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术语 exchange buffering
释义 exchange buffering
1.A technique using data chaining to avoid moving data in main storage, in which control of buffer segments and user program work areas is passed between data management and the user program according to the requirements for work areas, input buffers, and output buffers, and their availability.
一种利用数据链接来避免在主存储器内移动数据的技术。这时,对缓冲段和用户程序工作 区的控制权按照对工作区、输入缓冲和输出缓冲的需求以及它们的可用性在数据管理程序和 用户程序之间传递。
2.A technique for input/output buffering which prevents or avoids the internal movement of data. Buffers are either filled, empty, or in use, by an input/ output device. Exchange buffering relates to distinct areas set aside for work and for buffering.
一种防止或避免内部数据移动的输入输出缓冲技术。缓冲器可能是满的或空的,或被输入 输出设备使用。交换缓冲与留给工作区和缓冲区的不同区域集有关。




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