释义 |
multilevel interrupt structure 多级中断结构;[多阶岔断结构] Communication interfaces and modem controllers capable of generating interrupts requesting service from the program, and notifying the program of changes in the condition of some of the communication control lines such as data carrier, data set ready, cleartosend, etc. For a dynamic communication system, the program should have the capability of suppressing interrupts and/or selectively modifying the conditions which can cause interrupts. 一种通信接口和调制解调器,能够产生请求程序服务的中断,并能把通信控制线路的某 些状态变化(例如数据载体、数传机就绪、清除发送等)告诉程序。对于动态通信系 统,程序应当具有禁止中断和选择性地修改能引起中断的条件的能力。 |