术语 | polydraw |
释义 | PolyDraw 语法: BOOL PolyDraw( __in HDC hdc, __in const POINT *lppt, __in const BYTE *lpbTypes, __in int cCount ); PolyDraw功能 该PolyDraw函数绘制的线段和Bezier曲线设置。 参数 hdc [in] 一个句柄,设备上下文。 lppt [in] 对一个Point结构数组,包含每个线段的端点和每个Bezier曲线的端点控制点在逻辑单位,指针。 lpbTypes [in] 对一个数组,指定每个lppt阵列点使用指针。此参数可以是下列值之一。 TypeMeaning PT_MOVETOSpecifies这一点启动一个不相交的数字。这一点成为新的当前位置。 PT_LINETOSpecifies这一条线是从当前位置到这一点,就成为新的当前位置绘制。 PT_BEZIERTOSpecifies,这点是控制点或结束的Bezier曲线点。 PT_BEZIERTO类型始终发生在3套。当前位置定义了Bezier曲线的起点。前两个PT_BEZIERTO点是控制点,第三PT_BEZIERTO点是终点。终点将成为新的当前位置。如果没有连续3 PT_BEZIERTO点,一个错误的结果。 阿PT_LINETO或PT_BEZIERTO类型可以用下面的值合并使用位运算符或以表明相应的点是在最后一点的数字,这个数字已关闭。 ValueMeaning PT_CLOSEFIGURESpecifies这个数字是自动关闭后PT_LINETO或PT_BEZIERTO这点类型完成。一条线是来自这点,最近PT_MOVETO或MoveToEx点。 此值是结合为一条线,或在终点PT_BEZIERTO的Bezier曲线型PT_LINETO类型,通过使用位运算符或。 当前位置设置的闭幕线终点。 cCount [in] 该点的总数在lppt阵列,作为字节数组的lpbTypes号码相同。 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值为非零。 如果函数失败,返回值是零。 备注 该PolyDraw功能可用于连续通话地方MoveToEx,LineTo,并PolyBezierTo功能,吸引不相交的数字。在直线和曲线绘制使用当前的笔和数字尚未填补。如果有一个活跃的路径调用BeginPath开始,PolyDraw增加了道路。 在lppt数组中包含的要点和lpbTypes数组说明是否每个点是一部分MoveTo的,LineTo,或PolyBezierTo操作。也可以关闭数字。 这个函数更新当前位置。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWingdi.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll 参见 直线和曲线概述 线和曲线函数 BeginPath EndPath LineTo MoveToEx 点 PolyBezierTo 折线 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月11日 ==英文原文==PolyDraw Function The PolyDraw function draws a set of line segments and Bèzier curves. Syntax BOOL PolyDraw( __in HDC hdc, __in const POINT *lppt, __in const BYTE *lpbTypes, __in int cCount ); Parameters hdc [in] A handle to a device context. lppt [in] A pointer to an array of POINT structures that contains the endpoints for each line segment and the endpoints and control points for each Bèzier curve, in logical units. lpbTypes [in] A pointer to an array that specifies how each point in the lppt array is used. This parameter can be one of the following values. TypeMeaning PT_MOVETOSpecifies that this point starts a disjoint figure. This point becomes the new current position. PT_LINETOSpecifies that a line is to be drawn from the current position to this point, which then becomes the new current position. PT_BEZIERTOSpecifies that this point is a control point or ending point for a Bèzier curve. PT_BEZIERTO types always occur in sets of three. The current position defines the starting point for the Bèzier curve. The first two PT_BEZIERTO points are the control points, and the third PT_BEZIERTO point is the ending point. The ending point becomes the new current position. If there are not three consecutive PT_BEZIERTO points, an error results. A PT_LINETO or PT_BEZIERTO type can be combined with the following value by using the bitwise operator OR to indicate that the corresponding point is the last point in a figure and the figure is closed. ValueMeaning PT_CLOSEFIGURESpecifies that the figure is automatically closed after the PT_LINETO or PT_BEZIERTO type for this point is done. A line is drawn from this point to the most recent PT_MOVETO or MoveToEx point. This value is combined with the PT_LINETO type for a line, or with the PT_BEZIERTO type of the ending point for a Bèzier curve, by using the bitwise operator OR. The current position is set to the ending point of the closing line. cCount [in] The total number of points in the lppt array, the same as the number of bytes in the lpbTypes array. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. Remarks The PolyDraw function can be used in place of consecutive calls to MoveToEx, LineTo , and PolyBezierTo functions to draw disjoint figures. The lines and curves are drawn using the current pen and figures are not filled. If there is an active path started by calling BeginPath , PolyDraw adds to the path. The points contained in the lppt array and in the lpbTypes array indicate whether each point is part of a MoveTo, LineTo, or PolyBezierTo operation. It is also possible to close figures. This function updates the current position. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWingdi.h (include Windows.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll See Also Lines and Curves Overview Line and Curve Functions BeginPath EndPath LineTo MoveToEx POINT PolyBezierTo PolyLine Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/11/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd162813(VS.85).aspx\n |
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