术语 | getsyscolorbrush |
释义 | GetSysColorBrush 语法: HBRUSH GetSysColorBrush( __in int nIndex ); GetSysColorBrush功能 该GetSysColorBrush函数检索一个句柄找出一个合乎逻辑的画笔,对应于指定的颜色索引。 参数 nIndex [in] 阿色指数。此值对应于用于绘制窗口的要素之一的颜色。见系统颜色索引值GetSysColor。 返回值 返回值确定一个合理刷如果nIndex参数是由当前平台的支持。否则,它返回NULL。 备注 画笔是一个位图,该系统使用的涂料填充形状的内部。应用程序可以通过调用GetSysColor函数现行制度的颜色。应用程序可以通过调用函数的SetSysColors当前系统颜色。 应用程序必须注册一个不使用系统刷窗口一个窗口类。登记系统窗口类的颜色,看到的或窗口类的WNDCLASS结构hbrBackground成员文件。 系统颜色刷子跟踪系统颜色的变化。换句话说,当用户改变系统的颜色,颜色笔相关的系统自动将新的颜色变化。 画一个系统颜色刷子,应用程序应该使用GetSysColorBrush(nIndex,而不是CreateSolidBrush)(GetSysColor(nIndex)),因为GetSysColorBrush返回刷,而不是缓存的分配一个新的。 系统颜色刷子所拥有的体制,不能被破坏。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWinuser.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll 参见 Brushes 概述 Brush 函数 CreateSolidBrush GetSysColor SetSysColors 窗口类 窗口类 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月11日 ==英文原文==GetSysColorBrush Function The GetSysColorBrush function retrieves a handle identifying a logical brush that corresponds to the specified color index. Syntax HBRUSH GetSysColorBrush( __in int nIndex ); Parameters nIndex [in] A color index. This value corresponds to the color used to paint one of the window elements. See GetSysColor for system color index values. Return Value The return value identifies a logical brush if the nIndex parameter is supported by the current platform. Otherwise, it returns NULL. Remarks A brush is a bitmap that the system uses to paint the interiors of filled shapes. An application can retrieve the current system colors by calling the GetSysColor function. An application can set the current system colors by calling the SetSysColors function. An application must not register a window class for a window using a system brush. To register a window class with a system color, see the documentation of the hbrBackground member of the WNDCLASS or WNDCLASSEX structures. System color brushes track changes in system colors. In other words, when the user changes a system color, the associated system color brush automatically changes to the new color. To paint with a system color brush, an application should use GetSysColorBrush (nIndex) instead of CreateSolidBrush ( GetSysColor (nIndex)), because GetSysColorBrush returns a cached brush instead of allocating a new one. System color brushes are owned by the system and must not be destroyed. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWinuser.h (include Windows.h) LibraryUser32.lib DLLUser32.dll See Also Brushes Overview Brush Functions CreateSolidBrush GetSysColor SetSysColors WNDCLASS WNDCLASSEX Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/11/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd144927(VS.85).aspx\n |
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