术语 | oemkeyscan |
释义 | OemKeyScan 语法: DWORD OemKeyScan( WORD wOemChar ); OemKeyScan功能 该OemKeyScan函数映射OEMASCII代码通过0x0FF 0到的OEM扫描码和转移状态。该功能提供了信息,使一个程序来发送通过模拟键盘输入的OEM文本到另一个程序。 参数 wOemChar [in]指定的OEM字符的ASCII值。 返回值 低返回值的命令字包含的扫描OEM字符代码,并在高位字包含的转变状态,它可以是以下位的组合。 如果字符不能由一个使用当前的键盘布局按键生产,返回值为-1。 BitMeaning 1Either Shift键被按下。 2Either CTRL键被按下。 4Either Alt键被按下。 8The Hankaku键被按下。 16Reserved(定义键盘布局驱动程序)。 32Reserved(定义键盘布局驱动程序)。 备注 此函数不提供文字翻译,需要按Ctrl + Alt键或死亡。字符没有翻译此功能必须通过模拟使用ALT +键盘输入的复制机制。在数码锁定键必须关闭。 此函数不为这不能用一个按键类型,如使用要求死键发音符号字符当前的键盘布局,文字翻译。字符没有翻译此功能可以模拟使用ALT +小键盘的机制。在数码锁定键必须在。 此功能是通过使用VkKeyScan功能。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 user32.dll 在Winuser.h中HeaderDeclared,头文件:winuser.h import libraryUser32.lib 最低操作系统Windows 95,Windows NT 3.1 UnicodeImplemented为Unicode版本。 参见 键盘输入,VkKeyScan ==英文原文==OemKeyScan Function The OemKeyScan function maps OEMASCII codes 0 through 0x0FF into the OEM scan codes and shift states. The function provides information that allows a program to send OEM text to another program by simulating keyboard input. Syntax DWORD OemKeyScan( WORD wOemChar ); Parameters wOemChar [in] Specifies the ASCII value of the OEM character. Return Value The low-order word of the return value contains the scan code of the OEM character, and the high-order word contains the shift state, which can be a combination of the following bits. If the character cannot be produced by a single keystroke using the current keyboard layout, the return value is –1. BitMeaning 1Either SHIFT key is pressed. 2Either CTRL key is pressed. 4Either ALT key is pressed. 8The Hankaku key is pressed. 16Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver). 32Reserved (defined by the keyboard layout driver). Remarks This function does not provide translations for characters that require CTRL+ALT or dead keys. Characters not translated by this function must be copied by simulating input using the ALT+ keypad mechanism. The NUMLOCK key must be off. This function does not provide translations for characters that cannot be typed with one keystroke using the current keyboard layout, such as characters with diacritics requiring dead keys. Characters not translated by this function may be simulated using the ALT+ keypad mechanism. The NUMLOCK key must be on. This function is implemented using the VkKeyScan function. Function Information Minimum DLL Versionuser32.dll HeaderDeclared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h Import libraryUser32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows 95, Windows NT 3.1 UnicodeImplemented as Unicode version. See Also Keyboard Input , VkKeyScan ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646308(VS.85).aspx\n |
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