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术语 multiplexer
释义 multiplexer
1. A device that takes several input signals and combines them into a single output signal in such a manner that each of the input signals can be recovered.
一种设备,接收多个输入信号,按每个输入信号可恢复方式(将这些输入信号组)合成单 个输出信号。
2. A device capable of interleaving the events of two or more activities or capable of distributing the events of an interleaved sequence to the respective activities.
一种设备,有能力交替处理两个或多个活动中的诸事件,或有能力把一个交替序列中的 诸事件分配给各个相应机构。
3. A device that takes lowspeed inputs from a number of terminals and combines them into one highspeed data stream for simultaneous transmission on a single channel. At the other end of the link, a demultiplexer reconverts the highspeed data stream into a series of lowspeed inputs to the host computer.The channel is split into time slots (timedivision multiplexing) or frequency bands (frequencydivision multiplexing).
一种同时从许多终端接收低速输入数据,然后转换成一个高速数据流,并在一个通道上传 输的装置。在传输线的另一端,一个多路分解器重新将该高速数据流转换为一系列低速 输入数据给主计算机。通道分为时间槽(时分多路)方式或频带(频分多路)方式。




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