McAfee 初始化 common updater 子系统失败解决方法小结

McAfee更新失败,提示"初始化Common Updater子系统失败"的解决方法作为一名忠实的麦粉,多年来我一直使用McAfee这款杀毒软件。但最近一周开始McAfee出现无法更新的状况,自动更新和手动更新都失败,弹出错误提示窗口的信息为“初始化Common Updater子系统失败.确保McAfee Framework service正在运行.McAfee Framework service返回错误 ffffffdf @ 3”。
    我首先在Google查询此问题解决方案的关键字为 “McAfee 初始化 Common Updater 子系统失败”,找到的结果非常多,但多为如何重装McAfee的方法,其余的也属无效答案,尤其是百度知道上的问答页面,其内容简直是匪夷所思。实在受不了,将查询的关键字变为“mcafee common updater ffffffdf”,只看英文结果。查询结果第一条就是McAfee官方知识库,在那里一次性找到了解决问题的方法,不得不悲叹国人回答科学式问题的漫不经心。
    Re-Register the OLE32.DLL to Re-Populate the Registry
    To re-register the OLE32.DLL:
    Click Start, Run, type CMD and press ENTER.
    From the command prompt, type: Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\System32\Ole32.dll and press ENTER.
    The following RegSvr32 popup message is displayed:
    DllRegisterServer in C:\WINNT\System32\ole32.dll succeeded
    Click OK.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\McAfee Framework
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy orchestrator
    以上三个必须删除 然后重启计算机 重启后删除以下目录
    C:\Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Network Associates
    如果没有all Users目录,或者all users 目录下没有Network Associates 目录的,利用查找功能,将Network Associates目录删除!
    可能有用户在Windows XP SP2测试版下使用McAfee时会遇到更新失败的情况。为了解决这个问题,你需要做如下设置:
    2、Component Services - Computers - My COmputer - DCOM config
    3、找到FrameworkService,在Properties里选择Security页签,将Launch and Activation Permissions 设置为“User Default”。
    UpdaterUI.exe、shstat.exe、Tbmon.exe 、Vstskmgr.exe 、Mcshield.exe 、Frameworkservice.exe 、naPrdMgr.exe
    shstat.exe:也就是你系统栏里那个盾牌一样的图标,启动项处于注册表内.(装完重新启动系统后,图标才会出现在系统任务栏中。不过,即使没有图标,VirusScan Enterprise 仍在运行,且您的计算机仍受到保护。)
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ShStatEXE="C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\SHSTAT.EXE"/STANDALONE
    Vstskmgr.exe(Network Associates Task Manager):这个东西属于系统服务。
    Frameworkservice.exe(McAfee Framework 服务,McAfee 产品的共享组件框架):咖啡的后台框架进程,属于服务。平时关闭的话,经过我测试是不影响普通使用的,但是会影响升级,且这个进程和Vstskmgr.exe不一样,他不能自动的去启动服务,如果你调整成手动,那么你非得自己动手去启动这个服务,才能运行升级程序。
    错误1920/1923,“服务McAfeeFramework启动失败。确认有足够的权限启动系统服务.”及 “初始化常规更新程序子系统失败。确保McAfee Framework Service 正在运行。 McAfee Common Framework 返回错误fffff95b@2/fffFFBC @ 3”等。
    McAfee8.0 uninstall:
    msiexec /x {7B256F27-273D-4358-8DBE-8C910EAF8857} REMOVE=ALL REBOOT=R /q
    第二步:卸载agent: (没有使用MCAFEE EPO 的请跳过这一步)
    McAfee Common Management Agent卸载:
    "X:/Program Files/Network Associates/Common Framework/FrmInst.exe" /Remove=Agent
    删除McAfee Common Management Agent服务(删除McAfeeFramework键值):
    McAfee VirusScan服务(删除McShield及McTaskManager键值):
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Network Associates
    第五步:删除相关McAfee目录(删除相关Network Associates目录):
    X:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Network Associates
    X:/Program Files/Network Associates
    第三种说法:废话不多说,升级mcafee时出现初始化Common updater子系统失败,重装修复问题依然存在,不能解决,看图:
    一共有两种解决办法,其一是复制 FrameworkManifest.xml 这个文件来覆盖,其二是删除 FrameworkManifest.xml并重新安装Common Management Agent (CMA)
    Corporate KnowledgeBase
    ERROR: McAfee Common Framework returned error fffff95b @ 2 (issue: FrameworkManifest.xml corrupt)
    Corporate KnowledgeBase ID:     KB54520
    Published:     August 08, 2008
    McAfee Common Management Agent 3.60
    McAfee Common Management Agent 3.5x
    McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i
    McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i
    Problem 1
    The following errors occur after initiating an AutoUpdate:
    McAfee Common Framework returned error fffff95b @ 2. (FrameworkManifest.xml corrupt)
    Failed to initialize common updater subsystem
    Make sure the McAfee Framework Services is running
    Problem 2
    Subsequent errors when trying to start the McAfee Framework Service:
    Could not start the McAfee Framework Service on Local Computer
    The system cannot find the file specified
    Problem 3
    Any of the following update methods will result in the AutoUpdate error:
    Right-clicking the McShield icon in the system tray and selecting Update Now
    Right-clicking the AutoUpdate in the VirusScan Console and clicking Start
    Creating a new scheduled task
    Editing the properties of the existing AutoUpdate task
    FrameworkManifest.xml has become corrupted.
    Solution 1
    McAfee Agent 4.0
    Changes in the design of the McAfee Agent 4.0 will prevent the corruption of the FrameworkManifest.xml file.
    To download the McAfee Agent from the website, see KB54808 .
    Solution 2
    Common Management Agent
    Solution 1 - Obtain FrameworkManifest.xml from another computer:
    Locate another VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) computer where the updates are working without error.
    Copy the FrameworkManifest.xml from the following path:
    For VSE 8.5i   (running on Windows Vista)
    x:\Program Data\McAfee\Common Framework
    For VSE 8.5i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
    x:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\Common Framework
    For VSE 8.0i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
    x:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Network Associates\Common Framework
    Paste the file to portable media or network share that can be accessed by both computers.
    Click Start, Run, type services.msc, and click OK.
    Right-click McAfee Framework Service and select Stop.
    Copy FrameworkManifest.xml to the Common Framework directory.
    Right-click McAfee Framework Service and select Start.
    Update the product.
    Solution   2 - Delete FrameworkManifest.xml and reinstall the Common Management Agent (CMA)
    It is necessary to delete FrameworkManifest.xml because it may not be removed or replaced when an uninstall/re-install is undertaken.
    Step 1 - Allow VSE files and settings to be modified (VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i and higher only)
    Click Start, Programs, McAfee, VirusScan Console.
    Right-click Access Protection, then select Properties.
    Select Common Standard Protection.
    Select Prevent modification of McAfee files and settings and disable this option.
    Click OK.
    Step 2 - Delete FrameworkManifest.xml and reinstall CMA:
    Delete FrameworkManifest.xml from the following path:
    For VSE 8.5i (running on Windows Vista)
    x:\Program Data\McAfee\Common Framework
    For VSE 8.5i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
    x:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\Common Framework
    For VSE 8.0i (running on Windows XP and earlier)
    x:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Network Associates\Common Framework
    Restart your computer.
    Re-install the Common Management Agent (CMA) / ePO agent.
    NOTE: CMA is available for download from the McAfee Downloads site. See KB54808.
    Previous Document ID
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