术语 | getprop |
释义 | GetProp 语法: HANDLE GetProp( HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpString ); GetProp函数 该GetProp函数检索数据从指定的窗口属性列表处理。该标识字符串处理要检索。该字符串和处理必须被添加到属性列表因先前调用SetProp功能。 参数 hWnd [in]的窗口句柄其财产清单进行搜索。 lpString [in]指向一个空结束的字符串或包含一个原子标识一个字符串。如果这个参数是一个原子,它必须已经建立使用GlobalAddAtom函数。原子,一个16位的值,必须放在低的lpString参数顺序字;的高位字必须为零。 返回值 如果该属性列表包含字符串,返回值是相关的数据处理。否则,返回值为NULL。 备注 在Windows 95/98/Me:GetPropW是支持的Unicode(MSLU)微软层。 GetPropA也支持,提供更一致的行为,在所有Microsoft Windows操作系统。要使用它们,您必须添加一些文件到您的应用,概述了对Unicode的Microsoft层在Windows 95/98/Me系统。 例如 有关示例,请参见检索窗口属性。 功能信息 最低DLL版本 user32.dll 在Winuser.h中HeaderDeclared,头文件:winuser.h import libraryUser32.lib 最低操作系统Windows 95,Windows NT 3.1 UnicodeImplemented为ANSI和Unicode版本。 参见 窗口属性概述,GlobalAddAtom,SetProp ==英文原文==GetProp Function The GetProp function retrieves a data handle from the property list of the specified window. The character string identifies the handle to be retrieved. The string and handle must have been added to the property list by a previous call to the SetProp function. Syntax HANDLE GetProp( HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpString ); Parameters hWnd [in] Handle to the window whose property list is to be searched. lpString [in] Pointer to a null-terminated character string or contains an atom that identifies a string. If this parameter is an atom, it must have been created by using the GlobalAddAtom function. The atom, a 16-bit value, must be placed in the low-order word of the lpString parameter; the high-order word must be zero. Return Value If the property list contains the string, the return value is the associated data handle. Otherwise, the return value is NULL. Remarks Windows 95/98/Me: GetPropW is supported by the Microsoft Layer for Unicode (MSLU). GetPropA is also supported to provide more consistent behavior across all Microsoft Windows operating systems. To use them, you must add certain files to your application, as outlined in Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems . Example For an example, see Retrieving a Window Property . Function Information Minimum DLL Versionuser32.dll HeaderDeclared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h Import libraryUser32.lib Minimum operating systemsWindows 95, Windows NT 3.1 UnicodeImplemented as ANSI and Unicode versions. See Also Window Properties Overview , GlobalAddAtom , SetProp ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633564(VS.85).aspx\n |
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