术语 | versetconditionmask |
释义 | VerSetConditionMask 语法: C++ ULONGLONG WINAPI VerSetConditionMask( __in ULONGLONG dwlConditionMask, __in DWORD dwTypeBitMask, __in BYTE dwConditionMask ); VerSetConditionMask功能 设置一个64位的位值来表示比较运算符使用指定的操作系统版本属性。这个功能是用来建设该VerifyVersionInfo功能dwlConditionMask参数。 参数 dwlConditionMask [in] 一个值传递作为VerifyVersionInfo功能dwlConditionMask参数。函数比较信息存储在这个变量的位。 在第一次调用VerSetCondition,这个变量初始化为零。对于此后的要求,通过在一次调用所使用的变量。 dwTypeBitMask [in] 阿面具,指示的OSVERSIONINFOEX结构,其比较运算符正在建立的成员。此值对应于为VerifyVersionInfo功能dwTypeMask参数指定的比特之一。此参数可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning VER_BUILDNUMBER 0x0000004dwBuildNumber VER_MAJORVERSION 0x0000002dwMajorVersion VER_MINORVERSION 0x0000001dwMinorVersion VER_PLATFORMID 0x0000008dwPlatformId VER_PRODUCT_TYPE 0x0000080wProductType VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR 0x0000020wServicePackMajor VER_SERVICEPACKMINOR 0x0000010wServicePackMinor VER_SUITENAME 0x0000040wSuiteMask dwConditionMask [in] 经营者用于比较。该VerifyVersionInfo函数使用此操作比较当前正在运行的系统指定的属性值为相应的值。 对于dwTypeBitMask比VER_SUITENAME其他所有的值,这个参数可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning VER_EQUAL 1The电流值必须等于指定的值。 VER_GREATER 2The电流值必须大于规定值。 VER_GREATER_EQUAL 3The电流值必须大于或等于指定的值。 VER_LESS 4The电流值必须小于规定值。 VER_LESS_EQUAL 调取电流值必须小于或等于指定的值。 如果dwTypeBitMask是VER_SUITENAME,这个参数可以是下列值之一。 ValueMeaning VER_AND 6All产品在wSuiteMask成员中指定套房必须在当前的制度。 VER_OR 7At至少指定产品套件之一,必须在当前的制度。 返回值 该函数返回的条件掩码值。 备注 调用此函数一次在VerifyVersionInfo功能dwTypeMask参数设置每个位。 实例 为例见验证系统版本。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWinnt.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryKernel32.lib DLLKernel32.dll 参见 操作系统版本 OSVERSIONINFOEX 系统信息功能 VerifyVersionInfo 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年8月27日 ==英文原文==VerSetConditionMask Function Sets the bits of a 64-bit value to indicate the comparison operator to use for a specified operating system version attribute. This function is used to build the dwlConditionMask parameter of the VerifyVersionInfo function. Syntax C++ ULONGLONG WINAPI VerSetConditionMask( __in ULONGLONG dwlConditionMask, __in DWORD dwTypeBitMask, __in BYTE dwConditionMask ); Parameters dwlConditionMask [in] A value to be passed as the dwlConditionMask parameter of the VerifyVersionInfo function. The function stores the comparison information in the bits of this variable. Before the first call to VerSetCondition, initialize this variable to zero. For subsequent calls, pass in the variable used in the previous call. dwTypeBitMask [in] A mask that indicates the member of the OSVERSIONINFOEX structure whose comparison operator is being set. This value corresponds to one of the bits specified in the dwTypeMask parameter for the VerifyVersionInfo function. This parameter can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning VER_BUILDNUMBER 0x0000004dwBuildNumber VER_MAJORVERSION 0x0000002dwMajorVersion VER_MINORVERSION 0x0000001dwMinorVersion VER_PLATFORMID 0x0000008dwPlatformId VER_PRODUCT_TYPE 0x0000080wProductType VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR 0x0000020wServicePackMajor VER_SERVICEPACKMINOR 0x0000010wServicePackMinor VER_SUITENAME 0x0000040wSuiteMask dwConditionMask [in] The operator to be used for the comparison. The VerifyVersionInfo function uses this operator to compare a specified attribute value to the corresponding value for the currently running system. For all values of dwTypeBitMask other than VER_SUITENAME, this parameter can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning VER_EQUAL 1The current value must be equal to the specified value. VER_GREATER 2The current value must be greater than the specified value. VER_GREATER_EQUAL 3The current value must be greater than or equal to the specified value. VER_LESS 4The current value must be less than the specified value. VER_LESS_EQUAL 5The current value must be less than or equal to the specified value. If dwTypeBitMask is VER_SUITENAME, this parameter can be one of the following values. ValueMeaning VER_AND 6All product suites specified in the wSuiteMask member must be present in the current system. VER_OR 7At least one of the specified product suites must be present in the current system. Return Value The function returns the condition mask value. Remarks Call this function once for each bit set in the dwTypeMask parameter of the VerifyVersionInfo function. Examples For an example, see Verifying the System Version . Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWinnt.h (include Windows.h) LibraryKernel32.lib DLLKernel32.dll See Also Operating System Version OSVERSIONINFOEX System Information Functions VerifyVersionInfo Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 8/27/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms725493(VS.85).aspx\n |
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