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two-way alternate operation two-way associative cache two-way communications two-way simultaneous communication two-way simultaneous interaction
two-way simultaneous operation two-wire carrier system two-wire channel two-wire circuit two-wire system
TWS TXT typamatic key type type 1 batch
type 1 programming type 2 batch type 2 programming type 3 programming type 4 programming
type-ahead type ball type ball typewriter typebar type bar
type bar fulcrum type bar guide type bar rest pad type bar segment type carrier
type channel type compatibility type cylinder type cylinder typewriter type declaration
type-D flip-flop type disk type disk typewriter type drum type element
type face type font type impression control typematic key stroke typeover
type plate type plate typewriter type rod type rod typewriter type segment
type segment typewriter type size type statements type wheel type wheel typewriter
typewriter typewriter with carbon ribbon typewriter with fabric ribbon typewriter with moving paper carrier typewriter with two ribbons
typing line typing position typing speed typist's remote control UADS
U format UFP UIM ULA ultrafiche
ultraviolet erasable PROM umbral unaddressable storage unallocated logical storage unallocated physical storage
unallowable code check unapproved software unary operation unary operator unattended automatic exchange
unattended mode unattended operation unattended trail printer unavailable time unbalanced circuit
unbalanced data link unbalanced line unbalanced merge sort unbalanced modulator unbalanced (to ground)
unbind unblock unblocking unbound control mode unbound task set load module
unbound task set (UTS) unbreakable cipher unbundled unclocked uncommitted logic array
uncommitted storage list unconditional branch unconditional branch instruction unconditional capture unconditional control transfer instruction
unconditional jump unconditional jump instruction unconditionally secure unconditional statement unconditional transfer
unconditional transfer instruction uncontrolled line uncorrectable error undefined undefined character
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