术语 | setcalendarinfo |
释义 | SetCalendarInfo 语法: BOOL SetCalendarInfo( __in LCID Locale, __in CALID Calendar, __in CALTYPE CalType, __in LPCTSTR lpCalData ); SetCalendarInfo功能 为日历设置的区域设置信息的项目。有关更多信息,请参阅日期和日历。 参数 区域设置 [in] 区域设置标识符指定的语言环境。您可以使用MAKELCID宏创建一个区域设置标识符或使用下列预定义的值之一。 LOCALE_INVARIANT LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT 下面的自定义区域设置标识符也支持。 LOCALE_CUSTOM_DEFAULT LOCALE_CUSTOM_UI_DEFAULT LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED 日历 [in] 日历标识符日历的设置信息。 CalType [in] 日历信息类型的设置。只有下列CALTYPE值是有效的这一功能。不断的CAL_USE_CP_ACP只为函数的ANSI版本的意义。 CAL_USE_CP_ACP CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX 该应用程序只能指定一个每次调用这个函数日历标识符。一个例外,可如果应用程序使用的二进制运算符来合并或与任何有效CALTYPE在日历类型的信息定义的值CAL_USE_CP_ACP。 lpCalData [in] 指向一个以NULL结尾的日历信息的字符串。这些信息必须在指定的日历类型格式。 返回值 返回一个非零值如果成功,或否则为0。为了获得更多错误信息,应用程序可以调用GetLastError函数,可以返回以下错误代码之一: ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR。发生意外的错误的功能。 ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS。旗帜提供的值不是有效的。 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER。该参数值的任何无效。 备注 此功能只影响用户的日历设置覆盖部分。它不设置系统默认值。 日历信息始终传递一个空终止这一职能的Unicode版本的Unicode字符串,并作为空终止的ANSI字符串的ANSI版本。任何整数允许这项功能。任何数字值必须被指定为Unicode或ANSI文本。 当此函数的ANSI版本,是使用一个Unicode只设置标识符,函数可以成功,因为操作系统使用系统代码页。然而,在字符系统代码页未定义出现在一个字符串问号(?)。 CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX可用于任何日历,日历,即使没有指定语言环境的支持。为了避免并发症,应用程序应调用EnumCalendarInfo,以确保日历是个人利益的语言环境的支持。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWinnls.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryKernel32.lib DLLKernel32.dll Unicode和ANSI namesSetCalendarInfoW(Unicode)和SetCalendarInfoA(ANSI)的 参见 国家语言支持 国家语言支持功能 EnumCalendarInfo GetCalendarInfo 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月12号 ==英文原文==SetCalendarInfo Function Sets an item of locale information for a calendar. For more information, see Date and Calendar . Syntax BOOL SetCalendarInfo( __in LCID Locale, __in CALID Calendar, __in CALTYPE CalType, __in LPCTSTR lpCalData ); Parameters Locale [in] Locale identifier that specifies the locale. You can use the MAKELCID macro to create a locale identifier or use one of the following predefined values. LOCALE_INVARIANT LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT The following custom locale identifiers are also supported. LOCALE_CUSTOM_DEFAULT LOCALE_CUSTOM_UI_DEFAULT LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED Calendar [in] Calendar identifier for the calendar for which to set information. CalType [in] Type of calendar information to set. Only the following CALTYPE values are valid for this function. The CAL_USE_CP_ACP constant is only meaningful for the ANSI version of the function. CAL_USE_CP_ACP CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX The application can specify only one calendar identifier per call to this function. An exception can be made if the application uses the binary OR operator to combine CAL_USE_CP_ACP with any valid CALTYPE value defined in Calendar Type Information . lpCalData [in] Pointer to a null-terminated calendar information string. The information must be in the format of the specified calendar type. Return Value Returns a nonzero value if successful, or 0 otherwise. To get extended error information, the application can call GetLastError , which can return one of the following error codes: ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR. An unexpected error occurred in the function. ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS. The values supplied for flags were not valid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. Any of the parameter values was invalid. Remarks This function only affects the user override portion of the calendar settings. It does not set the system defaults. Calendar information is always passed as a null-terminated Unicode string in the Unicode version of this function, and as a null-terminated ANSI string in the ANSI version. No integers are allowed by this function. Any numeric values must be specified as either Unicode or ANSI text. When the ANSI version of this function is used with a Unicode-only locale identifier, the function can succeed because the operating system uses the system code page. However, characters that are undefined in the system code page appear in the string as a question mark (?). CAL_ITWODIGITYEARMAX can be used with any calendar, even if the calendar is not supported for the specified locale. To avoid complications, the application should call EnumCalendarInfo to ensure that the calendar is supported for the locale of interest. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWinnls.h (include Windows.h) LibraryKernel32.lib DLLKernel32.dll Unicode and ANSI namesSetCalendarInfoW (Unicode) and SetCalendarInfoA (ANSI) See Also National Language Support National Language Support Functions EnumCalendarInfo GetCalendarInfo Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/12/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd374048(VS.85).aspx\n |
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