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modem interchanges modem pooling modem receive-only control modem-sharing unit (MSU) modem tester
modem turnaround time mode name modern face modes of priority mode table
modification detection code (MDC) modification level modification (MOD) modified data tag (MDT) modified frequency modulation (MFM)
modified frequency modulation recording (MFM recording) modified subfile record modifiedmodified frequency modulatio (M&+{2}FM) modifier modifier field
modifier register modify modify access type modify ticket Modula
modular modular connector modular converter modularity modularization
modular programming modular system modulate modulating signal modulation
modulation capability terminal device terminal device interface terminal edit operation terminal entry
terminal environment block (TEB) terminal handler terminal identification terminal identity terminal interchange
terminal interface terminal interface processor (TIP) terminal I/O wait terminal job terminal job identification (TJID)
terminal key terminal/lightpen system terminal mode terminal modem eliminator terminal/modem interface
terminal monitor program(TMP) terminal name terminal node(TN) terminal operator terminal paging
terminal polling terminal port terminal printer terminal quiesce terminal repeater
terminal response mode terminal screen manager terminal security terminal server terminal session
terminal status block (TSB) terminal support terminal table terminal teleprocessing terminal thief
terminal transaction facility (TTF) terminal transparency terminal unit terminal user terminalhardware cost
terminalrelated MSDB terminaltable entry terminaltext processing terminalword processing terminate
terminated line terminating symbol termination termination of a block termination of a task
termination rack terminology bank termiprinter ternary ternary code
ternary incremental representation ternary notation tertiary device tertiary digital muldex test
testability test alphabetic test case test condition test data
test data generator (TDG) test editing test equipment test generator test indicator
testing testing and scoring system (TASS) testing envelope testing time testingprogram time
test instruction test lead test mode test numeric test pack
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