Redis shake实现可视化监控的示例代码

  • 一.redis-shake v4
    • 1.镜像
    • 2.shake.toml
    • 3.启动redis-shake后
  • 二.json-exporter配置
    • 1.Dockerfile
    • 2.config.yml
  • 三.prometheus配置
    • 1.prometheus.yml
    • 2.redis-shake.json
  • 四.grafana

    一.redis-shake v4
######################### Dockerfile ########################################
FROM centos:7
COPY shake.toml /tmp/
COPY redis-shake /opt/
COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN  chmod +x redis-shake  &&  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
######################### ######################################
set -e
eval "cat <<EOF
 $(< /tmp/shake.toml)
"  > /opt/shake.toml
/opt/redis-shake /opt/shake.toml
exit 0

    status_port = 8888 获取监控数据端口,部署启动时映射8888端口
function = ""
########## 过滤key #########################################
#function """
#local prefix = "user:"
#local prefix_len = #prefix
#if string.sub(KEYS[1], 1, prefix_len) ~= prefix then
#  return
#end, ARGV)
cluster = ${SOURCE_IF_CLUSTER}  # set to true if source is a redis cluster
address = ${SOURCE_ADDRESS}     # when cluster is true, set address to one of the cluster node
password = ${SOURCE_PASSWORD}   # keep empty if no authentication is required
sync_rdb = ${SYNC_RDB} # set to false if you don't want to sync rdb true全量同步 false不全量同步
sync_aof = ${SYNC_AOF} # set to false if you don't want to sync aof true 增量同步 false不增量同步
prefer_replica = true # set to true if you want to sync from replica node
dbs = []           # set you want to scan dbs such as [1,5,7], if you don't want to scan all
tls = false
# username = ""              # keep empty if not using ACL
# ksn = false         # set to true to enabled Redis keyspace notifications (KSN) subscription
cluster = ${TARGET_IF_CLUSTER}   # set to true if target is a redis cluster
address = ${TARGET_ADDRESS}      # when cluster is true, set address to one of the cluster node
password = ${TARGET_PASSWORD}    # keep empty if no authentication is required
tls = false
off_reply = false       # ture off the server reply
# username = ""         # keep empty if not using ACL
dir = "data"
ncpu = 0        # runtime.GOMAXPROCS, 0 means use runtime.NumCPU() cpu cores
# pprof_port = 8856  # pprof port, 0 means disable
status_port = 8888 # status port, 0 means disable
# log
log_file = "shake.log"
log_level = "info"     # debug, info or warn
log_interval = 5       # in seconds
# redis-shake gets key and value from rdb file, and uses RESTORE command to
# create the key in target redis. Redis RESTORE will return a "Target key name
# is busy" error when key already exists. You can use this configuration item
# to change the default behavior of restore:
# panic:   redis-shake will stop when meet "Target key name is busy" error.
# rewrite: redis-shake will replace the key with new value.
# ignore:  redis-shake will skip restore the key when meet "Target key name is busy" error.
rdb_restore_command_behavior = ${RESTORE_BEHAVIOR} # panic, rewrite or ignore
# redis-shake uses pipeline to improve sending performance.
# This item limits the maximum number of commands in a pipeline.
pipeline_count_limit = 1024
# Client query buffers accumulate new commands. They are limited to a fixed
# amount by default. This amount is normally 1gb.
target_redis_client_max_querybuf_len = 1024_000_000
# In the Redis protocol, bulk requests, that are, elements representing single
# strings, are normally limited to 512 mb.
target_redis_proto_max_bulk_len = 512_000_000
# If the source is Elasticache or MemoryDB, you can set this item.
aws_psync = "" # example: aws_psync = ","
# destination will delete itself entire database before fetching files
# from source during full synchronization.
# This option is similar redis replicas RDB diskless load option:
#   repl-diskless-load on-empty-db
empty_db_before_sync = false
# The data format for BF.LOADCHUNK is not compatible in different versions. v2.6.3 <=> 20603
target_mbbloom_version = 20603

    可部署多个 redis-shake
    {"start_time":"2024-02-02 16:13:07","consistent":true,"total_entries_count":{"read_count":77403368,"read_ops":0,"write_count":77403368,"write_ops":0},"per_cmd_entries_count":{"APPEND":{"read_count":2,"read_ops":0,"write_count":2,"write_ops":0},"DEL":{"read_count":5,"read_ops":0,"write_count":5,"write_ops":0},"HMSET":{"read_count":2,"read_ops":0,"write_count":2,"write_ops":0},"PEXPIRE":{"read_count":8,"read_ops":0,"write_count":8,"write_ops":0},"RESTORE":{"read_count":77403341,"read_ops":0,"write_count":77403341,"write_ops":0},"SADD":{"read_count":1,"read_ops":0,"write_count":1,"write_ops":0},"SCRIPT-LOAD":{"read_count":7,"read_ops":0,"write_count":7,"write_ops":0},"SET":{"read_count":2,"read_ops":0,"write_count":2,"write_ops":0}},"reader":[{"name":"reader_10.127.11.11_9984","address":"","dir":"/opt/data/reader_10.172.48.17_9984","status":"syncing aof","rdb_file_size_bytes":867659640,"rdb_file_size_human":"828 MiB","rdb_received_bytes":867659640,"rdb_received_human":"828 MiB","rdb_sent_bytes":867659640,"rdb_sent_human":"828 MiB","aof_received_offset":567794044,"aof_sent_offset":567794044,"aof_received_bytes":6614445,"aof_received_human":"6.3 MiB"},{"name":"reader_10.127.11.12_9984","address":"","dir":"/opt/data/reader_10.172.48.16_9984","status":"syncing aof","rdb_file_size_bytes":867824091,"rdb_file_size_human":"828 MiB","rdb_received_bytes":867824091,"rdb_received_human":"828 MiB","rdb_sent_bytes":867824091,"rdb_sent_human":"828 MiB","aof_received_offset":564917306,"aof_sent_offset":564917306,"aof_received_bytes":6612502,"aof_received_human":"6.3 MiB"},{"name":"reader_10.127.11.13_9984","address":"","dir":"/opt/data/reader_10.172.48.15_9984","status":"syncing aof","rdb_file_size_bytes":867661773,"rdb_file_size_human":"828 MiB","rdb_received_bytes":867661773,"rdb_received_human":"828 MiB","rdb_sent_bytes":867661773,"rdb_sent_human":"828 MiB","aof_received_offset":562834707,"aof_sent_offset":562834707,"aof_received_bytes":6615286,"aof_received_human":"6.3 MiB"}],"writer":[{"name":"writer_10.127.12.11_9984","unanswered_bytes":0,"unanswered_entries":0},{"name":"writer_10.127.12.12_9984","unanswered_bytes":0,"unanswered_entries":0},{"name":"writer_10.127.12.13_9984","unanswered_bytes":0,"unanswered_entries":0}]}
FROM prometheuscommunity/json-exporter:latest
USER root
RUN mkdir -p  /opt
COPY  config.yml /opt/

      X-Dummy: my-test-header
    - name: shake_consistent
      help: Example of sub-level value scrapes from a json
      path: '{.consistent}'
        start_time: '{.start_time}'
    - name: shake_total_entries_count
      type: object
      help: Example of sub-level value scrapes from a json
      path: '{.total_entries_count}'
        read_count: '{.read_count}'     # static value
        read_ops: '{.read_ops}' # dynamic value
        write_count: '{.write_count}'
        write_ops: '{.write_ops}'
    - name: shake_per_cmd_entries_count_restore
      type: object
      help: Example of sub-level value scrapes from a json
      path: "{.per_cmd_entries_count.RESTORE}"
        read_count: '{.read_count}'
        read_ops: '{.read_ops}'
        write_count: '{.write_count}'
        write_ops: '{.write_ops}'
    - name: shake_per_cmd_entries_script_load
      type: object
      help: Example of sub-level value scrapes from a json
      path: "{.per_cmd_entries_count.SCRIPT-LOAD}"
        read_count: '{.read_count}'
        read_ops: '{.read_ops}'
        write_count: '{.write_count}'
        write_ops: '{.write_ops}'
    - name: shake_reader
      type: object
      help: Example of sub-level value scrapes from a json
      path: "{.reader}"
        address: '{.address}'          # dynamic label
        dir: '{.dir}'
        status: '{.status}'
        rdb_file_size_bytes: '{.rdb_file_size_bytes}'
        rdb_received_bytes: '{.rdb_received_bytes}'
        rdb_sent_bytes: '{.rdb_sent_bytes}'
        aof_received_offset: '{.aof_received_offset}'
        aof_sent_offset: '{.aof_sent_offset}'
        aof_received_bytes: '{.aof_received_bytes}'
    - name: shake_writer
      type: object
      help: Example of sub-level value scrapes from a json
      path: "{.writer}"
        name: '{.name}'          # dynamic label
        unanswered_bytes: '{.unanswered_bytes}'
        unanswered_entries: '{.unanswered_entries}'

  scrape_interval: 15s 
  evaluation_interval: 15s
  - job_name: json_exporter
    metrics_path: /probe
    - files:
      - 'redis-shake.json'
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: # json-exporter地址

# labels为自定义的标签,targets为部署各个redis-shake地址
{"labels": {"env-1":"团队1"},"targets": [""]},
{"labels": {"env-1":"团队2"},"targets": [""]},
{"labels": {"env-1":"团队3"},"targets": [""]}

    到此这篇关于Redis shake实现可视化监控的示例代码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Redis shake可视化监控内容请搜索电脑手机教程网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持电脑手机教程网!