术语 | werreportcreate |
释义 | WerReportCreate 语法: C++ HRESULT WINAPI WerReportCreate( __in PCWSTR pwzEventType, __in WER_REPORT_TYPE repType, __in_opt PWER_REPORT_INFORMATION pReportInformation, __out HREPORT *phReportHandle ); WerReportCreate功能 创建一个问题报告,描述了应用程序事件。 参数 pwzEventType [in] 一个Unicode字符串,指定事件名称的指针。要注册一个可通过应用程序中使用的事件,请参阅关于Windows错误报告软件。 repType [in] 报告的类型。此参数可从WER_REPORT_TYPE枚举类型为下列值之一。 ValueMeaning WerReportCriticalA严重错误,如崩溃或挂起,已经发生。默认情况下,进程遇到一个严重错误被终止或重新启动。 WerReportNonCriticalAn错误并不严重发生。这一类的报告没有显示用户界面,该报告是静静地排队。这样可能会发送默默在后台服务器如果用户同意足够可用。 pReportInformation [中,可选] 一个 WER_REPORT_INFORMATION结构,规定了报告信息的指针。 phReportHandle [out] 句柄报告。如果函数失败,这个处理是NULL。 返回值 这个函数返回S_OK的成功或失败的错误代码。 备注 使用下面的函数来指定其他资料提交: WerReportAddDump WerReportAddFile WerReportSetParameter 要提交的信息,拨打WerReportSubmit功能。当您完成了报告的处理,调用WerReportCloseHandle功能。 应用程序也可以表明,他们希望有机会来恢复数据,或重新启动失败。有关更多信息,请参见应用程序恢复和重新启动。 要查看您的应用程序提交的报告,转到Windows优质在线服务。 要求: client最低支持Vista server最低支持 Windows Server 2008 HeaderWerapi.h LibraryWer.lib DLLWer.dll 参见 应用程序恢复并重新启动 WER Functions WER_REPORT_INFORMATION WerReportCloseHandle WerReportSubmit Windows错误报告 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==WerReportCreate Function Creates a problem report that describes an application event. Syntax C++ HRESULT WINAPI WerReportCreate( __in PCWSTR pwzEventType, __in WER_REPORT_TYPE repType, __in_opt PWER_REPORT_INFORMATION pReportInformation, __out HREPORT *phReportHandle ); Parameters pwzEventType [in] A pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the name of the event. To register an event that can be used by your application, see About Windows Error Reporting for Software . repType [in] The type of report. This parameter can be one of the following values from the WER_REPORT_TYPE enumeration type. ValueMeaning WerReportCriticalA critical error, such as a crash or hang, has occurred. By default, processes that experience a critical error are terminated or restarted. WerReportNonCriticalAn error that is not critical has occurred. This type of report shows no UI; the report is silently queued. It may then be sent silently to the server in the background if adequate user consent is available. pReportInformation [in, optional] A pointer to a WER_REPORT_INFORMATION structure that specifies information for the report. phReportHandle [out] A handle to the report. If the function fails, this handle is NULL. Return Value This function returns S_OK on success or an error code on failure. Remarks Use the following functions to specify additional information to be submitted: WerReportAddDump WerReportAddFile WerReportSetParameter To submit the information, call the WerReportSubmit function. When you have finished with the report handle, call the WerReportCloseHandle function. Applications can also indicate that they would like the opportunity to recover data or restart on failure. For more information, see Application Recovery and Restart . To view the reports submitted by your application, go to Windows Quality Online Services . Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows Vista Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2008 HeaderWerapi.h LibraryWer.lib DLLWer.dll See Also Application Recovery and Restart WER Functions WER_REPORT_INFORMATION WerReportCloseHandle WerReportSubmit Windows Error Reporting Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb513625(VS.85).aspx\n |
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