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术语 index
释义 index
1. A list of the contents of a file or of a document,together with keys or references for locating the contents.
2. In programming,an integer that identifies the position of a data item in a sequence of data items.
3. A symbol or a numeral used to identify a particular quantity in an array of similar quantities,e.g., the terms of an array represented by X1,X2, …,X100 have the indexes 1,2,…,100 respectively.
用于标识数组元素的一种符号或数字。例如,X1,X2,…,X100为数组元素,则1,2,…,100 分别为其下标。
4. In micrographics,a guide for locating information on a roll of microfilm using targets,bars,flash cards,lines or other optical codes.
在缩微图形学中,使用标板、条、闪光卡片、线或其它光学码来定位缩微印刷品上信息 的导向器。
5. A table used to locate records in an indexed sequential data set or an indexed file.
6. A computer storage position or register,whose contents identify a particular element in a table.
7. A database object that enables fast,direct access to rows without scanning the entire table.An index has an entry for each value found in the table's indexed field(s), and pointer(s) to the row(s) having that value.
一种数据库目标[客体],能够实现对数据行的快速、直接存取而不必扫描整个表。索 引对表的索引字段的每个值有一个入口,还有指向具有该值的数据行的指针。
8. In VSAM, an ordered collection of pairs, each consisting of a key and a pointer used by VSAM to sequence and locate the records of a keysequenced data set or file;it is organized in levels of index records.
虚拟存储存取法(VSAM)中的一种由成对的关键字和指针组成的有序集合。VSAM用它去排 序、定位键顺序数据集或文件中的记录。它是按索引记录的级组织的。
参阅alternate index,index level,index set,sequence set。
9. In word processing,to move the paper or display pointer in the direction used during normal printout.
10. To prepare a list of the contents of a file or a document (as in 1).
11. To move a machine part to a predetermined position,or by a predetermined amount,on a quantized scale.




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