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address mapping address mark address modification address part address path
address reference address register address separator address signal address size
address space address space identifier address stop address trace address track
address-translation address translator addressincomplete signal ADDR function addrout file
add-subtract time add time add to storage addwithoutcarry gate a display surface.
adjacency adjacent adjacent domains adjacent link station adjacent NCPs
adjacent nodes adjacent signalling points adjacent SSCP table adjacent subareas adjunct register
adjust adjustablesize aggregate adjust text mode administration Administration Management Domain
administrative data processing Administrative Support System Administrative Terminal System ADP ADP security
ADP system ADP system security ADR Advanced Communication Function Advanced Communication Function for the NetworkControl Program (ACF/NCP)
Advanced Communication Function for the Telecommunications Access Method(ACF/TCAM) Advanced Communication Function for the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method Entry (ACF/VTAME) Advanced Communication Service (ACS) advanced control Advanced Control System (ACS)
Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure(ADCCP) Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET) advice and assessment advice language AED
affinitybased routing affirmative acknowledgement affirmative acknowledgement AFIPS after image
after image file after-image journaling after journal after-look journal after-look journalising
aged packet agenda agent agglomerate aggregate
aggregate expression Agricola Agris AI aiming field
aiming symbol airborne computer air gap airline reservation system AIS
AL Alameda Virus alarm alarm station ALD
alertor algebraic expression manipulation statement algebraic language algebraic manipulation ALGOL
ALGOL 60 ALGOL 68 ALGOL-Dartmouth algoristic algorithm
algorithm analysis algorithm convergence algorithmic language algorithm routine alias
aliasing aligner alignment alignment clause all call
allocate allocate storage allocation allocation algorithm allocation of data set
all purpose computer all rings broadcast frame all station broadcast frame Aloha Aloha alphabet
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