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术语 wnetuseconnection
释义 WNetUseConnection
DWORD WNetUseConnection(
__in HWND hwndOwner,
__in LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource,
__in LPCTSTR lpPassword,
__in LPCTSTR lpUserID,
__in DWORD dwFlags,
__out LPTSTR lpAccessName,
__inout LPDWORD lpBufferSize,
__out LPDWORD lpResult
hwndOwner [in]
lpNetResource [in]
lpPassword [in]
lpUserID [in]
如果lpUserID为NULL,则函数使用默认的用户名。 (在这个进程的用户上下文提供了默认用户名。)
dwFlags [in]
如果NETRESOURCE lpLocalName成员指定本地设备重定向,这个标志没有任何效果,因为操作系统仍然试图重定向指定的设备。当操作系统自动选择本地设备,却提示成员必须不等于RESOURCETYPE_ANY。
Windows XP的:当系统自动分配网络驱动器字母,字母Z开头指派:,则Y:,并结束与C:。这将减少每次登录(如网络驱动器号)和全球驱动器号(如磁盘驱动器)驱动器号相撞。请注意,以前的版本中分配驱动器号开始的C:和结束与Z:。
如果此位标志设置,操作系统会自动尝试恢复连接时,用户登录。该系统还记得成功的连接重定向本地设备。它不记得连接不成功或deviceless连接。 (阿deviceless连接时发生lpLocalName为NULL或当它指向一个空字符串。)
的Windows 2000/NT和Windows 95/98:此值不支持。
的Windows 2000/NT和Windows 95/98:此值不支持。
lpAccessName [out]
lpBufferSize [ in , out ]
Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the lpAccessName buffer, in characters.如果调用失败,因为缓冲区不够大,则函数返回在此位置所需的缓冲区大小。有关更多信息,见lpAccessName参数和返回值中的第ERROR_MORE_DATA错误代码的说明。
lpResult [out]
ERROR_MORE_DATAThe lpAccessName缓冲区太小。
Windows Server 2003和Windows XP中:在WNet函数创建和删除网络驱动器的MS字母- DOS设备命名与登录会话,因为MS - DOS设备是由AuthenticationID确定相关。 (一个AuthenticationID是当地唯一的标识符,或的LUID,与登录会话相关联。)这可能会影响应用程序的WNet函数调用来创建下一个用户登录网络驱动器号,但现有的网络驱动器字母查询下不同的用户登录。这种情况的一个例子是,当用户的第二个登录,在登录会话中创建,例如,通过调用运行CreateProcessAsUser函数,第二个登录的应用程序调用GetLogicalDrives函数。 GetLogicalDrives不会返回网络驱动器由一个WNet函数下创建首次登录字母。请注意,在前面的例子中第一个登录会话仍然存在,而且例子可以适用于任何登录会话,包括终端服务会话。有关更多信息,请参见定义一个MS - DOS设备名。
最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版
最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器
Unicode和ANSI namesWNetUseConnectionW(Unicode)和WNetUseConnectionA(ANSI)的
==英文原文==WNetUseConnection Function
The WNetUseConnection function makes a connection to a network resource. The function can redirect a local device to a network resource.
The WNetUseConnection function is similar to the WNetAddConnection3 function. The main difference is that WNetUseConnection can automatically select an unused local device to redirect to the network resource.
DWORD WNetUseConnection(
__in HWND hwndOwner,
__in LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource,
__in LPCTSTR lpPassword,
__in LPCTSTR lpUserID,
__in DWORD dwFlags,
__out LPTSTR lpAccessName,
__inout LPDWORD lpBufferSize,
__out LPDWORD lpResult
hwndOwner [in]
Handle to a window that the provider of network resources can use as an owner window for dialog boxes. Use this parameter if you set the CONNECT_INTERACTIVE value in the dwFlags parameter.
lpNetResource [in]
Pointer to a NETRESOURCE structure that specifies details of the proposed connection. The structure contains information about the network resource, the local device, and the network resource provider.
You must specify the following members of the NETRESOURCE structure.
dwTypeSpecifies the type of resource to connect to.
It is most efficient to specify a resource type in this member, such as RESOURCETYPE_DISK or RESOURCETYPE_PRINT. However, if the lpLocalName member is NULL, or if it points to an empty string and CONNECT_REDIRECT is not set, dwType can be RESOURCETYPE_ANY.
This method works only if the function does not automatically choose a device to redirect to the network resource.
Although this member is required, its information may be ignored by the network service provider.
lpLocalNamePointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of a local device to be redirected, such as "F:" or "LPT1". The string is treated in a case-insensitive manner.
If the string is empty, or if lpLocalName is NULL, a connection to the network occurs without redirection.
If the CONNECT_REDIRECT value is set in the dwFlags parameter, or if the network requires a redirected local device, the function chooses a local device to redirect and returns the name of the device in the lpAccessName parameter.
lpRemoteNamePointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the network resource to connect to. The string can be up to MAX_PATH characters in length, and it must follow the network provider's naming conventions.
lpProviderPointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the network provider to connect to. If lpProvider is NULL, or if it points to an empty string, the operating system attempts to determine the correct provider by parsing the string pointed to by the lpRemoteName member.
If this member is not NULL, the operating system attempts to make a connection only to the named network provider.
You should set this member only if you know the network provider you want to use. Otherwise, let the operating system determine which provider the network name maps to.

The WNetUseConnection function ignores the other members of the NETRESOURCE structure. For more information, see the descriptions following for the dwFlags parameter.
lpPassword [in]
Pointer to a constant null-terminated string that specifies a password to be used in making the network connection.
If lpPassword is NULL, the function uses the current default password associated with the user specified by lpUserID.
If lpPassword points to an empty string, the function does not use a password.
If the connection fails because of an invalid password and the CONNECT_INTERACTIVE value is set in the dwFlags parameter, the function displays a dialog box asking the user to type the password.
lpUserID [in]
Pointer to a constant null-terminated string that specifies a user name for making the connection.
If lpUserID is NULL, the function uses the default user name. (The user context for the process provides the default user name.)
The lpUserID parameter is specified when users want to connect to a network resource for which they have been assigned a user name or account other than the default user name or account.
The user-name string represents a security context . It may be specific to a network provider.
dwFlags [in]
Set of bit flags describing the connection. This parameter can be any combination of the following values.
CONNECT_INTERACTIVEIf this flag is set, the operating system may interact with the user for authentication purposes.
CONNECT_PROMPTThis flag instructs the system not to use any default settings for user names or passwords without offering the user the opportunity to supply an alternative. This flag is ignored unless CONNECT_INTERACTIVE is also set.
CONNECT_REDIRECTThis flag forces the redirection of a local device when making the connection.
If the lpLocalName member of NETRESOURCE specifies a local device to redirect, this flag has no effect, because the operating system still attempts to redirect the specified device. When the operating system automatically chooses a local device, the dwType member must not be equal to RESOURCETYPE_ANY.
If this flag is not set, a local device is automatically chosen for redirection only if the network requires a local device to be redirected.
Windows XP: When the system automatically assigns network drive letters, letters are assigned beginning with Z:, then Y:, and ending with C:. This reduces collision between per-logon drive letters (such as network drive letters) and global drive letters (such as disk drives). Note that previous releases assigned drive letters beginning with C: and ending with Z:.
CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILEThis flag instructs the operating system to store the network resource connection.
If this bit flag is set, the operating system automatically attempts to restore the connection when the user logs on. The system remembers only successful connections that redirect local devices. It does not remember connections that are unsuccessful or deviceless connections. (A deviceless connection occurs when lpLocalName is NULL or when it points to an empty string.)
If this bit flag is clear, the operating system does not automatically restore the connection at logon.
CONNECT_COMMANDLINEIf this flag is set, the operating system prompts the user for authentication using the command line instead of a graphical user interface (GUI). This flag is ignored unless CONNECT_INTERACTIVE is also set.
Windows 2000/NT and Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.
CONNECT_CMD_SAVECREDIf this flag is set, and the operating system prompts for a credential, the credential should be saved by the credential manager. If the credential manager is disabled for the caller's logon session, or if the network provider does not support saving credentials, this flag is ignored. This flag is also ignored unless you set the CONNECT_COMMANDLINE flag.
Windows 2000/NT and Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported.

lpAccessName [out]
Pointer to a buffer that receives system requests on the connection. This parameter can be NULL.
If this parameter is specified, and the lpLocalName member of the NETRESOURCE structure specifies a local device, this buffer receives the local device name. If lpLocalName does not specify a device and the network requires a local device redirection, or if the CONNECT_REDIRECT value is set, this buffer receives the name of the redirected local device.
Otherwise, the name copied into the buffer is that of a remote resource. If specified, this buffer must be at least as large as the string pointed to by the lpRemoteName member.
lpBufferSize [in, out]
Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the lpAccessName buffer, in characters. If the call fails because the buffer is not large enough, the function returns the required buffer size in this location. For more information, see the descriptions of the lpAccessName parameter and the ERROR_MORE_DATA error code in the Return Values section.
lpResult [out]
Pointer to a variable that receives additional information about the connection. This parameter can be the following value.
CONNECT_LOCALDRIVEIf this flag is set, the connection was made using a local device redirection. If the lpAccessName parameter points to a buffer, the local device name is copied to the buffer.

Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.
If the function fails, the return value is a system error code , such as one of the following values.
Return codeDescription
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDThe caller does not have access to the network resource.
ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNEDThe local device specified by the lpLocalName member is already connected to a network resource.
ERROR_BAD_DEVICEThe value specified by lpLocalName is invalid.
ERROR_BAD_NET_NAMEThe value specified by the lpRemoteName member is not acceptable to any network resource provider because the resource name is invalid, or because the named resource cannot be located.
ERROR_BAD_PROVIDERThe value specified by the lpProvider member does not match any provider.
ERROR_CANCELLEDThe attempt to make the connection was canceled by the user through a dialog box from one of the network resource providers, or by a called resource.
ERROR_EXTENDED_ERRORA network-specific error occurred. To obtain a description of the error, call the WNetGetLastError function.
ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESSThe caller passed in a pointer to a buffer that could not be accessed.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERThis error is a result of one of the following conditions:
The lpRemoteName member is NULL. In addition, lpAccessName is not NULL, but lpBufferSize is either NULL or points to zero.
The dwType member is neither RESOURCETYPE_DISK nor RESOURCETYPE_PRINT. In addition, either CONNECT_REDIRECT is set in dwFlags and lpLocalName is NULL, or the connection is to a network that requires the redirecting of a local device.
ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORDThe specified password is invalid and the CONNECT_INTERACTIVE flag is not set.
ERROR_MORE_DATAThe lpAccessName buffer is too small.
If a local device is redirected, the buffer needs to be large enough to contain the local device name. Otherwise, the buffer needs to be large enough to contain either the string pointed to by lpRemoteName, or the name of the connectable resource whose alias is pointed to by lpRemoteName. If this error is returned, then no connection has been made.
ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMSThe operating system cannot automatically choose a local redirection because all the valid local devices are in use.
ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATHThe operation could not be completed, either because a network component is not started, or because the specified resource name is not recognized.
ERROR_NO_NETWORKThe network is unavailable.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: The WNet functions create and delete network drive letters in the MS-DOS device namespace associated with a logon session because MS-DOS devices are identified by AuthenticationID. (An AuthenticationID is the locally unique identifier , or LUID, associated with a logon session.) This can affect applications that call one of the WNet functions to create a network drive letter under one user logon, but query for existing network drive letters under a different user logon. An example of this situation could be when a user's second logon is created within a logon session, for example, by calling the CreateProcessAsUser function, and the second logon runs an application that calls the GetLogicalDrives function. GetLogicalDrives does not return network drive letters created by a WNet function under the first logon. Note that in the preceding example the first logon session still exists, and the example could apply to any logon session, including a Terminal Services session. For more information, see Defining an MS-DOS Device Name .
Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional
Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server
Unicode and ANSI namesWNetUseConnectionW (Unicode) and WNetUseConnectionA (ANSI)
See Also
Windows Networking (WNet) Overview
Windows Networking Functions
Send comments about this topic to Microsoft
Build date: 8/6/2009


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