术语 | pdhgetdatasourcetimerangeh |
释义 | PdhGetDataSourceTimeRangeH 语法: C++ PDH_STATUS PdhGetDataSourceTimeRangeH( __in PDH_HLOG hDataSource, __out LPDWORD pdwNumEntries, __out PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo, __in LPDWORD pdwBufferSize ); PdhGetDataSourceTimeRangeH功能 确定的时间范围,项目的数量,如果适用,包含从指定的输入源的性能数据缓冲区的大小。 此功能是相同的PdhGetDataSourceTimeRange功能,除了它支持使用句柄数据源。 参数 hDataSource [in] 处理到数据源的PdhBindInputDataSource函数返回。 pdwNumEntries [out] 一些机构在pInfo缓冲区。收集此功能只为一个时间范围的资料,因此该值通常为1,或零,如果发生错误。 pInfo [out] 阿PDH_TIME_INFO结构,接收时间范围。这些信息涵盖所有日志文件的约束。 pdwBufferSize [in] 的大小PDH_TIME_INFO结构,以字节为单位。 返回值 如果函数成功,它返回ERROR_SUCCESS。 如果函数失败,返回值是一个系统错误代码或一种PDH错误代码。以下是可能的值。 返回codeDescription PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENTA参数无效或格式不正确。 PDH_INVALID_HANDLEThe计数器句柄无效。 PDH_DATA_SOURCE_IS_REAL_TIMEThe目前的数据源是一个实时的数据源。 要求: 最低支持client-Windows XP 最低支持serverWindows服务器2003 HeaderPdh.h LibraryPdh.lib DLLPdh.dll 参见 PdhBindInputDataSource 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月23日 ==英文原文==PdhGetDataSourceTimeRangeH Function Determines the time range, number of entries and, if applicable, the size of the buffer containing the performance data from the specified input source. This function is identical to the PdhGetDataSourceTimeRange function, except that it supports the use of handles to data sources. Syntax C++ PDH_STATUS PdhGetDataSourceTimeRangeH( __in PDH_HLOG hDataSource, __out LPDWORD pdwNumEntries, __out PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo, __in LPDWORD pdwBufferSize ); Parameters hDataSource [in] Handle to a data source returned by the PdhBindInputDataSource function. pdwNumEntries [out] Number of structures in the pInfo buffer. This function collects information for only one time range, so the value is typically 1, or zero if an error occurred. pInfo [out] A PDH_TIME_INFO structure that receives the time range. The information spans all bound log files. pdwBufferSize [in] Size of the PDH_TIME_INFO structure, in bytes. Return Value If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a system error code or a PDH error code . The following are possible values. Return codeDescription PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENTA parameter is not valid or is incorrectly formatted. PDH_INVALID_HANDLEThe counter handle is not valid. PDH_DATA_SOURCE_IS_REAL_TIMEThe current data source is a real-time data source. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows XP Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2003 HeaderPdh.h LibraryPdh.lib DLLPdh.dll See Also PdhBindInputDataSource Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/23/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372618(VS.85).aspx\n |
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