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residues problems resistortransistorlogic(RTL) resolution error resolution factor resolution sensitivity
resolution wedge test pattern resolver resolving power halt condition halted processing state
halt (HLT) halt indicator halting problem of flowchart schema halt instruction halt switch
Hamming code Hamming distance Hamming weight hand-eye machine hand-feed punch
hand-held calculator handing time handle(HDL) handler Handler classification schema
handler routine handprint data-entry terminal hand punch handset handshake I/O control
handshaking handshaking procedures hands on hands-on background hands-on operation
hand viewer hanging hanging cursor position hangover delay hang-over prevention
hang-up hard card hard copy hard-copy facility hard-copy interface
hard-copy log hard-copy task (HCT) hard-copy terminal hard disk hard-disk controller
hard disk drive hard drive hard error hard error rate hard fault
hard return hard sector hard sector disk hard-sectored hard sectoring
hard stop hard wait hardware hardware address hardware assembler
hardware bootstrap hardware check hardware compatibility hardware error recovery management system hardware interrupt
hardware interrupt facility hardware language hardware logic hardware logic diagrams (HLDs) hardware operation
hardware priority interrupt hardware resources hardwired hardwired connection hardwired numerical control
Hartley Hartley principle hash hash addressing hash coding
hash index hashing hashing algorithm hashing function hash mark
hash table search hash total HDLC head head arm
head carriage headend header block header buffer header file
header (HDR) header hub header information header label (HDR) header line
header record headers and tailers header segment header sheet header statement
header table heading heading area heading character heading control
head loading zone head of form (HOF) head-on collision head-per-track disc head positioner
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