术语 | werreportsubmit |
释义 | WerReportSubmit 语法: C++ HRESULT WINAPI WerReportSubmit( __in HREPORT hReportHandle, __in WER_CONSENT consent, __in DWORD dwFlags, __out_opt PWER_SUBMIT_RESULT pSubmitResult ); WerReportSubmit功能 提交指定的报告。 参数 hReportHandle [in] 句柄报告。这种处理是由WerReportCreate函数返回。 同意 [in] 同意的地位。此参数可从WER_CONSENT枚举类型为下列值之一。 ValueMeaning WerConsentApprovedThe用户已批准的请求书。 WerConsentDeniedThe用户否认提交请求。 WerConsentNotAskedThe用户不要求同意。 dwFlags [in] 此参数可以是一个或多个下列值。 ValueMeaning WER_SUBMIT_ADD_REGISTERED_DATAAdd由WerSetFlags,WerRegisterFile,并WerRegisterMemoryBlock注册报告中的数据。 WER_SUBMIT_HONOR_RECOVERYHonor任何申请恢复登记。有关更多信息,请参阅RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback。 WER_SUBMIT_HONOR_RESTARTHonor任何重新启动申请登记。有关详情,请RegisterApplicationRestart。 WER_SUBMIT_NO_ARCHIVEDo没有存档的报告。 WER_SUBMIT_NO_CLOSE_UIDo无法显示的关键报告关闭对话框。 WER_SUBMIT_NO_QUEUEDo不排队的报告。如果有足够的用户同意的情况报告,立即发送给微软,否则,该报告将被丢弃。您可以使用非关键报告,此标志。 该报告被丢弃的任何行动,将要求报告进行排队。例如,如果计算机是脱机时提交报告,报告将被丢弃。此外,如果没有足够的同意(例如,是为同意该报告的数据部分的要求),该报告将被丢弃。 WER_SUBMIT_OUTOFPROCESSSpawn另一个进程提交报告。调用线程被阻塞,直到函数返回。 WER_SUBMIT_OUTOFPROCESS_ASYNCSpawn另一个进程提交报告,并从这个函数调用立即返回。请注意,pSubmitResult参数的内容是不确定的,没有办法查询报告完成时或完成状态。 WER_SUBMIT_QUEUEAdd该报告疫情周报队列不通知用户。 The report is queued only—reporting (sending the report to Microsoft) occurs later based on the user's consent level. WER_SUBMIT_SHOW_DEBUGShow调试按钮。 WER_SUBMIT_START_MINIMIZEDThe初始界面最小化和闪烁。 WER_SUBMIT_BYPASS_DATA_THROTTLINGBypass数据报告节流。 在此之前的Windows 7:不可用。 WER_SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS_ONLYArchive唯一的参数,该出租车被丢弃。此标志覆盖ConfigureArchive流行病学周报设置。 在此之前的Windows 7:不可用。 WER_SUBMIT_REPORT_MACHINE_IDAlways发送独特的报告,128位的计算机标识,无论与该报告提交的同意。有关其他信息,请参见备注。 之前的Windows 7:不可用。 pSubmitResult [指出,可选] 划界案的结果。此参数可从WER_SUBMIT_RESULT枚举类型为下列值之一。 ValueMeaning WerDisabledError报告被禁用。 WerDisabledQueueQueuing被禁用。 WerReportAsyncThe报告是异步的。 WerReportCancelledThe报告被取消。 WerReportDebugThe调试按钮被点击。 WerReportFailedThe报告提交失败。 WerReportQueuedThe报告排队。 WerReportUploadedThe报告上载。 返回值 这个函数返回S_OK的成功或失败的错误代码。 备注 报名后,调用该函数,疫情周报指定的数据收集。如果同意参数WerConsentApproved,它提交的报告给Microsoft。如果同意WerConsentNotAsked,疫情周报显示同意对话框。要确定的提交情况,检查pSubmitResult参数。 在关键的应用程序事件,已注册的应用程序的启动活动将重新启动。 该计算机发送的标识符的报告时, 用来发送该报告的同意,并非来自该应用程序。例如,该报告已提交设置为WerConsentNotAsked同意的地位。 该报告的提交WER_SUBMIT_REPORT_MACHINE_ID标志设置。 要查看您的应用程序提交的报告,转到Windows优质在线服务。 要求: client最低支持Vista server最低支持 Windows Server 2008 HeaderWerapi.h LibraryWer.lib DLLWer.dll 参见 应用程序恢复并重新启动 WER Functions WerReportCreate Windows错误报告 如果有任何问题和意见,请发送给微软(wsddocfb@microsoft.com) 生成日期:2009年7月30日 ==英文原文==WerReportSubmit Function Submits the specified report. Syntax C++ HRESULT WINAPI WerReportSubmit( __in HREPORT hReportHandle, __in WER_CONSENT consent, __in DWORD dwFlags, __out_opt PWER_SUBMIT_RESULT pSubmitResult ); Parameters hReportHandle [in] A handle to the report. This handle is returned by the WerReportCreate function. consent [in] The consent status. This parameter can be one of the following values from the WER_CONSENT enumeration type. ValueMeaning WerConsentApprovedThe user has approved the submission request. WerConsentDeniedThe user has denied the submission request. WerConsentNotAskedThe user was not asked for consent. dwFlags [in] This parameter can be one or more of the following values. ValueMeaning WER_SUBMIT_ADD_REGISTERED_DATAAdd the data registered by WerSetFlags , WerRegisterFile , and WerRegisterMemoryBlock to the report. WER_SUBMIT_HONOR_RECOVERYHonor any recovery registration for the application. For more information, see RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback . WER_SUBMIT_HONOR_RESTARTHonor any restart registration for the application. For more information, see RegisterApplicationRestart . WER_SUBMIT_NO_ARCHIVEDo not archive the report. WER_SUBMIT_NO_CLOSE_UIDo not display the close dialog box for the critical report. WER_SUBMIT_NO_QUEUEDo not queue the report. If there is adequate user consent the report is sent to Microsoft immediately; otherwise, the report is discarded. You may use this flag for non-critical reports. The report is discarded for any action that would require the report to be queued. For example, if the computer is offline when you submit the report, the report is discarded. Also, if there is insufficient consent (for example, consent was required for the data portion of the report), the report is discarded. WER_SUBMIT_OUTOFPROCESSSpawn another process to submit the report. The calling thread is blocked until the function returns. WER_SUBMIT_OUTOFPROCESS_ASYNCSpawn another process to submit the report and return from this function call immediately. Note that the contents of the pSubmitResult parameter are undefined and there is no way to query when the reporting completes or the completion status. WER_SUBMIT_QUEUEAdd the report to the WER queue without notifying the user. The report is queued only—reporting (sending the report to Microsoft) occurs later based on the user's consent level. WER_SUBMIT_SHOW_DEBUGShow the debug button. WER_SUBMIT_START_MINIMIZEDThe initial UI is minimized and flashing. WER_SUBMIT_BYPASS_DATA_THROTTLINGBypass data throttling for the report. Prior to Windows 7: Not available. WER_SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS_ONLYArchive only the parameters; the cab is discarded. This flag overrides the ConfigureArchive WER setting. Prior to Windows 7: Not available. WER_SUBMIT_REPORT_MACHINE_IDAlways send the unique, 128-bit computer identifier with the report, regardless of the consent with which the report was submitted. See Remarks for additional information. Prior to Windows 7: Not available. pSubmitResult [out, optional] The result of the submission. This parameter can be one of the following values from the WER_SUBMIT_RESULT enumeration type. ValueMeaning WerDisabledError reporting was disabled. WerDisabledQueueQueuing was disabled. WerReportAsyncThe report was asynchronous. WerReportCancelledThe report was canceled. WerReportDebugThe Debug button was clicked. WerReportFailedThe report submission failed. WerReportQueuedThe report was queued. WerReportUploadedThe report was uploaded. Return Value This function returns S_OK on success or an error code on failure. Remarks After the application calls this function, WER collects the specified data. If the consent parameter is WerConsentApproved, it submits the report to Microsoft. If consent is WerConsentNotAsked, WER displays the consent dialog box. To determine the submission status, check the pSubmitResult parameter. In the event of a critical application event, applications that have registered for restart will be restarted. The computer identifier is sent with the report when The consent used to send the report does not come from the application. For example, the report was submitted with consent status set to WerConsentNotAsked. The report was submitted with the WER_SUBMIT_REPORT_MACHINE_ID flag set. To view the reports submitted by your application, go to Windows Quality Online Services . Requirements Minimum supported clientWindows Vista Minimum supported serverWindows Server 2008 HeaderWerapi.h LibraryWer.lib DLLWer.dll See Also Application Recovery and Restart WER Functions WerReportCreate Windows Error Reporting Send comments about this topic to Microsoft Build date: 7/30/2009 ==原始网址==http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb513628(VS.85).aspx\n |
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