术语 | eventclasscallback |
释义 | EventClassCallback 语法: C++ VOID WINAPI EventClassCallback( __in PEVENT_TRACE pEvent ); EventClassCallback回调函数 [不要执行这个功能,它可以在后续版本中不可用。] 实现这个功能,消费者获得特定事件跟踪从会话类的事件。 ETW调用该函数每次ProcessTrace职能过程中的事件属于事件跟踪类。 在PEVENT_CALLBACK类型定义一个指向这个回调函数。 EventClassCallback是一个应用程序的占位符定义函数的名称。 参数 控制矩阵 [in] 指针的EVENT_TRACE结构,它包含事件的信息。 返回值 该函数没有返回值。 备注 为了与各EventClassCallback类关联的GUID功能事件跟踪类IT流程,使用SetTraceCallback功能。 要停止接收事件EventClassCallback,调用RemoveTraceCallback功能。 为了处理所有的事件,本次会议产生,看到EventCallback功能。 如果您同时使用EventCallback和EventClassCallback接收事件,该事件是始终发送到EventCallback,并只发送到EventClassCallback如果事件相匹配的GUID与回调相关的类。 您使用的EVENT_TRACE Header.Class.Type成员,以确定事件的类型您收到。如果您是使用事件从自己的供应商,知道数据的布局,这不是一个问题。否则,解释的情况下,供应商必须公布他们的活动模式在\\ \\根目录\\ WMI命名空间。有关使用事件的架构财政部解释事件信息,请参见使用事件。 要求: 最低支持:client-Windows 2000专业版 最低支持server-Windows 2000服务器 HeaderEvntrace.h 参见 EventCallback ProcessTrace RemoveTraceCallback SetTraceCallback 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==EventClassCallback Callback Function [Do not implement this function; it may be unavailable in subsequent versions.] Consumers implement this function to receive events for a specific event trace class from a session. ETW calls this function every time the ProcessTrace function process an event belonging to the event trace class. The PEVENT_CALLBACK type defines a pointer to this callback function. EventClassCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name. Syntax C++ VOID WINAPI EventClassCallback( __in PEVENT_TRACE pEvent ); Parameters pEvent [in] Pointer to an EVENT_TRACE structure that contains the event information. Return Value The function does not return a value. Remarks To associate each EventClassCallback function with the class GUID of the event trace class it processes, use the SetTraceCallback function. To stop the EventClassCallback from receiving events, call the RemoveTraceCallback function. To processes all events that the session generates, see the EventCallback function. If you use both EventCallback and EventClassCallback to receive events, the event is always sent to EventCallback and is only sent to EventClassCallback if the event matches the class GUID associated with the callback. You use the Header.Class.Type member of EVENT_TRACE to determine the type of event you received. If you are consuming events from your own provider and know the layout of the data, this is not an issue. Otherwise, to interpret the event, the provider must have published their event schema in the \\\\root\\wmi namespace. For information on using an event's MOF schema to interpret the event, see Consuming Events . Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server HeaderEvntrace.h See Also EventCallback ProcessTrace RemoveTraceCallback SetTraceCallback Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363722(VS.85).aspx\n |
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