术语 | enumobjects |
释义 | EnumObjects 语法: int EnumObjects( __in HDC hdc, __in int nObjectType, __in GOBJENUMPROC lpObjectFunc, __in LPARAM lParam ); EnumObjects功能 该EnumObjects函数枚举笔或刷子,在指定的设备上下文(DC)提供。此函数调用应用程序定义的每个可用对象回调函数一次,提供数据描述的对象。 EnumObjects继续,直到调用回调函数返回零,或直至所有对象都列举了回调函数。 参数 hdc [in] 句柄到DC。 nObjectType [in] 对象类型。此参数可以OBJ_BRUSH或OBJ_PEN。 lpObjectFunc [in] 该申请的指针定义的回调函数。如需有关回调函数的详细信息,请参阅EnumObjectsProc功能。 lparam的 [in] 该申请的指针定义的数据。数据传递给回调函数与对象的信息。 返回值 如果函数成功,返回值是最后一个值的回调函数返回。其含义是用户定义的。 如果对象不能枚举(例如,有太多的对象),该函数返回不调用回调函数为零。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderWingdi.h(头文件:winuser.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll 参见 设备上下文概述 设备上下文函数 EnumObjectsProc GetObject 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月11日 ==英文原文==EnumObjects Function The EnumObjects function enumerates the pens or brushes available for the specified device context (DC). This function calls the application-defined callback function once for each available object, supplying data describing that object. EnumObjects continues calling the callback function until the callback function returns zero or until all of the objects have been enumerated. Syntax int EnumObjects( __in HDC hdc, __in int nObjectType, __in GOBJENUMPROC lpObjectFunc, __in LPARAM lParam ); Parameters hdc [in] A handle to the DC. nObjectType [in] The object type. This parameter can be OBJ_BRUSH or OBJ_PEN. lpObjectFunc [in] A pointer to the application-defined callback function. For more information about the callback function, see the EnumObjectsProc function. lParam [in] A pointer to the application-defined data. The data is passed to the callback function along with the object information. Return Value If the function succeeds, the return value is the last value returned by the callback function. Its meaning is user-defined. If the objects cannot be enumerated (for example, there are too many objects), the function returns zero without calling the callback function. Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderWingdi.h (include Windows.h) LibraryGdi32.lib DLLGdi32.dll See Also Device Contexts Overview Device Context Functions EnumObjectsProc GetObject Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/11/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd162685(VS.85).aspx\n |
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