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condition conditional assembly random access device random access inputoutput random access memory (RAM)
random access programming random access software random access sorter random access storage random access storage device
random cipher random data set random file key randomized nonreturntozero change on one (RNRZ1) randomizing
randomizing algorithm random logic random number random number generator random number program
random number sequence random processing random scan random sequence random test generation
randomsequential access randomuniform number range range check range of a Do loop
range of a DO statement rank ranked matching RAP rapid access loop
rapid access memory rapid access storage rapid memory rapid storage RAS
raster raster count raster display raster display device raster graphics
raster graphics element raster grid raster operation raster plotter raster scan
raster unit rate distortion function rate of data signalling rating rating level
ratio controller rational number raw data RAW datatype RCP Network
RDB R dump RDY reactive mode read
read access read access type read amplifier read back read consistency
read cycle time reader readerinterpreter readerprinter readersorter
read halfpulse read head read in read in data reading
reading access time reading head reading rate reading station reading task
read mostly memory (RMM) read only read out read path read protection
read pulse read rate read release read reverse read scatter
read screen read station read time read verify read while writing
read/write access mode read/write channel read/write check read/write compatible head read/write counter
read/write cycle read/write cycle time read/write head read/write indicator check read/write memory
read/write opening read/write protection read/write slot read/write storage ready
ready queue ready record ready state ready status word readafterwrite (RAW)
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