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CAD/CAM CADKEY CAE Caesar cipher cage
CAI CAL CAL calculated address calculating circuit
calculating operation average calculating punch calculation key(CALC key) calculator calculator chip
calculator for extensive use calculator for occasional use calculator with algebraic logic calculator with arithmetic logic calculator with external program input
calculator with keyboard and external program input calculator with keyboard-controlled addressable storage calculator with keyboard program input calculator with program-controlled addressable storage calculator with programmability
calculator with programcontrolled and keyboardcontrolled addressable storage calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic call call accepted call-accepted signal
call attempt call back call by value call collision call control character
call control procedure call control signal call demand call directing code call duration
called network service (NS) user called party called SS-user called station called terminal
called TS user call establishment call forwarding calligraphic display device calligraphic plotter
call in calling calling argument calling network service (NS) user calling party
calling program calling sequence calling SS-user calling station calling terminal
calling TS user call instruction call intensity call-not-accepted signal call number
call processing tasks call processor (CP) call progress signal call release time call set-up
call spill-over call store CAM camp-on cancel character (CAN)
cancel closedown cancel (CNCL) cancel indicator cancel key cancel status word
candidate key candidate row canned paragraphs canned software canonical
canonical schema capability capacitor storage capacity capstan
CAPTAINS caption capture carbon ribbon card
card-address backplane card cage card code card column card deck
card extender card feed card field card file card guide
card hopper card image cardinality card jam card modules
card path card punch card reader card reproducer card reproducing punch
card row card set card sorter card stacker card storage
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