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术语 cache memory
释义 cache memory
An extremely high-speed buffer memory device, even faster than random access memory (RAM) and usually used to speed up the flow of data from RAM to the central processing unit(CPU). Cache memory works by using an algorithm to guess what information will be requested by the CPU from RAM. It then fetches this information in advance and stores it in the high-speed cache. When the CPU needs information it looks first in the cache. If the cache memory guessing algorithm has been correct, the information will already be there and will be capable of being moved rapidly to the CPU. There are two types of cache memory: data cache and instruction cache.
一种速度甚至比随机存储器还高得多的高速缓冲存储器。它用于加快数据从随机存储 器到中央处理机的流动速度。高速缓冲器是利用一种算法去预先估计中央处理机要从随机 存储器中获取什么信息,并把它提前从随机存储器取出存到高速缓冲存储器中。当中央处理 机需要信息时,首先在高速缓冲存储器中去查找。如果估计正确,这些信息就可以迅速传到 中央处理机,从而相应地提高了计算机的运行速度。高速缓冲存储器有数据和指令高速缓冲 存储器两种。




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