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master cryptography key master data master disk master environment master file
master file directory master file inventory master-file-update program master file utility routines master gate control block (MGCB)
master index mastering master instruction tape master I/O control block (MIOCB) master key
master key concept master key data set (MKDS) master key variant key data set master library tape master loading
master mask master mode master node master node control master processor
master program master program file update master program tape master record master routine
master scheduler master scheduler address space master scheduler task master/slave computer master/slave computer system
master/slave configuration master/slave flip-flop master/slave mode multiprogramming master-slave multiprogramming master/slave system
master station master synchronizer master system tape master tape master terminal
master terminal formatting option master time master timer master trace master unit
master user MAT match matched filter match gate
matching match-merge math chip math coprocessor mathematical check
mathematical expectation mathematical function mathematical function library mathematical induction mathematical logic
mathematical model mathematical operator mathematical procedure mathematical programming mathematical simulation
mathematical software mathematical subroutines Mathfile math package math processing
matrix matrix character matrix printer matrix storage matrix switch
matrix table matrix transformation maxicomputer maximum allowable common mode overvoltage maximum allowable normal mode overvoltage
maximum clock frequency maximum common mode voltage maximum flux maximum induction maximum justification rate
maximum latency maximum line length maximum node address maximum normal mode voltage maximum operating common mode voltage
maximum operating frequency maximum operating normal mode voltage maximum path length maximum printer lines maximum transfer rate
maximum visits maxterm MB MCP mean access time
mean accuracy mean conditional information content mean entropy mean entropy (per character) mean failure rate
mean free error time mean information content mean information content (per character) mean rate accuracy mean repair time
mean time between errors (MTBE) mean time between failure (MTBF) mean time to failure (MTF) mean time to repair (MTTR) mean transinformation
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