术语 | changewindowmessagefilter |
释义 | ChangeWindowMessageFilter 语法: BOOL ChangeWindowMessageFilter( UINT message, DWORD dwFlag ); ChangeWindowMessageFilter功能 添加或删除用户界面特权隔离(UIPI)消息过滤消息。 参数 消息 [in]指定信息添加或删除过滤器。 dwFlag [in]指定要执行的操作。一下列值。 MSGFLT_ADD 添加消息筛选器。这容许的邮件被收到时生效。 MSGFLT_REMOVE 从过滤器中删除该邮件。这是阻挠该消息的影响。 返回值 TRUE,如果成功,否则为false。为了获得更多错误信息,调用GetLastError。 注意:邮件可以成功地删除从过滤器,但不是该邮件将被阻止的保证。更多细节见备注部分。 备注 UIPI是一个安全功能,防止从一个较低的完整性级别发件人收到的邮件。与上述WM_USER价值的所有这些信息都将被阻止默认。该过滤器,有点违反直觉,是一种被允许通过邮件列表。因此,增加一个信息过滤器允许该消息是从一个较低的完整性发件人收到一条消息则删除该邮件被接收块。 一个值小于WM_USER某些邮件必须通过过滤器通过不管筛选器设置。您可以调用此函数来删除这些邮件过滤之一,它将返回TRUE。但是,该消息仍然收到调用进程。 在进程或以下SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID不得更换过滤器。如果这些进程调用此函数,则它将会失败。 此功能影响整个窗口的整个过程的范围的信息处理。在更严格的ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(介绍了在Windows 7)的影响窗口的消息处理只在特定的窗口,并建议更安全可靠。 ChangeWindowMessageFilter是过时的ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx赞成,可能无法在Windows的未来版本中支持。 欲了解更多有关完整性级别的信息,请参阅了解和保护模式的Internet Explorer工作。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 user32.dll 在Winuser.h中HeaderDeclared,头文件:winuser.h import libraryUser32.lib 最低支持操作系统 Vista ==英文原文==ChangeWindowMessageFilter Function Adds or removes a message from the User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) message filter. Syntax BOOL ChangeWindowMessageFilter( UINT message, DWORD dwFlag ); Parameters message [in] Specifies the message to add to or remove from the filter. dwFlag [in] Specifies the action to be performed. One of the following values. MSGFLT_ADD Adds the message to the filter. This has the effect of allowing the message to be received. MSGFLT_REMOVE Removes the message from the filter. This has the effect of blocking the message. Return Value TRUE if successful; otherwise, FALSE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError . Note A message can be successfully removed from the filter, but that is not a guarantee that the message will be blocked. See the Remarks section for more details. Remarks UIPI is a security feature that prevents messages from being received from a lower integrity level sender. All such messages with a value above WM_USER are blocked by default. The filter, somewhat contrary to intuition, is a list of messages that are allowed through. Therefore, adding a message to the filter allows that message to be received from a lower integrity sender, while removing a message blocks that message from being received. Certain messages with a value less than WM_USER are required to pass through the filter regardless of the filter setting. You can call this function to remove one of those messages from the filter and it will return TRUE. However, the message will still be received by the calling process. Processes at or below SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID are not allowed to change the filter. If those processes call this function, it will fail. This function impacts window message processing throughout the scope of an entire process. The more restrictive ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx (introduced in Windows 7) impacts window message processing only for a particular window, and is recommended as more secure. ChangeWindowMessageFilter is deprecated in favor of ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx and may not be supported in future versions of Windows. For more information on integrity levels, see Understanding and Working in Protected Mode Internet Explorer . Function Information Minimum DLL Versionuser32.dll HeaderDeclared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h Import libraryUser32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows Vista ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms632675(VS.85).aspx\n |
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