术语 | shbindtofolderidlistparent |
释义 | SHBindToFolderIDListParent 语法: HRESULT SHBindToFolderIDListParent( IShellFolder *psfRoot, PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE pidl, REFIID riid, void **ppv, PCUITEMID_CHILD *ppidlLast ); SHBindToFolderIDListParent功能 由于壳牌公司命名项目文件夹的形式规定,一个项目标识符列表相对于该文件夹,这个函数绑定到命名空间的项目,家长还可以选择返回一个指向该项目标识符列表最后一个部分。 参数 psfRoot [in]指向一个外壳文件夹对象。如果psfRoot为NULL,表明IDList传递是相对于桌面。 的PIDL [in]一个指向项目标识符列表(的PIDL)绑定到,相对于psfRoot。如果psfRoot为NULL,这是一个绝对IDList相对于桌面文件夹。 riid 编号[in]参考到所需的接口。这通常是IID_IShellFolder或IID_IShellFolder2,但可以通过目标文件夹的支持的事情。 PPV的 [内]当此函数返回时,包含了接口指针riid请求。这通常是IShellFolder或IShellFolder2,但可以通过目标文件夹的支持的事情。 ppidlLast [内]对对的PIDL参数的最后编号指针,是一个儿童身份证相对于父文件夹中PPV的返回。此值可以为NULL。 返回值 返回S_OK如果成功,或其他错误值。 备注 注意:调用SHBindToFolderIDListParent功能等同于调用与NULL作为约束范围内SHBindToFolderIDListParentEx功能。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 Shell32.dll 自定义ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h import libraryNone 最低支持操作系统 Vista 参见 SHBindToFolderIDListParentEx ==英文原文==SHBindToFolderIDListParent Function Given a Shell namespace item specified in the form of a folder, and an item identifier list relative to that folder, this function binds to the parent of the namespace item and optionally returns a pointer to the final component of the item identifier list. Syntax HRESULT SHBindToFolderIDListParent( IShellFolder *psfRoot, PCUIDLIST_RELATIVE pidl, REFIID riid, void **ppv, PCUITEMID_CHILD *ppidlLast ); Parameters psfRoot [in] A pointer to a Shell folder object. If psfRoot is NULL, indicates that the IDList passed is relative to the desktop. pidl [in] A pointer to an item identifier list (PIDL) to bind to, relative to psfRoot. If psfRoot is NULL, this is an absolute IDList relative to the desktop folder. riid [in] Reference to the desired interface ID. This is typically IID_IShellFolder or IID_IShellFolder2, but can be anything supported by the target folder. ppv [out] When this function returns, contains the interface pointer requested in riid. This is typically IShellFolder or IShellFolder2 , but can be anything supported by the target folder. ppidlLast [out] A pointer to the last ID of the pidl parameter, and is a child ID relative to the parent folder returned in ppv. This value can be NULL. Return Value Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise. Remarks Note Calling the SHBindToFolderIDListParent function is equivalent to calling the SHBindToFolderIDListParentEx function with NULL as the bind context. Function Information Minimum DLL VersionShell32.dll Custom ImplementationNo Headershlobj.h Import libraryNone Minimum operating systemsWindows Vista See Also SHBindToFolderIDListParentEx ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb762110(VS.85).aspx\n |
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