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EREP ergonomics ERIC erlang erlang hour
error error ambiguity error burst error-checking and correction(ECC) error checking and recovery
error code error-coded check error/completion code error condition error condition statement
error control error-control character error-control codes error-control command error control restart procedures
error control software error correcting code error correcting system error correction error correction and detection characters
error correction code(ECC) error correction save point error correction submode error data analysis(EDA) error detecting and feedback system
error detecting code error detection error detection code error detection data channel error detection routine
error detection system error detection(treatment) error diagnostics error dump error generated
error handler error indication error interception error interrupt error interrupt request vector (EIRV)
error listing error lock error log error logger error log manager(ELM)
error log table error message error quantization error range error rate
error rate monitor error rate of translation error ratio error record error recovery
error recovery manager(ERM) error recovery procedure (ERP) error report error reset key error retry
error routine error signal error span error statistics by tape volume (ESTV) error statistics by volume (ESV)
error status word error transmission error volume analysis(EVA) ESA/390 ESC
escape escape character (ESC) escape code escape command sequence escape key
escapement escapement point escape sequence escape to CP estimator
ET1 etching Ethernet Ethernet communications system Ethernet physical channel
Ethernet protocol ETX Eurocard EURODICAUTOM Euronet
European Information Network evaluate evaluation even parity check event
event chain event class event code event control block (ECB) event driven
Event Driven Language (EDL) event-driven system event flag event flag cluster event interrupt
event logger protocol event posting event type event variable example-based programming(EBP)
except gate exception exceptional condition exception condition exception dispatcher
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