术语 | getmapmode |
释义 | GetMapMode 语法: int GetMapMode( __in HDC hdc ); GetMapMode功能 该GetMapMode函数检索当前的映射模式。 参数 hdc [in] 一个句柄,设备上下文。 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值指定的映射模式。 如果函数失败,返回值是零。 备注 以下是各种映射模式。 ModeDescription MM_ANISOTROPICLogical单位映射到任意单位,任意缩放轴。使用SetWindowExtEx和SetViewportExtEx功能来指定单位,方向和扩展所需。 MM_HIENGLISHEach逻辑单元映射到0.001英寸。正x是正确的,正y了。 MM_HIMETRICEach逻辑单元映射为0.01毫米。正x是正确的,正y了。 MM_ISOTROPICLogical单位映射到任意单位同等规模轴,也就是说,一个沿x轴,等于一单位沿y轴单位。使用SetWindowExtEx和SetViewportExtEx职能单位和指定的轴线方向。图形设备接口使必要调整,以确保x和y的单位仍然是相同的大小。 (当Windows程度设置,视口将进行调整,以保持部队各向同性)。 MM_LOENGLISHEach逻辑单元映射到0.01英寸。正x是正确的,正y了。 MM_LOMETRICEach逻辑单元映射到0.1毫米。正x是正确的,正y了。 MM_TEXTEach逻辑单元映射到一个设备像素。正x是正确的,正y下降。 MM_TWIPSEach逻辑单元映射到一个打印机的20点(一千四百四十○分之一英寸,也被称为“缇”)。正x是正确的,正y了。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWingdi.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll 参见 坐标空间和转换概述 坐标空间与变换函数 SetMapMode SetWindowExtEx SetViewportExtEx 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月11日 ==英文原文==GetMapMode Function The GetMapMode function retrieves the current mapping mode. Syntax int GetMapMode( __in HDC hdc ); Parameters hdc [in] A handle to the device context. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value specifies the mapping mode. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Remarks The following are the various mapping modes. ModeDescription MM_ANISOTROPICLogical units are mapped to arbitrary units with arbitrarily scaled axes. Use the SetWindowExtEx and SetViewportExtEx functions to specify the units, orientation, and scaling required. MM_HIENGLISHEach logical unit is mapped to 0.001 inch. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. MM_HIMETRICEach logical unit is mapped to 0.01 millimeter. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. MM_ISOTROPICLogical units are mapped to arbitrary units with equally scaled axes; that is, one unit along the x-axis is equal to one unit along the y-axis. Use the SetWindowExtEx and SetViewportExtEx functions to specify the units and the orientation of the axes. Graphics device interface makes adjustments as necessary to ensure the x and y units remain the same size. (When the windows extent is set, the viewport will be adjusted to keep the units isotropic). MM_LOENGLISHEach logical unit is mapped to 0.01 inch. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. MM_LOMETRICEach logical unit is mapped to 0.1 millimeter. Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. MM_TEXTEach logical unit is mapped to one device pixel. Positive x is to the right; positive y is down. MM_TWIPSEach logical unit is mapped to one twentieth of a printer's point (1/1440 inch, also called a "twip"). Positive x is to the right; positive y is up. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWingdi.h (include Windows.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll See Also Coordinate Spaces and Transformations Overview Coordinate Space and Transformation Functions SetMapMode SetWindowExtEx SetViewportExtEx Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/11/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd144897(VS.85).aspx\n |
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