 ==英文原文==GetKeyboardType Function Retrieves information about the current keyboard. Syntax C++ int WINAPI GetKeyboardType( __in int nTypeFlag ); Parameters nTypeFlag [in] The type of keyboard information to be retrieved. This parameter can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning 0Keyboard type 1Keyboard subtype 2The number of function keys on the keyboard Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value specifies the requested information. If the function fails and nTypeFlag is not one, the return value is zero; zero is a valid return value when nTypeFlag is one (keyboard subtype). To get extended error information, call GetLastError . Remarks The type may be one of the following values. ValueMeaning 1IBM PC/XT or compatible (83-key) keyboard 2Olivetti "ICO" (102-key) keyboard 3IBM PC/AT (84-key) or similar keyboard 4IBM enhanced (101- or 102-key) keyboard 5Nokia 1050 and similar keyboards 6Nokia 9140 and similar keyboards 7Japanese keyboard The subtype is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-dependent value. The application can also determine the number of function keys on a keyboard from the keyboard type. Following are the number of function keys for each keyboard type. TypeNumber of function keys 110 212 (sometimes 18) 310 412 510 624 7Hardware dependent and specified by the OEM When a single USB keyboard is connected to the computer, this function returns the code 81. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWinuser.h (include Windows.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll See Also System Information Functions Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 8/27/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724336(VS.85).aspx\n |
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