
    第一步 安装 nis 服务器
    [root@s ~]# yum install ypserv yp-tools rpcbind
    这样就安装完成了,是不是很 easy
    NIS 服务器 IP:  主机名: www.e2fsck.org
    NIS 客户端 IP:  主机名: site.e2fsck.org
    第二步 配置 NIS 服务器
    1. 增加 NISDOMAIN
    [root@s ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/network</p> <p>NISDOMAIN=e2fsck #这里的名字要和 HOSTNAME 一样
    2. 启动 NIS 服务
    [root@s ~]# service rpcbind start #如果是 CentOS 5 应该是 service portmap start</p> <p>[root@s ~]# service ypserv start
    3. 限制IP范围
    [root@s ~]# vi /var/yp/securenets</p> <p>
    4. 添加测试用户
    [root@s ~]# useradd e2fsck</p> <p>[root@s ~]# passwd e2fsck
    5. 建立数据库
    [root@s ~]# /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m</p> <p>
    At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS
    &nbsp;servers. www.e2fsck.org is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please continue to add
    &nbsp;the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the
    &nbsp;list, type a .
     &nbsp;next host to add: www.e2fsck.org
    &nbsp; next host to add: <span>这里 Ctrl + D 这里从服务器的地址,我们这里不用</span>
    &nbsp;The current list of NIS servers looks like this:
    &nbsp;Is this correct? [y/n: y] <span>y</span>
    &nbsp;We need a few minutes to build the databases...
    &nbsp;Building /var/yp/e2fsck/ypservers...
    &nbsp;Running /var/yp/Makefile...
    &nbsp;gmake[1]: Entering directory `/var/yp/e2fsck'
    &nbsp;Updating passwd.byname...
    &nbsp;Updating passwd.byuid...
    &nbsp;Updating group.byname...
    &nbsp;Updating group.bygid...
    &nbsp;Updating hosts.byname...
    &nbsp;Updating hosts.byaddr...
    &nbsp;Updating rpc.byname...
    &nbsp;Updating rpc.bynumber...
    &nbsp;Updating services.byname...
    &nbsp;Updating services.byservicename...
    &nbsp;Updating netid.byname...
    &nbsp;Updating protocols.bynumber...
    &nbsp;Updating protocols.byname...
    &nbsp;Updating mail.aliases...
    &nbsp;gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/var/yp/e2fsck'
    &nbsp;www.e2fsck.org has been set up as a NIS master server.
    &nbsp;Now you can run ypinit -s www.e2fsck.org on all slave server.
    6. 启动
    [root@s ~]# service yppasswdd start
    第三步 客户端配置
    1. 下载安装包
    [root@c2 ~]# yum install ypbind rpcbind
    2. 图形方式认证
    [root@c2 ~]# authconfig-tui</p> <p>
    authconfig-tui - (c) 1999-2005 Red Hat, Inc.
     ┌───────┤ Authentication Configuration ├────—───|
     │ User Information Authentication │
     │ [ ] Cache Information [*] Use MD5 Passwords │
     │ [ ] Use Hesiod [*] Use Shadow Passwords │
     │ [ ] Use LDAP [ ] Use LDAP Authentication │
     │ [*] Use NIS [ ] Use Kerberos │
     │ [ ] Use Winbind [ ] Use SMB Authentication │
     │ [ ] Use Winbind Authentication │
     │ [ ] Local authorization is sufficient │
     │ │
     │ │ Cancel │ │ Next │ │
     │ │
    这里选择 Use NIS 然后下一步,Domain写 e2fsck ;Server 写IP 即可。
    3. SSH测试
    ssh 连接 用上面创建的 e2fsck 帐号查看是否登录。
    login as: e2fsck
    e2fsck@www.e2fsck.org’s password:
    Could not chdir to home directory /home/e2fsck: No such file or directory