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standard form standard information standard input device standard interface standard label for tape
standard label processing standard label (SL) standard language symbol standard peripherals standard program
standard reference surface standard storage location standard subroutine standby standby application
standby block standby computer standby maintenance time standby register standby time
standbyunattended time standingonnines carry standalone standalone computer standalone data processing system
standalone dump standalone dump diskette standalone emulator standalone modem standalone network system
standalone program standalone system standalone terminal standalone word processing equipment standalone word processing system
star star configuration star network star program start bit
start data traffic (SDT) start delay start distance start element starter operating system
starter system starting time start key start of line start of message (SOM)
start of track control start option start pulse start restriction start signal
start time start topology start transition startup startup jobstream
startofblock signal startofformat control (SOF) startofheading character (SOH) startofmessage (SOM) code startofmessage (SOM) indicator
startofpulsing signal startoftext character (STX) startstop startstop character startstop mode DTE
startstop signal distortion tester startstop system startstop tape drive startstop starvation
state assignment state code state description state diagram statement body
statement function statement function reference statement identifier statement number statement number column
statement of requirements statementlabel constant state queue state table static
static allocation static analysis static branch instruction static buffer allocation static buffering
static cell memory static circuitry static control module area static CP area static display image
static dump static error static evaluation static gain static handling
staticize staticizer static linking static memory static multifunctional pipeline
static multiplex static partition static process static RAM static read /write memory
static resource allocation static routine static screen static storage static storage allocation
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