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prefix operator preformatting premise preprint data preprocessed macro program
preprocessor preprocessor statement prerecord (data) medium prerecording preselection
presentation layer presentation medium presentation service command processor preserve preset
preset a counter preset destination mode preset parameter presettable I/O condition Prestel Prestel
prestore presumptive address presumptive instruction preventive maintenance preventive maintenance time
prewired external circuitry prealarm preallocation preanalysis preassembly time
preediting preemphasis preerase preread head presynaptic
price description record primary primary application primary application block (PAB) primary application program
primary block primary color primary communication attachment support primary control program primary data set group
primary device primary entry point primary extended route primary file primary function
primary halfsession primary index primary index block primary key primary key encrypting keys
primary link station primary logical unit (PLU) primary menu primary modem primary muldex
primary operator control station primary paging device primary processing unit primary program primary program operator interface task (PPT)
primary PSV primary record primary register set primary request primary return code (PRC)
primary route primary segment primary space allocation primary station primary storage
primary system control facility (PSCF) primary system operator primary system operator privilege class primary task primary track
primary unit primary volume primarylevel index block primarytosecondary flow prime compression character
prime index prime key prime record key primitive primitive file
principal maintenance period principal register principal register group principle of least privilege principles of secure systems
printable character printable group print bar print barrel print chain
print circuit print contrast ratio print contrast signal (PCS) print control character print cup
print data set print drum printed card form printed circuit board printer
printer format printer hang printer operating speed printer port printer sharing
printer spooler printer terminal printersharing environment print filed print hammer
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