术语 | initatomtable |
释义 | InitAtomTable 语法: BOOL InitAtomTable( DWORD nSize ); InitAtomTable功能 该InitAtomTable函数初始化本地原子表和设置哈希桶数为指定的大小。 参数 nSize [in]指定哈希桶数用于原子表。如果这个参数是零,哈希桶创建默认数量。 为了达到更好的性能,在nSize指定一个素数。 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值为非零。 如果函数失败,返回值是零。 备注 应用程序不需要使用此功能使用本地原子表。所用的哈希桶的默认数量为37。如果应用程序使用InitAtomTable,但是,它应要求在任何其他原子的功能,管理功能。 如果应用程序使用当地大量原子,它可以减少需要增加一个原子当地原子表或寻找增加表的大小表中的原子时间。然而,这增加的内存量须维持表。 中桶的全球原子表数目不能更改。如果原子表已经初始化,对任何原子使用管理功能,成功InitAtomTable不改变返回哈希桶的数目,或是事先明确要求InitAtomTable,或含蓄。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 kernel32.dll 在Winbase.h HeaderDeclared,头文件:winuser.h import libraryKernel32.lib 最低操作系统Windows 95,Windows NT 3.1 UnicodeImplemented为Unicode版本。 参见 原子,AddAtom,DeleteAtom,FindAtom,GetAtomName,GlobalAddAtom,GlobalDeleteAtom,GlobalFindAtom,GlobalGetAtomName ==英文原文==InitAtomTable Function The InitAtomTable function initializes the local atom table and sets the number of hash buckets to the specified size. Syntax BOOL InitAtomTable( DWORD nSize ); Parameters nSize [in] Specifies the number of hash buckets to use for the atom table. If this parameter is zero, the default number of hash buckets are created. To achieve better performance, specify a prime number in nSize. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Remarks An application need not use this function to use a local atom table. The default number of hash buckets used is 37. If an application does use InitAtomTable, however, it should call the function before any other atom-management function. If an application uses a large number of local atoms, it can reduce the time required to add an atom to the local atom table or to find an atom in the table by increasing the size of the table. However, this increases the amount of memory required to maintain the table. The number of buckets in the global atom table cannot be changed. If the atom table has already been initialized, either explicitly by a prior call to InitAtomTable, or implicitly by the use of any atom-management function, InitAtomTable returns success without changing the number of hash buckets. Function Information Minimum DLL Versionkernel32.dll HeaderDeclared in Winbase.h, include Windows.h Import libraryKernel32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows 95, Windows NT 3.1 UnicodeImplemented as Unicode version. See Also Atoms , AddAtom , DeleteAtom , FindAtom , GetAtomName , GlobalAddAtom , GlobalDeleteAtom , GlobalFindAtom , GlobalGetAtomName ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms649064(VS.85).aspx\n |
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